Gerhard Rachold

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Die goldene Gans

Die goldene Gans

Sep 26, 1964
Klaus lives with his two brothers Kunz and Franz in a little village. Together, they ply their trade as cobblers in a small workshop. But the workload rests mainly on the shoulders of ill-treated Klaus. When Kunz and Franz go off into the forest to chop wood for fuel they run into an old woman who asks them for some wine and bread. Rudely and gruffly, they refuse her request and return home without any wood. Klaus then has to set out and he meets the old woman as well. He gladly offers her his frugal meal which is suddenly turned into pancakes and good wine. In addition, he receives a golden goose for his kindness. The bird possesses a an unusual characteristic: all those who are prying, nosy, envious and rapacious get stuck to it and become glued to one another.
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.


Jun 26, 1971
Florida, 1830 - Of all eastern Native American tribes, only the Seminoles have resisted being moved to reservations. Having retreated to Florida, they live a simple horticultural life. But white plantation owners, angry at the increasing numbers of black slaves fleeing to Seminole protection, want to take their land. Plantation owner Raynes, in particular, has convinced the military to wipe out the Seminoles. His rival Moore, a sawmill owner from the North who has a Seminole wife, is against slavery and considers it unprofitable. Chief Osceola sees the coming danger; he tries to avoid provoking the whites, but cannot prevent the war that breaks out in 1835.


May 16, 1974
This rather unconventional Western movie is set in the middle of the 19th century in Arizona. The film portrays an Indian tribe, the Mimbreno Appacheans, who are celebrating their Thanksgiving, building an irrigation plant, carrying on commerce, and trying to settle down in a rather constricted territory. But the confrontation with the white Americans changes their situation as the mercantile "gentlemen" want to prevent the Indian tribe to become independent from the white men′s business practices. Thus, they destroy the irrigation plant and chase the Indian tribe in an inhospitable territory where they cannot survive. Led by their chief Ulzana, the Appacheans thus start a bitter fight to preserve their habitat.
Im Himmel ist doch Jahrmarkt
Five young, pretty female athletes are training for an international skydiving contest. From heaven they basically fall straight into the arms of five charming young men. Their coach is less than thrilled about the flirtation and urges his athletes to concentrate on the contest. He is convinced that love-making will put the victory to risk and asks them for sexual abstinence. The power of love turns out to be stronger, however, and soon the first love couples find each other.
Der lange Ritt zur Schule
A young boy fantasizes his way to school into a battle between cowboys and Indians, where the bad guys want to steal some gold medals. Real events and fantasy interacts in his mind.
Le boxeur et la mort

Le boxeur et la mort

Feb 22, 1963
Le commandant du camp de concentration Kraft découvre que le prisonnier Kominek est un ancien boxeur professionnel. Du jour au lendemain, le prisonnier devient le sparing-partner de Kraft et monte malgré lui dans une position privilégiée dans le camp. Sa colère après la mort de son ami et co-prisonnier conduit à une révolte ouverte. Le film apporte une nouvelle vision de la dégradation humaine pendant le fascisme par l'histoire tragique d'un homme dont la seule chance de survie est d'accepter les règles d'un jeu inégal.
Die Söhne der großen Bärin
As American settlers encroach on the lands of the Lakota people, Tokei-ihto witnesses the murder of his father at the hands of Red Fox, who wanted information on where the tribe finds its gold. Two years later, at the height of the Great Sioux War, Tokei-ihto and Red Fox meet again.
Der Reserveheld

Der Reserveheld

Feb 27, 1965
The famous actor Ralf Horricht is a pain in his current director's butt while shooting a comedy about the army. So Horricht believes it a joke, when he receives an induction-order as reserve-officer... but the captain tries his best to make him realize this is no laughing matter.
Marketa Lazarova

Marketa Lazarova

Nov 24, 1967
Moyen Âge. En Bohême, au XIIIème siècle, christianisme et paganisme s'affrontent, anarchie et misère règnent. Mikolás et son frère Adam volent des voyageurs sous les ordres de leur tyrannique père, le Seigneur Bouc. Après un de ces actes de banditisme, ils se retrouvent avec un jeune otage allemand sur les bras, le jeune prince Kristian, dont le père s'échappe et part immédiatement rapporter le vol et le kidnapping au Roi. Seigneur Bouc se prépare contre la colère du Roi, et envoie Mikolás faire pression sur leur voisin Lazar afin qu'il les rejoignent dans la guerre à venir. La tentative de persuasion échoue, et pour se venger Mikolás kidnappe Marketa, la fille de Lazar, juste au moment où elle s'apprêtait à rejoindre un couvent. Le Roi, durant ce temps, forme une armée, et appelle Lazar, dévot, à le rejoindre dans sa quête contre Seigneur Bouc. C'est le début d'affrontements violents...
Viel Lärm um nichts

Viel Lärm um nichts

Apr 22, 1964
Young lovers Hero and Claudio, soon to wed, conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles Benedick and Beatrice to wed as well.
Dny zrady

