Ebbe Rode

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Dec 19, 1964
Gertrud, une jeune et jolie diva quitte Gustav, son mari, pour Erlan Jansson, un compositeur. Mais lorsque ce dernier ne parvient pas à la rendre heureuse, elle le quitte et prend Gabriel pour amant.
Det kunne vært deg

Det kunne vært deg

Nov 13, 1952
Maisen is newly married to the architect Harald, but on the way home he loses the key to their flat. They have to ask their neighbor for help, a man with a new girl every night. But when their marriage falters, the neighbor steps up.
Harry et son valet

Harry et son valet

Sep 07, 1961
A gentle comedy offering the promise of easy social consensus. Harry (Helmuth) is a simple old-time shop porter offered a chance at self-realisation when he's bequeathed a sum by an unknown relative (via several levels of fiscal blood suckers). He decides to engage a butler to take good care of him for a time. This is a man of distinguished upper class service, but a generous nature which happily integrates with Harry's small but colourful world of drinking buddies and crackpot neighbourhood kids.
The Only Way

The Only Way

Jan 01, 1970
En 1943 au Danemark, une famille juive essaie de s'échapper durant l'occupation allemande...


Mar 07, 1966
Taking place on a small villa road: The two neighbors Gormsen and Sandelund have been at a dispute for years and this evolves into an all out war. Sandelund is a wholesale dealer in meet, a capitalist and has one of this modem houses with a flat roof. Gormsen is a dentist, and a communist, he has a new wife that are younger then his son, and lives in one of these old-fashioned half-timbered houses. A third factor is the merchant Krause. To begin with he is a small time grocer and progresses into the end, a big time businessman. He is a deeply religious man, a good Christian, and member of the parochial church council. There children, (teenagers) find their conflict silly and stupid.
Din fortid er glemt

Din fortid er glemt

Oct 30, 1949
Paul a young, newlywed writer returns home from abroad with his sweet, young wife, Anna, whom he has met in the South of France. After their honeymoon Poul is looking forward to start his new job as a screenwriter.


Feb 19, 1942
A young woman of good family is driven into one of thieves and prostitutes and ends in suicide.
John og Irene

John og Irene

Aug 29, 1949
The two leading actors form a team traveling round performing as a professional dancing couple who has difficulty making ends meet. Ebbe Rode is the dreamer and Bodil Kjer the down to earth realist. Bodil Kjer expands her image to encompass the disillusioned woman reflecting the hard life she has gone through. Ebbe Rodes disappointed optimism turn into violence with dramatic consequences.
Den kloge mand

Den kloge mand

Nov 01, 1937
A film about a doctor in a small idyllic town. He's an honest man who wants his patients best, but fewer and fewer visitors comes to his practice and that frustrates the doctor. A 'quack doctor' is taking his business.
24 timer

24 timer

Aug 31, 1951
Many people are preparing their lives for a lifetime, to make it safe and secure. And then the fate's game of 24 hours can overturn everything.


Aug 01, 1933
The "Tango Bar" is the fashion of the moment. The city's party-goers have chosen the small, cozy, intimate local venue for the night's wee hours. Gaby Grant is an ideal hostess who knows how to get guests to forget the day's sorrows and troubles - and knows how to get them to pay.
Som du vil ha' mig - !
A woman wants to teach her unfaithful husband a lesson for his constant stepping out. However, she might fall into her own trap when she falls in love with an attractive pianist.
Ditte Menneskebarn

Ditte Menneskebarn

Dec 20, 1946
Ditte is born out of wedlock and lives as a young girl with her old beloved grandmother. As an illegitimate child she is teased in school and more than anything in the world she wants a father. When steady - utterly reliable - herring dealer Lars Petter shows up and tells her that he is marrying Ditte's mother, the little girl is very happy. Now Ditte must take care of three new sisters and brothers but gets nothing but complaints from her ungrateful, selfish mother. But the little girl finds consolation and support in both her sisters and brothers and Lars Petter.
Le Festin de Babette

Le Festin de Babette

Aug 11, 1987
Pour échapper à la sordide répression de la Commune en 1871, Babette débarque un soir d'orage sur la côte sauvage du Jutland au Danemark. Elle devient la domestique des deux très puritaines filles du pasteur et s'intègre facilement dans l'austère petite communauté. Mais après quatorze années d'exil, elle reçoit des fonds inespérés qui vont lui permettre de rentrer dans sa patrie. Elle propose avant son départ de préparer avec cet argent un dîner français pour fêter dignement le centième anniversaire de la naissance du défunt pasteur...
De uanstændige

