Сергей Жарков

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Alien Girl

Alien Girl

Jun 17, 2010
Kiev, Ukraine, années 1990. Quatre soldats sont chargés de trouver et d'arrêter une fille surnommée "Alien", dont le frère est un célèbre criminel. Le temps presse, car le témoignage d'Alien pourrait révéler d'importants secrets concernant des personnes très puissantes...
Шепот оранжевых облаков
Фильм о жизни чемпиона по компакт-спортингу Антона Соглаева, о его семье, любви и дружбе. После аварии, случившейся по вине Антона, его малолетний сын Алёшка получает тяжёлую травму. От Антона уходит жена, он теряет квартиру и место в сборной России. В этой непростой ситуации Антон уезжает в деревню к матери и живет у нее. К нему приходит переосмысление всей жизни. Одновременно некая бандитская группировка преследует Антона за его помощь в задержании наркокурьера. Через какое-то время старший тренер и его бывший друг Сергей решают вернуть Антона в команду для участия в чемпионате Европы. Они приезжают в деревню, где сталкиваются с бандитами...


Jun 06, 2007
У двадцатилетней Леры Мещериковой сложные отношения с матерью. Отец, бабушка и тетя Ольга любят Леру, но из-за их нерешительности и безволия девушке приходится самостоятельно отстаивать свой выбор. Татьяна не может смириться с тем, что дочь выходит замуж за парня из бедной семьи Дениса и в сердцах рассказывает Лере, что она приемная дочь Мещериковых. Лера уходит жить к Денису, и постепенно ее жизнь налаживается: она мирится с отцом, тот устраивает Дениса на работу, парень с радостью принимает известие, что у него скоро будет ребенок, и Татьяне приходится смириться с браком дочери. Но Леру гложет мысль, что она должна найти свою родную мать — только тогда она сможет разобраться в себе. Если бы девушка знала, что за это ей придется очень дорого заплатить…
This movie is about soccer hooligans, the most aggressive and violent soccer aficionados. They are an exclusive group, the elite of all soccer fans. Whoever they may be in their everyday lives—college students, bankers, musicians, or car mechanics—they are a “firm.” It’s easy to get into a firm, but once you’re in, it’s for life. There’s no going back. The movie is based on actual events


Nov 11, 2010
Early autumn, godforsaken Russian countryside. A local hunter Michail witnesses a skirmish in the middle of the forest - three men want to kill the forth, Andrey. Kind-hearted Michail helps Andrey escape and together they run from the villains who chase them. Thus, two totally different men start a long and dangerous journey together, constantly arguing with each other regarding their ideology, morals and opinions about life. But life will put everything on its place and make the men understand who they really are.
Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.
Топор. 1943

Топор. 1943

May 09, 2021
1943. On the eve of the Red Army offensive, Captain Belov's group, which includes Ivan Rodin, accidentally discovers a disguised tank division near the village of Anino. The scouts understand that only they know about the ambush arranged by the Germans. The wounded Belov orders Ivan to reach the Soviet command and warn them of the danger. He reports to the headquarters about the tanks he saw and even reproduces the tactical number of the division, but the front command does not believe him. Suspecting Ivan of misinformation and working for the Germans, the military sends him under arrest. Colonel Alyoshin tries to save his friend: thanks to his perseverance, the command sends another group to Anino — Ivan becomes the guide, and Odintsovo leads the detachment.
Salvation Union

Salvation Union

Dec 26, 2019
Les troupes russes occupent Paris. La Russie est devenue la première puissance mondiale. Maintenant tout semble possible. Les jeunes lauréats, officiers des gardes, sont convaincus que l'égalité et la liberté viendront - ici et maintenant. Pour cela, ils sont prêts à tout sacrifier - position, richesse, amour, vie ... et le pays lui-même.
La Bataille de Leningrad
De nos jours, à Leningrad, Nastya, une vielle femme, est interviewée par une équipe de télévision. Elle raconte ses souvenirs de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle revient notamment sur ses jeunes années, en septembre 1941, dans une Leningrad qui venait d'être assiégée par les Allemands, et sur son histoire d'amour avec Kostya Gorelov, un jeune cadet. Pendant ce temps, l'armée soviétique tente d'organiser l'évacuation de plusieurs centaines de personnes d'une ville de deux millions d'habitants, qui pourrait bientôt être frappée par la famine.
Мы умрем вместе
The film built a classic love square: two pairs of MSU students are living vicissitudes. Everyone has their own destiny. It all depends on the choice of path. Some neglect the principles and norms, sweeping away the barriers of morality. Others remain true to their love and duty. The ending of the film is completely unpredictable…
Белый холст

Белый холст

Aug 18, 2008
Nurse Tatyana lives in a quiet provincial town. Everything seems to be going well with her: there is a good job at the hospital and friends who are ready to support at any moment. And then a healthy young woman suddenly falls ill. Doctors make her a disappointing diagnosis - diabetes. Tanya needs to undergo expensive treatment in Moscow. It was in this difficult period for her that the heroine meets a man who is ready to help. He loves her and wants to make her happy. Tatiana begins to believe that the wedding is just around the corner, and her recovery is just a matter of time. But such a successful development of events does not suit Tatyana's best friend, and he begins to plot. Will he succeed in destroying the heroine’s just-settled life and again returning her to the abyss of hopelessness and disbelief in herself?
Валерий Харламов. Дополнительное время
This is the life story of the outstanding Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov. They say that sometimes people are able to foresee their death, then before their eyes in a short period of time all life passes, all the most significant moments, all the people dear to a person. The plot of the picture and the style of narration is very different from everything that has already been shot or written on this topic. Like an ordinary Russian guy who has a congenital heart disease and is an eternal target for the wit of his peers due to a speech impairment, he was able to become the Olympic champion twice, eight times the World Champion, become the legend of Russian hockey and a role model for several generations of professionals and amateur athletes ? What was behind all these, at what price was this achieved, and what price had to be paid subsequently?
Unknown Battle