Dny zrady

Apr 27, 1973
This feature film based on the events of 1938 is a chronicle of the futile efforts of the Czechoslovak president Edvard Benes (Jirí Pleskot), politicians and ordinary citizens, to save the independence and the territorial integrity of the state from the advance of Hitler's Germany. On the 29th of March 1938 the leader of the Sudeten Germans Henlein (Werner Ehrlicher) has a meeting with Hitler (Gunnar Möller). Hitler orders him to intensify pressure on the Czechoslovak government. On the 24th of April in Carlsbad, the Sudetendeutsche Partei (Sudeten German Party) decides upon eight demands that are unacceptable to the Czechoslovak President, since they would ultimately lead to the break-up of the Republic. Benes still shows a certain willingness to negotiate, and Henlein resents this. The Germans are determined to make further negotiations impossible through incidents and violence.
Berlin - Ecke Schönhauser...
The corner Schönhauser Allee in East Berlin is the main meeting-point for a group of adolescents. Dieter is a construction worker who falls in love with Angela. She, in turn, spends time with the clique whenever her mother is occupied with her new lover. "Kohle" stays away from home to avoid his dad's alcohol problem, and Karl-Heinz is on his way to becoming a small-time criminal. Due to their interest in western music and culture they are regarded as no-goods and rowdies. Things get interesting when an incident forces Dieter and "Kohle" to escape to West Germany. Written by c.winter
Zwillinge oder Nimm dir ein Beispiel an Evelin
‎Shortly before her eleventh birthday, Sylvia receives her own apartment key. The sensitive girl is proud of the sign of recognized self-reliance, but also unsure whether she will meet the general expectations. So far, she has been mothered like a baby, especially by her twin sister Evelin, who knows everything much better.‎
KLK an PTX – Die Rote Kapelle
East German film about the history of Red Orchestra, a real life German pro-Soviet spy ring created after the rise of Hitler that turned into a resistance movement led by a leftist Nazi officer, Harro Schulze-Boysen, and Arvid Harnack.


Mar 14, 1968
This East German movie was co-produced with studios in Hungary and Yugoslavia, with many interesting location shots (border checkpoint to West Berlin, the Gellert bath in Budapest, and more). The plot is about French drug dealers, who obtain heroin somewhere in the Middle East, and smuggle it in several steps to East Berlin, and from there to France (or so it appears), killing when necessary. The hero is an officer of East German customs, who with detective work, some masquerade, and occasional violent action ultimately unravels the whole network, of course with the support of the local customs departments.
Sheriff Teddy

Sheriff Teddy

Nov 29, 1957
A story about thirteen years old Kalle who is moving with the family from West Berlin to East.
Das Kleid

Das Kleid

Feb 09, 1991
Poor weavers Hans (Horst Drinda) und Kumpan (Werner Lierck) try to enter a town surrounded by a tall, impenetrable wall, where everyone is apparently very happy. When they finally make it inside, the tyrannical Emperor Max demands they make him new clothes that would "bring all creatures to their knees." Hans and Kumpan claim only intelligent people can see the robe, and in order to prove himself clever, the emperor haughtily displays himself before his subjects wearing his new invisible regalia.
Jetzt und in der Stunde meines Todes
Ella Conradi, a dedicated journalist from Germany, is in Jerusalem to report about the trial against the Nazi criminal Eichmann. Disgusted by the monstrosities that are revealed, she eventually returns to Germany. There, she wants to cover common cases and trials again. Her first assignment is a murder trial against a man called Ralf Jordan who constantly maintains his innocence. Conradi, who believes Jordan and wants to help him, starts to investigate the case - and thus opens up a political can of worms. The backgrounds of the case reach back to the Nazi period and involve officials of the Third Reich, who in the meantime have returned to their powerful positions.
Als Martin vierzehn war
Martin′s and his girlfriend′s Kathrin′s childhood comes to an abrupt end in 1920, when their Mecklenburg village is drawn into the events surrounding the Kapp putsch. By accident, Martin discovers a charge of weapons that land owner von Bröder had put away for the reactionary forces, and gives them to the workers in the city. When the village starts to organize a strike against the putsch, soldiers arrive at the village to hold down the residents of the village.


May 29, 1957
In 1930s Berlin, a woman’s life unravels as her unemployed husband succumbs to Nazi propaganda and joins the Storm Troopers, while her brother's anti-Nazi stance leads to his death, prompting her to confront her beliefs and make a risky choice.


Sep 05, 1969
A day before the beginning of the Second World War, a young resident of Bydgoszcz falls in love with a German teenager.
Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights. On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault. She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and their secret police.


Apr 05, 1990
A village has to be destroyed for coal mining. Henning, a 15 years old boy, who wants to visit his grandfather one more time, realizes that nothing will be the way it used to be.


Oct 27, 1968
Blaulicht is a German crime television drama series, whose 29 episodes were based on crime case files.
Das grüne Ungeheuer

Das grüne Ungeheuer

Dec 23, 1962
On the run from police in America, Antonio Morena, a former World War II aviator and black-marketeer, finds himself in South America working for the all-powerful United Fruit Company, known to the natives as "the Green Monster".
Action & Adventure
Polizeiruf 110

Polizeiruf 110

Apr 21, 2024
Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.