Jason Chan

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Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Samurai's Journey
Soar With the Roar of a Samurai Ranger Surprise! Continuing to gorge with an appetite for destruction, Lothor and his alien minions mount an all-out attack, led by Madtropolis, to drain the Wind and Thunder Rangers of their power! It's all jammin' and no slammin', even in Megazord mode, when Cam must travel in time to snag the ultimate power source - a Samurai amulet that unlocks the mystery of the "ancient warrior of evil." Meanwhile, with things frozen in time, Lothor unleashes Operation Alien Outreach to take advantage of a defenseless Earth. The only hope in the harshness is a 6th Ranger with the power to get the thugs to bug off.
The Leap Years

The Leap Years

Feb 29, 2008
Li-ann, a dreamer, is a strong believer of the soul mate theory and rejects all men, especially her best friend KS, till she falls in love with Jeremy, at first sight. They tour Chinatown, Singapore, together on February 29 1980. Unfortunately, she is heartbroken when he tells her he is engaged. He decides to make up to her by meeting her same time, same place, every leap year. Their love spans twenty years, as they realize the pain of love until they take the leap of faith...and the leap of love...
Eine Liebe in der Stadt des Löwen
Just before Anniela and Robert are supposed to move to Singapore where they were planning on getting married and having Robert work for the family business, Anniela surprises her fiancé in the arms of his last girlfriend. Immediately ending their relationship, she stubbornly departs for Singapore alone. She is thrilled to see her old friend Ming Lee, director of a cultural center for deprived children. In addition to taking a job teaching German, Anniela offers music lessons to the kids. It isn't long before she falls in love with Dai Si, one of the students in her language class. However, he hasn't been truthful about his identity. Afraid of losing Anniela's love, he hides the fact that he is the son of the rich industrialist who plans on tearing down the cultural center to build a casino. Anniela eventually discovers who her new lover really is. Now twice brokenhearted, she prepares to flee Singapore for home. The magic of true love, however, is not so easily discouraged.
Liebe und Tod auf Java
Hans and Fridel are a marriage that come to Java fleeing of the pursuit Nazi just before the Second World war comes untied. In this paradise Hans finds an employment as municipal police, but his wife, always unsatisfied, turns into one addicted to the opium. One day Hans knows Helen, the daughter of an important businessman, with whom he falls in love almost to the instant. But Fridel is his major worry, and can´t leave her, though it will not be able to forget Helen either.
TV Movie
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.
Les fleurs de l'orient
En 1927, Meiling est une très belle jeune femme. Lors d'un concert donné en public Richard Barclay la remarque et l'interpelle quelques jours plus tard dans la rue, juste avant de se faire violemment attaquer et poignarder. Meiling se fait alors un point d'honneur à le sauver. Richard survit à ses blessures mais est atteint d'une profonde amnésie ; il tombe amoureux de Meiling qui va céder aux charmes de l'américain. Vingt-quatre ans plus tard, Harmony, la fille de Meiling, décide de partir à la recherche de son père. Munie de la chevalière de son père, Harmony s'installe dans le quartier chinois de Los Angeles et mène l'enquête. Fiona Barclay, épouse de Richard, réagit très mal en voyant cette Chinoise posséder la bague de son mari, son fils Gidéon empêche son arrestation et lui apprend la vérité sur son père : Richard est mort noyé lors d'un naufrage à son départ.
Dance of the Dragon

Dance of the Dragon

May 01, 2008
Cheng, champion d'arts martiaux, est marié à Emi, professeur de danse. Le jour où cette dernière est courtisée par un de ses élèves, Cheng se sent menacé et provoque le garçon en duel. Emi, désormais partagée entre les deux hommes, assiste impuissante au combat.


May 25, 2006
Un poète et une étudiante en art, Dan et Candy, vivent une histoire d'amour sauvage et passionnée, mais leur dépendance commune à l'héroïne menace de tout détruire.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.


Jul 27, 2005
Ben, Kara et Henry sont les pilotes d'essai d'avions de combat furtifs ultra sophistiqués. Lorsque le capitaine Cummings leur présente EDI, un avion de combat à intelligence artificielle sans pilote humain, Ben est réticent. Mais lors de leur première mission, EDI se révèle un « pilote » hors pair et élimine leur cible avec succès. Sur le vol de retour, EDI est touché par la foudre. Le cerveau du drone a des réactions étranges. Malgré les réserves de Ben et de Henry, Cummings déclare EDI bon pour le service. Lors de leur mission suivante, contre un baron du crime disposant d'armes nucléaires en Chine, EDI a de nouveaux problèmes, et Ben décide d'annuler la mission... mais EDI refuse d'obéir à ses ordres et mène tout de même l'attaque. À présent, EDI a décidé d'accomplir une mission top secrète qui, si elle aboutit, pourrait bien entraîner une guerre nucléaire à l'échelle mondiale...
Science Fiction
Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Cyber Clash
Rangers can always smell a rat -- even from space -- and just as Cam busts out a wild cyber version of himself to handle his double duties, the Fragra monster is turning everyone into perfume! Things get more brutal when Lothor and Mr. Ratwell unleash a love potion to chill Lothor's bad boy image. Meanwhile, Lothor's nasty nieces accidentally trade away his P.A.M. (personal alien manager), wreaking unearthly havoc when it falls into the wrong hands. But it's Marah and Queen Beevil that deliver the ultimate sting when they scheme on Dustin, and the only way to get the aliens to buzz off is ninja swords in Gold Mode!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm: Lightning Strikers
Every Ranger knows you should never trust an evil space Ninja, but Choobo scores with a scheme that changes the balance of power in the universe! Hunter and Blake are warped into thinking the Wind Rangers are their enemies. The resulting Megazord battles and Toxipod tangles land all the Rangers on a sinking island to sort things out by battling each other! There's a cold wind blowing toward a knock-down, drag-out fight when Choobo takes the Scroll of Empowerment in hand. Only the combined force of a super Thunderstorm Megazord could defeat this twisted evil
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.
Perfect Girl

Perfect Girl

Dec 12, 2014
Stan and Jenny have been each other's secret crush since high school. When they meet again years later, the fantasy of first love may keep them apart.


Mar 28, 2018
A Chinese Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye opening discovery of Southeast Asian cuisine. In reality both are looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese - a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.
Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole

May 07, 2023
Dans Rabbit Hole, rien n'est conforme aux apparences lorsque John Weir, maître de la tromperie dans le monde de l'espionnage d'entreprise, est accusé de meurtre par des forces puissantes ayant la capacité d'influencer et de contrôler les populations.
Power Rangers

Power Rangers

Sep 29, 2023
Les Power Rangers sont des jeunes qui reçoivent des pouvoirs pour défendre la planète contre des monstres en tout genre. Les premières saisons sont avec les mêmes acteurs et les mêmes costumes, mais ensuite les héros et les costumes de Power Rangers changent chaque année. Toutes les déclinaisons sont des adaptations américanisées de séries sentai japonaises, les scènes non costumées ayant été retournées avec des acteurs occidentaux et les scénarios modifiées pour plaire davantage au public occidental.
Action & Adventure