Unknown Battle

Dec 05, 2019
Février 1942. Après plusieurs mois de combat, une compagnie de l'Armée rouge, dont il ne reste qu'un tiers du personnel, chasse enfin l'ennemi du village d'Ovsyannikovo. Les combattants, épuisés, attendent des renforts, mais le quartier général leur ordonne de garder le village à tout prix, ce qui signifie une condamnation à mort. Le commandant de la compagnie est confronté à un choix difficile : exécuter un ordre de commandement dénué de sens et perdre les personnes restantes ou mettre les soldats à l'abri du feu et aller au tribunal..


Jun 19, 2019
Les Matriochka sont des poupées russes qui s’emboîtent les unes dans les autres. Chaque poupée en cache une autre. Anna est une jolie femme de 24 ans, mais qui est-elle vraiment et combien de femmes se cachent en elle ? Est-ce une simple vendeuse de poupées sur le marché de Moscou ? Un top model qui défile à Paris ? Une tueuse qui ensanglante Milan ? Un flic corrompu ? Un agent double ? Ou tout simplement une redoutable joueuse d’échecs ? Il faudra attendre la fin de la partie pour savoir qui est vraiment Anna et qui est « échec et mat ».


Nov 18, 2021
In the center of the story are three main characters - Lieutenant Colonel Soshnikov, Captain Muravyov and Major Zakharov. Three ages, three different characters, three different destinies, which are destined to meet at the Khmeimim military base.
Маме снова 17
As a result of mysterious circumstances, seventeen-year-old Olga from 2005 finds herself in 2024 in the body of herself, but already a thirty-six-year-old single mother. Having no experience of adult life, Olga behaves like a frivolous girl from the noughties, and dreams of returning to a carefree youth. But by the will of fate, she is forced to take responsibility for her high school son and play the role of a school principal, which she is completely unprepared for.
Игра на выживание
Sixteen contestants of a new survival show are taken to the Siberian taiga to compete for the price of one million euros. The rules are simple: no food, personal belongings, electricity, communications and civilization for hundreds of kilometers around. The one remains wins. Soon TV project turns into a deadly game, where LIFE becomes the main prize... What is it? Is it sick TV script? Who is behind this? And who can survive without losing their humanity?
Action & Adventure
МосГаз. Дело № 8: Западня
1980 year. Pre-Olympic Moscow. The MUR people were tasked with preventing a single crime in the capital, clearing the city of all unreliable elements. Even the slaughter department is involved in the execution. Cherkasov and his team are entrusted with the fight against prostitution and "bad luck." But, instead, Ivan Petrovich is forced to investigate one murder after another. In the center of events is a bandit named Skull who recently left the prison. Almost all of the murders committed take place under the Skull, but there is no direct evidence of his involvement in the crimes. It is impossible to prove his guilt, but at the same time his innocence is under great doubt: as if someone invisible constantly saves the Skull from death, clearing the way for him. But who might be interested in this?
Первый отдел
Yuri Bragin, after a year-long business trip, where he, as part of an investigation team, was investigating a high-profile case, returns to St. Petersburg. When he returns, he learns that the current head of the First Investigation Department of the First Directorate of the State Investigation Department, Vadim Maltsev, is retiring. With a high degree of probability, it is Bragin who will be offered his place. But Yuri is not a careerist and the position of the boss is not the goal of his life. A talented investigator likes to do "live work" more. And now he is again sent on a business trip. This time in one of the cities of the Leningrad region, where two girls were killed with a difference of a week. Here, in a small town, everyone knows each other, and this complicates the search for the criminal.
Без правил

Без правил

Jul 28, 2022
Olga, a "self-made woman" who’d rather not gain than lose, she avoids risks and contact with the criminal world and law enforcement, seeing them as interfering freeloaders. The price of her company rises when mineral water is found on Olga’s land in property. The once-infamous crime boss wants to buy the land, but Olga won't do business with crooks. First, is persuasion. Then come threats. Her partner is killed, her son kidnapped. Despite she is not going to surrender. She gains 2 allies that have nothing in common: a former associate of the crime boss and an ex-cop, who are equally tired of living the gangster laws life. The only Olga’s hope now is the allies rule - “betray no one”. Seems that both single men are indifferent to her.


Feb 16, 2024
1989-1990. General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachyov begins global transformations in the USSR. He passionately wants to become a star in world politics and for this he is ready to go as far as he can to meet the West. But the perestroika planned by Gorbachyov leads to fatal, irreversible consequences. Intelligence officer Alexander Nechaev finds himself at the center of an operation organized by the intelligence services of several countries. During the months spent in Berlin at the moment of the breakdown of the entire post-war world order, Nechaev changed a lot. He no longer knows who is a friend and who is a traitor, but continues to defend the honor and interests of his Motherland...
Цветок папоротника
Little Gluschevka is an unusual village, there is an anomalous zone where compasses break, water flows uphill and, according to legend, a priceless treasure is buried. In search of a solution to the local secrets, an adventurous geologist Tim comes to Gluschevka.


Nov 12, 2020
An ordinary day in an ordinary Moscow five-story building ends in tragedy: an explosion occurred in one of the entrances. People have lost not only a roof over their heads and property, but also lost their loved ones and relatives... Grief unites people, and now the survivors will have to learn to live anew together. And the main thing is to understand the true causes of what happened.