Emily Haack

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China White Serpentine
Dave's brother Trent was enticed by dark forces and entrapped in a lair of sin. Trent was under the control of Tracey, the drug-dealing seductress who had spun this web of wrongdoing. It was a world of erotic indulgence, frequent drug use, and dangerous mind games. This was Tracey's world, and it eventually killed Trent. Another junkie named Beth, who was also seduced and killed by Tracey, appears to Dave. Beth begins to pull Dave into the nightmare that killed his brother Trent. Dave's sanity spirals out of control as he is assaulted by realizations of Trent's dark past. The prick of needles, the pain of violence, the pleasures of naked flesh. This tempest of desire and agony engulfs Dave. It is his task to unlock the dark, seedy mysteries of Trent's past while surviving the journey himself.


Jun 18, 2000
Léonard est un tueur en série cruel et pervers qui relate ses exploits meurtriers dans un journal intime illustré de trophées macabres. Ce dangereux tueur psychopathe oblige ses victimes à écrire dans son recueil afin qu'elles expriment leur souffrance et leur terreur avant de les massacrer sans la moindre pitié. Clara vient d'être kidnappée par Léonard et va subir comme les précédentes victimes de ce tueur sanguinaire un véritable calvaire. Elle sera battue, humiliée, violée, torturée et devra bien sûr décrire sa lente agonie dans le journal intime de Léonard. Aucune fuite ne semble possible pour Clara qui découvre peu à peu que la maison de son bourreau n'est qu'un horrible mausolée jonché de débris humains et de cadavres en putréfaction.
I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave
Sandy doit rejoindre Kevin, son ancien compagnon qui vient de s'échapper de prison. Celui-ci emmène la jeune femme dans la cave d'une grande maison et lui fait découvrir trois autres hommes, tous menottés et attachés sur une chaise. Kevin explique qu'il veut se venger d'eux pour avoir été en prison mais également de Sandy. Malheureusement pour lui, Sandy parvient à saisir une barre de fer et elle le tue. Elle pourrait libérer les trois otages mais elle n'en fait rien. Car elle a face à elle un ex-copain, son voisin et son patron. Et tous les trois ont tenté d'abuser d'elle une fois dans leur vie. Sandy va alors péter les plombs et se venger des humiliations qu'elle a subit par le passé de manière horrible..
The Undertow

The Undertow

Oct 01, 2003
Six friends enter the strange town of Old Mines for a weekend float trip. They quickly realize that the town is not friendly to strangers, and they are pressured to leave by the police. When the friends decide to continue their float trip anyway, terrifying secrets of the town surface. A seven-foot-tall deformed maniac, known by the townsfolk as The Boy is kept under lock and key by the town's mayor. The Boy's purpose is simple: kill outsiders. The Mayor of Old Mines releases The Boy and the maniac's hunt begins. One by one, the campers on their float trip are ripped to gory shreds by the enraged, deformed, hulking Boy. But there is great mystery to the Boy. Who is his father? Who is his mother? How did he become so dangerous? In the end, the answers to these questions will put the entire town of Old Mines in danger. The Boy is an unstoppable killing machine, and anyone in his path won't be in one piece for long!


Jun 24, 2011
In a flash of blood-drenched violence, Crystal Brewer's life has taken an unexpected turn. On the run from the law for her part in a gruesome drug-money heist gone wrong, she has become seduced into a seedy underworld of death and betrayal. Escaping into the night with her half-sister Kim, Crystal seeks refuge in a small Midwestern town to make sense of her life-threatening ordeal. However, any plans for solace are soon derailed when she crosses paths with Frank Logan, a mysterious stranger with a bloody history of his own. Crystal's initial intrigue with Logan's sinister allure soon gives way to sheer terror as his vile intentions for her are revealed. As a new wave of violence threatens to destroy those close to her, Crystal is forced to make a terrifying decision. Will she stop Logan before more innocent blood is spilled? Or will she join him in resurrecting an evil that could consume the world?
Bizarre Lust of a Sexual Deviant
A prowler is on the loose in the city. He stalks women, chloroforms them, and then molests their unconscious, naked bodies. Only Angie knows the secrets behind the masked intruder. Will Angie stop this deviant from molesting more women? Or will Angie herself become this man's next slumbering victim?