Norman Coombes

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Lethal Ninja

Lethal Ninja

May 08, 1992
En Afrique, plusieurs chimistes sont attaqués afin qu'ils créent une bactérie servant à polluer les eaux du pays. Parmi tous ces scientifiques se trouve Dominique, une jeune femme américaine mariée à un impressionnant maitre en karaté et autres techniques de combat asiatique ; seule survivante du massacre, capturée par ses ennemis, elle appelle au secours. Joe Ford son mari, décide donc de sauver sa femme des griffes des ninja en utilisant l'art du nunjitsu. Il sera aidé par un de ses anciens collègues, lui aussi apte aux techniques de combat des ninja.
Place of Weeping

Place of Weeping

Dec 05, 1986
When a farm worker is killed a journalist working in a nearby area investigates the murder


Jun 08, 1974
Rod Slater vient d'être nommé manager général d'une mine d'or à Sondertich, en Afrique du Sud. Très vite, il tombe amoureux de la petite-fille de son patron. Mais il va être impliqué malgré lui dans une terrible conspiration qu'il va devoir mettre à jour ...
Kill or Be Killed

Kill or Be Killed

Jun 17, 1976
Two former ranking figures of the Axis powers (the evil General Von Rudloff and Japanese master Miyagi) schedule a deadly martial arts tournament in Von Rudloff's desert castle. They race to assemble the top competitors from around the world, with the rebellious Steve Hunt being the most sought after.
The Lost City

The Lost City

Jan 01, 1997
After surviving a helicopter crash in the uncharted South African wilderness, two young men, a girl and a renegade thief discover an ancient city unknown to civilisation.
TV Movie
Ter wille van Christine
A Dutch Reformed Church minister from Swartruggens falls in love with a nurse. When it becomes known that the nurse is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, the minister's church council is not at all pleased with the relationship. To complicate matters further, a married doctor also falls in love with the girl.
Dog Squad

Dog Squad

Mar 07, 1973
Third and last entry of the Capt. Nick Jansen trilogy. This time Jansen is a member of the dog squad who fights a gang of drug dealers led by Rolly and Marko. After a raid on a night club he picks up Steve, the little brother of his girlfriend Pat Jackson, who has been given drugs by Marko.
La Presseuse diabolique
Une simple machine peut-elle être possédée ? C'est la conviction que se forge peu à peu l'officier John Hutton, alors qu'il enquête sur une série d'accidents morbides dont le point commun est une presseuse à vapeur de la blanchisserie Blue Ribbon. Le temps lui est alors compté pour sauver la vie d'une jeune fille...
Shadowchaser 4

Shadowchaser 4

Apr 22, 1997
Un couple d'archéologue, dont le fils, victime d'un grave accident, est alité dans un hôpital de brousse, découvre sur un site africain un étrange artefact recouvert de signes cunéiformes Alors qu'ils s'appretent à remettre l'objet aux hommes de mains de leur mécène, ils sont attaqués par un androïde qui, semble-t-il, n'a qu'un seul objectif : récupérer cet objet qu'il nomme la clé d'Orion. Commence alors une course poursuite avec la vie de leur enfant comme enjeu...
Science Fiction
City of Blood

City of Blood

Jan 01, 1987
A medical examiner investigating a series of prostitute murders discovers that the culprit is an ancient tribal witch doctor come back to life.
Cyborg Cop II

Cyborg Cop II

Sep 01, 1994
Une nouvelle génération de cyborgs est née, plus dangereuse, plus puissante, plus intelligente que la précédente. Elle est capable de s'autogénérer, sans intervention humaine. Jamais, dans ses pires cauchemars, l'agent Jack Ryan n'aurait imaginé affronter de pareils ennemis.
The House of Usher

The House of Usher

Apr 13, 1989
An updated version of the classic horror tale by Edgar Allen Poe. Ryan and his girlfriend Molly are going to visit Ryan's uncle, Roderick Usher, at his mansion. They find, however, that Roderick's brother Walter has gone insane, and Roderick himself isn't far behind. Can Ryan and Molly escape from the doomed mansion before the curse of Usher claims them as well?
Mister Deathman

Mister Deathman

Jan 01, 1977
Geoffrey Graves is a secret agent who comes ourt of retirement for a mission in South Africa. Stella Stevens stars as an enemy agent.
Funeral for an Assassin
Michael Cardiff is a professional revolutionary highly trained in a variety of techniques of assassination, infiltration and evading law enforcement. After escaping from prison he places identification items on a decomposed body to make him appear dead as he plans his revenge against the government. Cardiff uses his skills to murder a prominent judge making his death look like an accident in order to plant an improvised explosive device at his funeral attended by the movers and shakers of the regime. Only one non conformist police captain is on to his plans.
Hearts & Minds

Hearts & Minds

Aug 29, 1995
In the final days of the pro-apartheid government, bigoted policeman and assassin Andries Fourie is assigned an undercover job. His task is to pose as a political progressive to infiltrate the African National Congress and assassinate one of the party’s leaders.
Follow That Rainbow

Follow That Rainbow

Nov 25, 1979
Believing that her long-lost father is a popular touring singer, a young woman named Carrie pursues him from Switzerland to South Africa.
The Lion's Share

The Lion's Share

Aug 30, 1985
An Italian cop returns to his birthplace of South Africa to investigate his father's death
Oh Schucks...! Here Comes UNTAG
Kwagga Robertse owns a farm shop in the fictional Southern African country of Nambabwe and usually cons foreign tourists by pretending to kill a lion, thus earning him the nickname 'Urumbo' (Lion Killer) from the country's natives. Kwagga is upset when the UN sends a platoon of incompetent soldiers with the United Nations Transition Assistance Group (U.N.T.A.G.), to monitor the peace process, and ensure free and fair elections after the Nambabwean War for Independence. The U.N.T.A.G's American leader, Major Bradick D. Mackay and his second-in-command, Captain Zapman are offered a diamond worth a lot of money in the U.S., and they must pay 200,000 USD to Duan Robertse, Kwagga's competitive brother trying to buy a farm left to them by their dead father.