Thomas Dolby

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Roger Waters - The Wall, Live in Berlin
The Wall Live in Berlin est un album live de Roger Waters enregistré lors du concert donné sur la Potsdamer Platz le 21 juillet 1990 pour commémorer la chute du mur de Berlin. Il réunit pléthore d'invités, notamment Scorpions, Cyndi Lauper, Sinéad O'Connor, Van Morrison, Marianne Faithfull, ou encore Bryan Adams. L'album sort le 21 août 1990 sur le label Mercury Records et sera suivi par la parution d'une vidéo retraçant le concert.


Feb 23, 1990
Rockula n'a pas pu empêcher la mort de sa femme, des siècles de cela. Depuis lors, il a été maudit, et condamné à la voir naître dans une autre vie, et mourir, toujours de la même façon. Mais un jour de 1990, il a une chance de pouvoir à nouveau la sauver, qui le verra devenir star du rock.
Howard… une nouvelle race de héros
Howard est un canard qui vit en paix sur sa planète. Jusqu'au soir où une mystérieuse tornade l'arrache à son fauteuil. Le palmipède se retrouve projeté dans l'espace intersidéral et finit par atterrir dans l'arrière-salle d'un bar punk, à Cleveland, dans l'Ohio. Une jeune chanteuse de rock, Beverly Switzler, s'y produit. À la fin de son numéro et alors qu'elle s'apprête à regagner ses pénates, deux loubards l'agressent. Howard vole à son secours. Reconnaissante, Beverly accueille ce courageux canard sous son toit. Sa nouvelle vie ne déplaît pas à l'animal, que son sens de la répartie cinglante protège des sarcasmes des Terriens. L'un d'entre eux pourtant ne songe pas à se moquer de lui : Phil, un ami de Beverly qui travaille au muséum d'histoire naturelle, s'intéresse même de très près à son cas...


Apr 27, 1983
Sur une musique de Philip Glass se succèdent des images de nature, de vies sociales, d'individus, de paysages somptueux arrachés à la paix de la Création par des bulldozers, des brouillards de pollution... Ce film nous emmène dans des lieux situés aux quatre coins des États-Unis et nous montre le lourd tribut que la technologie moderne fait payer aux humains et à la planète. Ce poème visuel ne contient ni dialogue ni narration vocale : son ton est donné par la juxtaposition d'images et la musique exceptionnelle de Philip Glass.
The Gate to the Mind's Eye
'Alloy' is faced with a vision of the year: 2075, doom. There is only one way to reverse the madness: collapse the universe into itself and begin again. Witness the rebirth, the awakening and the future of mankind. The regeneration is neither now nor then, but can only be reached through The Gate to the Mind's Eye.


Nov 30, 1986
'Alloy' is faced with a vision of the year: 2075, doom. There is only one way to reverse the madness: collapse the universe into itself and begin again. Witness the rebirth, the awakening and the future of mankind. The regeneration is neither now nor then, but can only be reached through The Gate to the Mind's Eye.
Les Aventures de Zak et Crysta dans la forêt tropicale de FernGully
'Alloy' is faced with a vision of the year: 2075, doom. There is only one way to reverse the madness: collapse the universe into itself and begin again. Witness the rebirth, the awakening and the future of mankind. The regeneration is neither now nor then, but can only be reached through The Gate to the Mind's Eye.
Summer School

Summer School

Jan 31, 1983
A motley band of suburbanites arrives at a summer school to simulate life in an Iron Age village. However, the village is right in the middle of a modern university campus which somewhat detracts from its air of authenticity.
Fever Pitch

Fever Pitch

Nov 22, 1985
An investigative journalist gets hooked on the subject of his inquiry — organized gambling.
Everything In-Between: The Story of Ellipse
Imogen Heap decamps to Maui, Hawaii in spring 2007 to start writing her third solo album. With only a video camera for company, she begins documenting its progress and doesn't stop until she's collected a Grammy Award for it. Aided by friend and film maker Justine Pearsall, every moment in the life cycle of the album is captured. From the writing trip; to her return to her family home to build a state of the art studio in her childhood playroom; to the songs themselves, their origins and journey to completion, This is an intimate and comprehensive portrait of the album and the artist. Including interviews with the people who know her best and appearances by Jeff Beck, Nitin Sawhney and Mika, Everything In-Between is part making of, part intimate diary confessional. A rare and inspiring insight into the life and work of a unique and exceptional artist and the creation of an acclaimed album. Filmed over three years and compiled from 374 hours of footage.
Howard… une nouvelle race de héros
Imogen Heap decamps to Maui, Hawaii in spring 2007 to start writing her third solo album. With only a video camera for company, she begins documenting its progress and doesn't stop until she's collected a Grammy Award for it. Aided by friend and film maker Justine Pearsall, every moment in the life cycle of the album is captured. From the writing trip; to her return to her family home to build a state of the art studio in her childhood playroom; to the songs themselves, their origins and journey to completion, This is an intimate and comprehensive portrait of the album and the artist. Including interviews with the people who know her best and appearances by Jeff Beck, Nitin Sawhney and Mika, Everything In-Between is part making of, part intimate diary confessional. A rare and inspiring insight into the life and work of a unique and exceptional artist and the creation of an acclaimed album. Filmed over three years and compiled from 374 hours of footage.
Duck Rock

Duck Rock

Jan 01, 1985
A visual compilation of songs from Malcolm McLaren's 1983 album "Duck Rock", including the songs "Buffalo Gals" and "Double Dutch", mixed with interview and documentary footage.
Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?

Nov 28, 2002
Where Are They Now? was a television series on VH1 that featured past celebrities and updated on their current professional and personal status. Each episode was dedicated to another genre. Though not always in sequence, some episodes were a continuation of the motif of episodes from the past. Those episodes sometimes had Roman numerals in their title to signify their sequel status.
Cachitos de hierro y cromo
Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodríguez and hosted by Virginia Díaz. It is an unapologetic musical display of RTVE's sound legacy in the form of performances on the set of programs such as 'Aplauso', 'Galas del Sábado', 'Mapa Sonoro', 'Zona Franca' or 'Los Conciertos de Radio 3'. For nearly 60 years, artists and other specimens have stormed viewers' screens. The result is a polyphony of images and memories that includes everything from James Brown to Camela, from Perales to REM, from Gabinete to Violent Femmes. And so all the time. Our secret weapon has been the historical archive of TVE, the repository of Spanish collective memory for more than half a century.