Sandino Moya-Smith

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The World Is Watching: Making the Hunger Games
A feature length, eight part documentary that covers everything from pre-production to adapting the source novel to casting to shooting to post and marketing. This is an amazing in-depth piece and it's notable how many women were involved in this production, from several Lionsgate executives to novelist Suzanne Collins herself. Jennifer Lawrence talks about her "hypocrisy" in not wanting to do a big budget blockbuster after having devoted herself to indies (despite X-Men, which she seems to discount somewhat). There's also a nice sequence on the strength and weight training the actors went through and the stunts that are so notable in the film, as well as having to dance around the violence implicit in the story due to the planned PG-13 rating the filmmakers were aiming for.
Hunger Games

Hunger Games

Mar 12, 2012
Dans un proche futur, les États‐Unis sont devenus un gouvernement fédéral dystopique dans lequel chacun des 12 districts doit envoyer un garçon et une fille combattre lors d’un événement annuel télévisé, « Les Hunger Games ». La seule issue à ces jeux pour les « Tributs » est de tuer ou d’être tué. Lorsque la petite sœur de Katniss est tirée au sort pour y participer, celle‐ci décide de prendre sa place.
Science Fiction