Reporter Jones, a hustler, discovers a gold-brick displayed in a jeweler's window and sees a fine "feature story" in trying to sell this real gold-brick to farmers at $2.00 per.
Papa Ward, a portly and dignified person, sits drowsily smoking in his study as his adorable daughter, Fannie, comes and bids him good-night. Shortly thereafter Toby Bates appears on the outside of the house muffled up in auto garb and throws pebbles against the window of Fannie's boudoir.
While many men think they can manage a hotel, a theater, or a newspaper, they are in the minority compared with those low-browed addle-pates who believe they could run the government.
A young man addicted to liquor; he becomes a drunkard and later a felon. After serving time he returns to his home and, looking through a window, sees his old-time sweetheart married to the worthy man she should have married.
Two young collegians, Anthony Markham, an enigmatic person, and Alan Strange, whose temperament is the direct antithesis of his friend, compete for the honors of swimming. Both men are aspirants for the hand of Rosalie Latimer, the daughter of the banker, Latimer, to whom Alan is the confidential secretary.