Andrew Leman

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The Eldritch Influence: The Life, Vision, and Phenomenon of H.P. Lovecraft
The Eldritch Influence looks at the world of literary outsider H.P. Lovecraft who posthumously infected a large number of artists, writers, mystics, and fanatics with his wonderfully bleak worldview. Using passionate interviews and colorful commentary the film presents a picture of Lovecraft’s life and thought through those he’s touched and inspired. Featuring extensive interviews with Lovecraft biographer S.T. Joshi, authors Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Brian Lumley, and filmmaker Stuart Gordon.
The Whisperer in Darkness
Celui qui chuchotait dans les ténèbres est le récit de Albert N. Wilmarth, un professeur assistant de littérature à l'université de Miskatonic à Arkham et amateur passionné du folklore de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Il s'efforce de démontrer que les croyances ancestrales et autres superstitions paysannes ne sont que foutaises et qu'une explication logique et scientifique peut tout expliquer. Un jour cependant, il reçoit une lettre d'un certain Henry W. Akeley, un homme cultivé, habitant du Vermont et vivant en ermite qui annonce qu'il peut apporter des preuves de phénomènes singuliers et étranges qui se produisent non loin de chez lui, dans les collines sauvages du Vermont. À partir de ce moment commence une troublante correspondance qui semera le doute dans l'esprit du professeur d'université.
Le Monde de Lovecraft

Le Monde de Lovecraft

Jul 27, 2023
Le Monde de Lovecraft sera constitué en grande partie de témoignages de personnalités telles que des spécialistes reconnus de Lovecraft ou encore des écrivains, cinéastes et autres artistes inspirés par son oeuvre.
Experiment 17

Experiment 17

Oct 07, 2005
A German officer attempts to use to use the occult powers of The Necronomicon to aid the Nazi plan for world domination.
The Testimony of Randolph Carter
The Testimony of Randolph Carter is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado. Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature, a grant to fund independent educational projects.
The Testimony of Randolph Carter
The Testimony of Randolph Carter is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado. Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature, a grant to fund independent educational projects.
The Testimony of Randolph Carter
The Testimony of Randolph Carter is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado. Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature, a grant to fund independent educational projects.


Jul 21, 2000
The Testimony of Randolph Carter is based on Lovecraft's "The Statement of Randolph Carter," with some additional story material lifted from other Carter tales, especially "Through the Gates of the Silver Key." The film was shot on VHS using home equipment in 1987. It was filmed at various locations throughout Colorado. Part of the budget came from The Colorado College Award in Literature, a grant to fund independent educational projects.