James Lovelock

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Nous resterons sur Terre
Les changements climatiques inquiètent, les espèces s'éteignent, les ressources s'épuisent, les villes s'étendent. A travers un jeu de miroirs et de contrastes entre cette nature miraculeuse et l'obsession de l'homme à vouloir la dompter, Nous resterons sur Terre regarde la planète d'aujourd'hui dans les yeux et dresse l'état des lieux d'une harmonie qui vacille. Pouvons-nous inverser le cours des choses ? Le voulons nous vraiment ? Avec l'environnementaliste James Lovelock, le philosophe Edgar Morin et les Prix Nobel de la Paix Mikhaïl Gorbatchev et Wangari Maathai, ce film laisse à chacun la liberté d'évaluer le degré d'urgence sur une seule certitude : Nous resterons sur Terre.
High Anxieties - The Mathematics of Chaos
The documentary looks at the modern advances in mathematics and how they affect our understanding of physics, economics, environmental issues and human psychology, as well as how developments in 20th Century mathematics have affected our view of the world, and particularly how the financial economy and earth’s environment are now seen as inherently unpredictable. The film examines the influence the work of Henri Poincare and Alexander Lyapunov had on later developments in mathematics. It includes interviews with David Ruelle, about chaos theory and turbulence, the economist Paul Ormerod about the unpredictability of economic systems, and James Lovelock the founder of Gaia theory about climate change and tipping points in the environment. As we approach tipping points in both the economy and the climate, the film examines the mathematics we have been reluctant to face up to and asks if, even now, we would rather bury our heads in the sand rather than face harsh truths.
地球交響曲 ガイアシンフォニー
Gaia Symphony is a television series directed by Jin Tatsumura. The series revolves around the Gaia hypothesis. The series has eight episodes. Each episode examines a small number of extraordinary people who somehow relate to the central theme. Some of the people examined are famous people. For example, Jane Goodall and Reinhold Messner. Created originally in the Japanese language, there are English versions available.
Visionaries: Small Solutions to Enormously Large Problems
An anthology series of seven documentary films written and directed by Tony Gailey and Julian Russell. Each piece examines the work of a living person who is a revolutionary thinker in their field. What the subjects have in common is a creative contribution to humanity that has the potential to elicit a paradigm shift—either by addressing global socioeconomic problems, or providing a radical scientific model to understanding a complex system.