David Fultz

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Drifter TKD

Drifter TKD

May 31, 2008
Jesse Tyler, a martial arts enthusiast who lives in Los Angeles, California, and enjoys success in local karate competitions, faces turmoil in his life as a young business executive. The only child in a wealthy family, he has always been pressured to succeed in every aspect of his life.
My Bloody Wedding

My Bloody Wedding

Aug 20, 2010
Doug, a dorky young mamma's boy, who is about to get married to his beautiful bride, Callista, when he notices a change come over her. He catches her sneaking around at night and lying to him, and she's begun to display flu-like symptoms. So naturally Doug thinks she caught a disease while cheating on him. In reality she has become possessed via an ancient stone and she's been eating his friends and family without him knowing.
The Dark Knight : Le Chevalier noir
Batman aborde une phase décisive de sa guerre contre le crime à Gotham City. Avec l'aide du lieutenant de police Jim Gordon et du nouveau procureur Harvey Dent, il entreprend de démanteler les dernières organisations criminelles qui infestent les rues de la ville. L'association s'avère efficace, mais le trio se heurte bientôt à un nouveau génie du crime qui répand la terreur et le chaos dans Gotham : le Joker. On ne sait pas d'où il vient ni qui il est. Ce criminel possède une intelligence redoutable doublé d'un humour sordide et n'hésite pas à s'attaquer à la pègre locale dans le seul but de semer le chaos.
Mountain Mafia

Mountain Mafia

Oct 01, 2010
In the rolling landscape of Appalachia, beauty resides within each valley and atop the crest of each hill. But under the surface of this delicate veneer, a treacherous underbelly lies. A world stricken with drugs, guns, money, and the Mountain Mafia rules all.
Into the Woods

Into the Woods

Oct 13, 2006
A group of young adults decide they want to go camping in the woods to get away from the hustle and bustle of life. John and Kevin discover that all Ohio State Parks are closed until further notice due to the sudden disappearance of a hunter close to home. Is this missing hunter connected to a rash of murders just 60 miles north recently? Undaunted and without worry, they redirect their trip and ladies to another location in the woods, while keeping the reason hidden from the women. While settling in they come across another group of individuals who are in the woods to party. As the moon starts to rise, so does the death count as each of member of these groups comes to meet a faceless killer!
Dark Waters

Dark Waters

Nov 22, 2019
Robert Bilott est un avocat spécialisé dans la défense des industries chimiques. Interpellé par un paysan, voisin de sa grand-mère, il va découvrir que la campagne idyllique de son enfance est empoisonnée par une usine du puissant groupe chimique DuPont, premier employeur de la région. Afin de faire éclater la vérité sur la pollution mortelle due aux rejets toxiques de l’usine, il va risquer sa carrière, sa famille, et même sa propre vie...