Don Hall

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Bienvenue chez les Robinson
Rejoignez un jeune inventeur appelé Lewis dans cette aventure dans le temps pour trouver la famille qu’il n’a jamais connue. En 2037, les grenouilles qui font du hip hop et les chiens qui portent des lunettes sont aussi courants que les dinosaures qui parlent. Le futur repose entre les mains de Lewis, mais il ne peut pas le sauver seul, il aura besoin de l’aide de la famille Robinson.


Jun 20, 1998
Jim Natter, le chef d'un clan violent du Kuk Klux Klan, est abattu. Son fils adolescent Eric Natter se trouve à proximité, et est placé sous protection de la police en attendant l'enquête. Alors que quatre policiers le conduisent dans une maison sûre, ils sont pris en embuscade. Trois d'entre eux sont abattus, y compris le sous-chef Lawrence, et son partenaire noir Jerry Robinson est accusé des meurtres.
La Princesse et la Grenouille
Cette version moderne d’un conte classique par Walt Disney Animation Studios a pour héroïne la jolie Tiana, qui rêve d’avoir son propre restaurant. Alors qu’elle rencontre un prince-grenouille désespéré de reprendre forme humaine, un baiser fatidique les entraîne tous deux dans une folle aventure au cours de laquelle le vilain magicien vaudou Dr Facilier les poursuit à travers les mystiques bayous de Louisiane.
Al Tudi Tuhak

Al Tudi Tuhak

May 01, 1999
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.
La Princesse et la Grenouille
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.


Jul 09, 2026
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.
Vaiana, la légende du bout du monde
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.
Les Nouveaux Héros

Les Nouveaux Héros

Oct 24, 2014
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.
Raya et le Dernier Dragon
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.


Jun 18, 1999
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.
Raya et le Dernier Dragon
The film, Al Tudi Tuhak, is a creation story inspired by the art and mythology of the Northwest coast people. The story involves the creator, or "The Great Father" as he whittles the world into existence. Each of his wood shavings became fish, trees, birds,... even the sun and moon.

Jun 29, 2022

Retour dans la ville imaginaire de San Fransokyo, où l’imposant robot gonflable Baymax, compagnon de santé personnel, s’efforce d’accomplir sa mission : aider et soigner les gens.