De uanstændige

Oct 06, 1983
An uptight young man and his equally uptight family moves next door to a hedonistic clan, including the beautiful, sexy Topsy, who charms the new neighbor boy Tom. But Tom discovers that the price of loving Topsy may be higher than he's willing to pay -- she insists on absolute honesty and a life and love without possession or exclusivity.
Lykken kommer

Lykken kommer

Dec 21, 1942
Det rige par Jytte og Ole bruger livet til fest og ballade. Efter endnu en aften og nat med fest beslutter ægteparret at blive skilt. Næste dag fortæller de dette til onkel Frederik, der i stedet foreslår et væddemål: i et år skal Jytte og Ole leve for 400,- kr. om måneden, for at de kan mærke hvordan almindelige mennesker lever. De går ind på forslaget og flytter ind i en lille lejlighed. Efterhånden lærer de at klare sig, men opgiver dog væddemålet efter en måned. Da Ole fortæller onkel Frederik, at de ikke vil være med mere, kan Frederik desværre fortælle dem, at han har sat deres formue over styr. Da Ole kommer hjem får han at vide, at Jytte er gravid. Dette ændrer i høj grad deres liv - Jytte og Ole har pludselig fået et livsindhold.
Otte akkorder

Otte akkorder

Nov 04, 1944
Eight separate family dramas (uncovering many aspects of deceit) are woven together to the sound of a certain Chopin waltz.


Nov 04, 1977
Based upon the novel "Hærværk" by Tom Kristensen about the self destructive person. The literary reviewer Ole Jastrau chooses to free himself from his well-ordered middle class life. He allow the seriously left-wing writer Steffensen move in with himself which soon causes disintegration of his home an marriage.


Dec 20, 1991
A confrontational and friendly judge gets in trouble when his wife is trying to arouse his jealousy of her long-term relationship with their mutual friend Chief Klausen. Superintendent and is still convinced that he strives against his life. At the same time the judge's chess friend Lise not stand that he was not hitting on her. All intricacies rubs judge with a serious time hay fever
Provinsen kalder

Provinsen kalder

Mar 07, 1935
In an idyllic Danish town lives grocery Frost, a very wealthy man, and his greatest wish is that his son Hans will become a lawyer and reach a very prestigious position. But Hans can't complete high school and don't like studying. His main interest is music, but this he must keep hidden because both his parents are against it.
Kristinus Bergman

Kristinus Bergman

Aug 27, 1948
Danish noir crime drama with a poetic nerve. Two boys, Kristinus and Jakob (Rode and Neergaard) experienced a loveless and abusive childhood. Now as grown-ups, they are acting outside the law.


Sep 26, 1966
She loves to ride in the bus and read smart book ... He likes to sit by the water and drink soda ... She loves to write down their thoughts on the fly and be glad that they do not end ... He likes to watch as boats come and invent passengers biography ... She loves ice cream and menthol cigarettes ... And he - horses and storefronts ... She had to roam the streets at night, even if you do not want to ... he loves the city nightlife, which helps him to dream ... and one day ... quite by accident ... They meet ... hE and SHE ...
Sidste akt

Sidste akt

Jan 23, 1987
FINAL ACT is based on Noel Coward's play "Waiting in the Wings". Even the smallest events turn into mind-blowing dramas at The Set, a retirement home for former actresses in England. Jealousy and madness flare into a firework display of toxicity when ex-primadonna Lotta Henderson (Birgitte Federspiel) moves in. A slap in the face of The Set's leading star in her own eyes, May Davenport (Mime Fønss), who has had a lifelong rivalry with Lotta both on stage and off. The daily dramas reach dizzying heights when a scandalous journalist (Anne Marie Helger) gains access like a wolf in sheep's clothing. A stunt that has a not-so-clever connection to the ladies' burning desire to be granted a veranda. The matter is raised to the highest level of the home's tough board of directors, and The Set's secretary Perry (Holger Juul Hansen) comes under justified suspicion of skulduggery. But this is where May Davenport's diva talent comes in as a sure trump card...
Rend mig i traditionerne
Based on Leif Panduro's 1958 satire classic. David, a senior high-school student, aims a swift kick at his principal's behind and is committed to a psychiatric ward from the perspective of which he takes a close look at his allegedly sane family. They, of course, are the real loonies. The psychiatrists are worse. Only lovely class-mate Lis is down-to-earth and trustworthy.
Livsens ondskab

Livsens ondskab

Sep 04, 1972
A satire of a typical Danish provincial town ca. 1900 with it's malicious, but merry portraits of the citizens. We meet the misshapen Emanuel Thomsen "Tummelumsen" and the two friends senior examining officer Knagsted and senior teacher Clausen.