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The Long Arm

The Long Arm

Jun 01, 1956
Scotland Yard detectives attempt to solve a spate of safe robberies across England beginning with clues found at the latest burglary in London. The film is notable for using a police procedural style made popular by Ealing in their 1950 film The Blue Lamp. It is known in the US as The Third Key.
La guerre des sexes

La guerre des sexes

Feb 25, 1960
Femme d'affaire aussi redoutable que séduisante, l'américaine Angela Barrows est envoyée par son employeur à Edimbourg pour enquêter sur les possibilités d'exportation. En chemin, elle rencontre Robert MacPherson, un homme venant tout juste d'hériter de l'entreprise de textile de son père, et qui la persuade de l'aider à moderniser son affaire. Une fois sur place, Angela se trouve confrontée à Mr Martin, un membre de l'équipe aux méthodes très conservatrices qui s'oppose fermement à toutes les innovations qu'elle propose.
Ring of Bright Water

Ring of Bright Water

Jun 18, 1969
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
Bond of Fear

Bond of Fear

Apr 01, 1956
An escaped killer hides out by forcing a travelling family to take him with them.
Bobby des Greyfriars

Bobby des Greyfriars

Jul 17, 1961
Un petit Skye terrier nommé Bobby est l'animal de compagnie d'un fermier écossais et de sa femme. Mais le chien préfère la compagnie d'un homme embauché à la ferme appelée Auld Jock. Quand l'argent devient rare à la ferme, Auld Jock est renvoyé. Il voyage en Edimbourg et Bobby le suit. Auld Jock meurt dans la pauvreté et est enterré à Greyfriar's Kirkyard. Chaque nuit, Bobby retourne sur la tombe d'Auld Jock pour dormir. Contre l'avis de sa femme, le gardien du cimetière James Brown essaye de chasser Bobby, mais Bobby trouve toujours un chemin pour revenir sur la tombe de son ancien maître. Bobby se fait aimer à tous, particulièrement les enfants de voisinage. Brown et un propriétaire de restaurant, M. Traill, rivalisent pour l'affection du chien. Brown avertir Traill qu'il doit payer une licence pour détenir Bobby, ce qu'il refuse par principe, n'étant pas le maître de Bobby.


Sep 21, 1956
Lors de tests nucléaires, effectués par l'armée anglaise dans une base écossaise reculée, surgit une entité radioactive et souterraine d'une nature inconnue. Après avoir gravement brûlé deux soldats, la "chose" disparaît en laissant une faille sans fond dans la terre....
Fils de forçat

Fils de forçat

Apr 28, 1959
A la fin des années 50, un jeune homme Paul Mathry (Van Johnson) débarque à Liverpool. Il vient des Etats Unis pour retrouver les traces de son père, mort héroïquement pendant la guerre d’après sa mère. Mais il apprend rapidement une fois à Liverpool que celui-ci est toujours vivant et qu’il est emprisonné depuis vingt ans pour meurtre !
The Brave Don't Cry

The Brave Don't Cry

Aug 01, 1952
The Brave Don't Cry aspires to the "feel" of a documentary, right down to the deliberate absence of background music. A mine in Scotland falls victim to a cave-in, trapping some one hundred workers. Rescue parties are formed as the tremulous families of the miners wait in agony. As in the actual incident upon which this film is based, the rescue is nip and tuck and times, but eventually successful. The faces of real-life Scottish mining folk are melded with the professional actors in The Brave Don't Cry, adding poignancy to this otherwise cut-and-dried film.
Toff and Fingers

Toff and Fingers

Jul 03, 1960
Toff and Fingers head to a small Scottish village to lay low after stealing some antique silverware. The pair pose as a General and his batman looking their next job but the warm welcome, from the locals, makes them have second thoughts.
Les 39 étapes

Les 39 étapes

Mar 13, 1959
Remake du film classique hitchcock. Alors que généralement pas aussi bon, il est un film plutôt amusant, et plus enjouée que l'original. Ceci est largement dû à l'action de Kenneth More.


Feb 25, 1954
Les pauvres, les personnes âgées - et les rusés, quand il s'agit de séparer ceux qui peuvent se le permettre de leur argent - le skipper écossais d'un vieux bateau "puffer" en panne trompe un magnat américain en le payant pour transporter sa cargaison personnelle. Lorsque le magnat apprend l'astuce, il tente de retrouver le bateau et de retirer ses biens.
Whisky à gogo

Whisky à gogo

Jun 16, 1949
1943 : Todday, petite île écossaise, vit un drame unique dans son histoire : une pénurie de whisky. Les vieux ne veulent plus de la vie, les jeunes ne s'aiment plus. Mais, miracle, un cargo transportant des caisses de whisky s'échoue sur les récifs. Tourné dans une petite île du nord de l’Écosse avec la participation des habitants, "Whisky à gogo" est considéré comme un grand classique de l'école humoristique anglaise.


