A horror story exploring the internal nightmare that unfolds when a young woman is forced to confront that her life, her destiny, and her very own body, can be forcibly taken from her.
Six unrelated people must push through their past and the mob underworld to discover what has controlled each of them all these years. Sex, Drugs, Guns and God have created a series of events which will leave each of them changed forever.
The story of two lost souls who find one another in the most unlikely place. This chance meeting holds the opportunity to see life from a different perspective and the promise of change.
Shot on glorious 35mm film stock, this film stars Betsey Brown in a daring and challenging performance as a young Jewish woman struggling with her lack of agency in a powerful and problematic family. Her performance is understated, yet challenging. Whether you are Jewish, Muslim, or something in between, you will find meaning, logic puzzles, and further challenges in this startling and inventive short film.
Fils de magistrat, Hank Palmer, grand avocat, revient dans la petite ville de son enfance, où son père, qu'il n'a pas revu depuis longtemps, est soupçonné de meurtre. Il décide alors de mener l'enquête pour découvrir la vérité et, chemin faisant, renoue avec sa famille avec laquelle il avait pris ses distances …
Dans les années 1980, un professionnel de l'escroquerie est recruté par le FBI pour mettre à mal le système de corruption qui ronge le Congrès. D'après une histoire vraie.
Dusty et Brad unissent leurs forces pour donner le meilleur Noël possible aux enfants. Mais un jour, leurs propres pères débarquent, un gros macho et un hyper-émotif, et les vacances se transforment en véritable chaos.
Set over the course of a single evening at the Reynolds’ family home in Connecticut, Clara, fed up with the constant ribbing from her self-absorbed showbiz family, finds solace in and guidance from the supernatural force she believes is haunting her.
A hit-man cleaner decides that he has finished erasing his final crime scene and plans to disappear.
Aug 15, 2022
2022 min1 vues
A web-series sitcom about three women who have endured harsh times through marriages, family and societal issues bonding through a love of cooking to seize the opportunity of owning a small café. Because of their own personal circumstances and those of the people they find themselves interacting with, the Over Easy Courthouse Café becomes a center for comedic and sometimes disastrous situations.