Pattarabut Kiennukul

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Petit à petit

Petit à petit

Jul 11, 2023
Pat vient de rentrer de Los Angeles, où il étudiait pour progresser dans le monde des affaires. Il espère trouver un emploi qui lui permette de mettre en valeur ses talents professionnels. C'est ce qu'il pense avoir trouvé lorsqu'il décroche un emploi dans une entreprise de marketing numérique. Mais le réveil est brutal lorsqu'il rencontre Jeng, le fils du propriétaire de l'entreprise, qui est aussi son nouveau responsable. Les choses commencent très mal poureux lorsque Pat renverse un verre sur les chaussures de Jeng, sans savoir qu'il s'agit de son patron ! Il apprend très vite que son responsable est connu comme une personne avec qui il est très difficile de travailler. Mais il s'avère que Jeng s'est entiché de Pat, même si il fait de son mieux pour cacher ses émotions en étant très strict avec le nouvel employé. Pat peut-il se faire un nom dans sa nouvelle entreprise ? A-t-il aussi des sentiments pour son nouveau patron plutôt strict?
When a junior woos Vee's friend, Vee, swearing to love only one in life, has to cut ties with Mark. But God plays a joke on them and something happened between Vee and Mark. Mark chooses to tuck away and draws an end to it. However, Vee doesn't want an end with Mark. Mark himself loves Vee although he knows Vee has a beloved girlfriend. Will the love between them make it? When will the awkwardness break out? What will Vee do?


Jan 29, 2021
Type est étudiant en première année à la fac ; brun, grand et beau. Il fait la connaissance de son colocataire, Tharn, avec qui le contact passe tout de suite. Cependant, très vite, Type découvre l'orientation sexuelle de ce dernier et entame tout un stratagème pour le faire déménager. Tharn, n'ayant point honte, refuse de partir. Entre un homophobe et un homosexuel, qui doivent partager un petit espace ensemble pour le reste de l'année, quel peut être le résultat de leur histoire ? La haine ? Ou peut-être le revirement à l'amour ?
Paint with love

Paint with love

Feb 11, 2022
L'histoire suit Phap, un peintre abstrait engagé par le propriétaire d'une agence médiatique, Maze, pour réaliser un tableau lors du mariage d'une célébrité. Après un accident désastreux, Phap va commencer à travailler pour Maze pour payer ses dettes. Ce qui commence comme une relation travailleur/employeur pas si amicale évolue rapidement vers quelque chose de plus...
An angel is forced down to earth with the condition that if he pairs up 3 hundred thousand couples he can return to heaven. When he’s down to his last 4 couples he gets assigned his last task, to pair up 4 sisters with their fated partners within 3 months or else be banished to earth for eternity, but as he starts to progress through his final task he finds himself falling for one of the sisters.
A story of greed, lust and capriciousness, of people who don't consider the consequences of their actions until it's too late. Priao is young and spoiled with role-model parents. She's an unrepentant partier but she's faithful. Aon has grown up with the weight of her parent's hopes on her shoulders. They want to see her elevated in society with a wealthy, appropriate partner. One looks wicked, another looks put-together and sweet, just as she would have it.
Songpao is a wealthy city guy that likes wildlife and outdoors. He is best friends with Mewadee's father, who lives in a small village in the forest. One day, Songpao goes into the forest to camp with Mewadee's father, who ends up being killed by a tiger. Before he dies, he asks Songpao to take his daughter to the city and take care of her. However, things don't go as planned because Songpao has a fiance named Wan, who is always picking on Mewadee behind his back, and it gets worse when Songpao falls for Mewadee.
Every year, LP Paradise Hotel will accept only 10 internships from universities throughout the country in the "Hotel Stars" project, and 2 out of 10 will have the opportunity to receive outstanding internships. They will be placed as hotel staff immediately after the internship is complete and will be given a salary. High service charges and outstanding students will also have a chance to study hotel trips abroad. This year, the selected students, Akarotonpong, Kinteeyanuk, Ying K and Valen, all ten will be divided into groups. To switch internships in three missions, namely kitchen work, housewife work, and reception work. Including a special mission as well. Can all ten interns pass the Arahan checkpoint like the management team and supervisors to become an excellent intern? How about the relationship that Erung Tung Nang between them will be a hindrance to this competition?