Sep 02, 1955
Concerned about his small stature, a young Scottish boy applies for a mail-order body building course, successfully gaining both height and strength. The film was released as "Wee Geordie" in the USA.
La Clé

La Clé

May 28, 1958
Au début de la seconde guerre mondiale, David Ross (William Holden) est un commandant Américain affecté au commandement d’un remorqueur du service des sauvetages en mer. Il y retrouve son ami Chris Ford (Trevor Howard) qui lui présente sa compagne, la très belle et tout aussi énigmatique Stella (Sophia Loren) avec qui il partage son appartement. Un soir de beuverie, Chris lui confie un double de la clé de son appartement. Ross comprend que l’appartement et la femme ont ainsi été transmis entre commandants plusieurs fois suite au décès des prédécesseurs en mission.
Les Trafiquants de la nuit
Harry Miller et toute sa famille s'installent en Angleterre. Là-bas, il se laisse séduire par une mystérieuse jeune femme qui l'entraîne dans de mauvaises histoires...
Just Another Saturday

Just Another Saturday

Jul 05, 1975
It's the day of the Orange Parade in Glasgow, but for Jon, the thrill of leading the parade and swinging the mace soon turns to horror as he learns the truth behind the costumes and songs.
The High Terrace

The High Terrace

Oct 01, 1956
A British theater actress unable to get out of her contract is assisted by an American playwright when a pair of her scissors is discovered lodged in her producer's back.
Laxdale Hall

Laxdale Hall

Apr 01, 1953
A starchy parliamentary delegation is sent to a remote Scottish Highlands community, where the residents are protesting the poor condition of their road by withholding their taxes, and spend a few days among the locals.
Les kidnappers

Les kidnappers

Dec 01, 1953
After losing their father in the Boer War, orphaned brothers Harry and Davy must leave their home in Scotland to live with their grandmother and cantankerous grandfather in Nova Scotia. The boys want nothing more than a pet dog, but their grandfather refuses to get them one. Then, when the brothers find an abandoned baby, they decide to keep it – but the foundling may not have been abandoned after all.
A Pair of Briefs

A Pair of Briefs

Mar 01, 1962
A l'occasion d'un accident de la circulation, deux avocats, Frances et Tony, se rencontrent. ils se haïssent aussitôt et découvrent qu'ils appartiennent au même cabinet; ils doivent, sur un dossier de divorce, défendre les parties adverses, sans avoir d'argument pour faire pencher le juge, un homme irritable. Frances fait venir à la barre un gentleman excentrique.
Ploughman's Share

Ploughman's Share

Feb 27, 1979
When a farmer's land is wanted for a new town development, a lot of people find their lives put in the melting pot.
Rockets Galore

Rockets Galore

Oct 19, 1958
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
The Bridal Path

The Bridal Path

Aug 05, 1959
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
No Hiding Place

No Hiding Place

Jun 22, 1967
No Hiding Place is a British television series that was produced at Wembley Studios by Associated-Rediffusion for the ITV network between 16 September 1959 and 22 June 1967. It was the sequel to the series Murder Bag and Crime Sheet, all starring Raymond Francis as Detective Superintendent, later Detective Chief Superintendent Tom Lockhart.
Victoria Regina

Victoria Regina

Dec 04, 1964
Patricia Routledge gives a career-best performance as Queen Victoria in this 1964 series of plays based on the celebrated collection of dramas by playwright Laurence Housman. Self-willed, obstinate, imperious and passionate... a now-familiar description of one of history's longest-serving female monarchs – but Housman's satirical tribute marked a decisive break with the tradition of the uncritical historical portrait. A Broadway hit deemed too disrespectful for public performance in Britain until the late 1930s, Victoria Regina is a frank portrayal of an extraordinarily complex woman, tracing her development from royal teenager to inconsolable widow at the helm of a vast empire, with all her contradictions, prejudices and unconstitutional behavior.
The Man In Room 17

The Man In Room 17

Jul 01, 1966
The Man in Room 17 is a British television series which ran for two seasons in the mid-1960s, produced by the Northern ITV franchise, Granada Television. Key to the series' success was the involvement of writer/producer Robin Chapman. The show was set in Room 17 of the Department of Social Research, where former wartime agent-turned-criminologist Edwin Oldenshaw solved difficult police cases through theory and discussions with his assistants. The novelty of the series was that Oldenshaw and his colleagues never needed to leave their office in order to resolve cases, preferring to spend their time playing the Japanese board game of Go. They simply provided their prognosis and left the police to do the cleaning up. Different directors were often appointed to film the Room 17 and outside-world scenes independently, to maintain a sense of distance between the two worlds.