Garasim Vasilev

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Apr 16, 2015
It happened in the sixties, during the political thaw in the Soviet Union... but our story unfolds in the coldest terrain of the country. It was an unexplored and unbeaten terrain of boundless ice-field and forbidding rocks. This was the proper place for real men and real romantics. Our story is about the geologists prospecting gold in the Extreme North.
Джулур: мас-рестлинг
Dzhulur is a young guy who, after serving in the army, returned to his native village in Yakutia. Here he lives with his old grandmother and little sister Kyunnei. By chance, Julur finds himself at the Ysyakh celebration, where he accidentally takes part in competitions and discovers the talent of a mas-wrestler in himself. But the sudden death of her grandmother crosses out all plans for the future. The sister is taken away by the guardianship authorities, because Julur has neither parental rights nor a permanent job. Kyunnei is sent to an orphanage, and their housing is taken away by debt collectors. In search of Kunney and a permanent job, Julur goes to Yakutsk, where the largest mas-wrestling championship in the Republic is to take place in the near future. Julur has a purpose, and now, in order for the family to be together again, he will have to go through tremendous trials on the way to victory!


Dec 09, 2009
Sergueï est un Évène, ces nomades éleveurs de rennes qui vivent dans les montagnes de Sibérie orientale. A l'âge de 16 ans, Sergueï est nommé gardien de la grande harde du clan de Batagaï. Ce clan - dont le chef n'est autre que son père - est composé de quatre familles et de leur harde de 3000 rennes qu'ils conduisent d'un alpage à l'autre au gré des saisons. Dans cette immensité, le loup rôde et menace en permanence les rennes ; unique richesse et fierté des Évènes. Dès son plus jeune âge, Sergueï a appris à chasser et abattre les loups sans état d'âme. Jusqu'au jour où sa rencontre avec une louve et ses quatre adorables louveteaux va bouleverser toutes ses certitudes...


Sep 21, 2023
Dina is a successful business woman, she has everything: carrier, money, family. But her life turned around when her private helicopter crashed in vast expanses of snowing taiga. She miraculously survived. The nomadic tribe whose life has not changed for centuries finds her. Now she will have to fit in. But does she have any chance to get back home or is she lost in the north forever?


Sep 08, 2015
Due to a violent misunderstanding a young member of a criminal syndicate is torn away from familiar grounds of urban underworld and thrown into unwelcoming wilderness of Siberian taiga. Vast and virtually uninhabited, it provides little distinction between past and present, reality and myth. He must face the ghosts of the past and shadows of the present, and rediscover himself and his destiny, however shattering and unwanted it may be.