Leander Haußmann

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Pourquoi les hommes n'écoutent jamais rien et les femmes ne savent pas lire les cartes
Le couple formé par Jan et Katrin est issu d'un heureux accident. Jan, avocat, rencontre Katrin, éditrice, à l'occasion d'un léger accident de voiture. Pendant ce temps, Melanie, la petite amie de Jan, tombe amoureuse de Rüdiger, meilleur ami de l'avocat. S'ils vivent un coup de foudre immédiat, l'histoire de Jan et Katrin commence par une dispute avant de se transformer en un tendre amour. Quelques années plus tard, tandis que Melanie et Rüdiger coulent des jours paisibles, la vie de couple de Jan est Katrin s'avère bien plus mouvementée.


Jan 31, 1996
Ein Förderprogramm bringt die beiden Kanckis Gerd und Steinbock in die Obhut von Frauen. Dort sollen sie beweisen, dass sie in der Lage sind sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Nun bringt Gerd dummerweise einen Barbesitzer um. Damit hat der Ausflug in die Freiheit vorlaeufig ein Ende.


Mar 26, 2003
Ben is a young editor for a famous german music magazine in the mid 90's. His life is falling apart after his girlfriend breaks up with him. From now on he decides to go solo...


Jan 22, 2004
Martin is the ambitious one in the family. He is poised to start on his doctorate, when he is diagnosed with testicular cancer and all his future plans begin to unravel. The removal of one testicle reduces the most immediate threat, but the cancer has already spread and Martin's doctor argues for an operation that would save him, but could also castrate him.
Hotel Lux

Hotel Lux

Oct 27, 2011
1938. Hans Zeisig, un comédien juif, s'est permis une plaisanterie sur Hitler et doit fuir Berlin. Sous une fausse identité, il voyage jusqu'à Moscou et atterrit à l'Hôtel Lux, refuge des exilés communistes. Alors que les arrestations frappent tour à tour les habitants de l'hôtel, Hans réalise qu'il a emprunté malgré lui une identité peu ordinaire : celle de l'astrologue de Hitler. Une fonction qui intéresse grandement Joseph Staline. Intrigué, le dictateur soviétique ne tarde pas à l'engager comme astrologue personnel...
Die Vermessung der Welt
L'Allemagne au début du 19e siècle. "Die Vermessung der Welt" suit les deux scientifiques brillants et excentriques Alexander von Humboldt et Carl Friedrich Gauss sur leur chemin de vie.
Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Der Eisbär

Der Eisbär

Nov 12, 1998
Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....


Mar 19, 2009
During the day Paul works in a Berlin pet shop and in the evening he works on his career as a comedian. Things are going really badly until he cracks jokes about his best buddy Hotte and his girlfriend Susi. The audience goes wild with excitement! But Hotte and Susi are p* off. Paul has to decide: friendship or career?
Die Friseuse und der Millionär
Eleven-year-old Nick, son of a wealthy, single-parent architect, is being robbed by street children in Berlin. The blonde hairdresser Anna takes care of him. When Nick learns that she is looking for a partner, he brings his father into play ...
Die Konkurrentin

Die Konkurrentin

Aug 14, 1997
Katharina, a successful management consultant, has to face Maren as a new assistant. The young woman is very ambitious but has been employed by junior Boss Grosser to spoil Katharina's career. Despite all circumstances they work perfectly well as a team - and fall in love. Katharina, wife and mother to teenage twins, is shaken up by the new situation. Is she willing to live her life with Maren, an open lesbian?


Jun 21, 2003
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Les 120 Journées de Bottrop
Les survivants de l’ancien groupe de Fassbinder se rassemblent une dernière fois pour tourner le remake de Salò de Pasolini. Le producteur envoie un agent à Hollywood pour rencontrer Udo Kier, Kitten Natividad et d’autres afin de récolter de l’argent et récupérer Helmut Berger, ex-star de Visconti


Sep 29, 2005




Sep 29, 2005




Sep 29, 2005


Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Kabale und Liebe

Kabale und Liebe

Oct 03, 2005
Ferdinand's father, the president of the residence, can not tolerate a serious relationship between his son and a commoner, and moreover intends to marry him to Lady Milford, the prince's mistress, to increase his own influence at court.
Sonnenallee - L'allée du soleil
Ferdinand's father, the president of the residence, can not tolerate a serious relationship between his son and a commoner, and moreover intends to marry him to Lady Milford, the prince's mistress, to increase his own influence at court.
Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee
A lifeguard at Lake Müggel has his hand bitten off and the marks indicate a shark attack. The lake is closed to the public by extending a local festival indefinitely while the city council thinks of what can be done to remove the shark. The public becomes restless having their lake closed for so long and come up with a plan to drive the shark from the lake with large quantities of beer.
Die Durchmacher

Die Durchmacher

Oct 27, 2001
Loose acquaintances meet up again 25 years later and tell stories about their time together.
Die Durchmacher

Die Durchmacher

Oct 27, 2001
Loose acquaintances meet up again 25 years later and tell stories about their time together.
Das Pubertier - Der Film
She was sweet, she was cute. But just before her 14th birthday, Daddy’s little princess mutates into a petulant pubescent nightmare. Journalist Hannes Wenger decides to take a time-out from work to guide his daughter Carla through this difficult phase in her life and, above all, to keep her away from alcohol, boys and other temptations. This is easier said than done, however, and when his wife Sara goes back to work, Hannes proves himself entirely inept at raising a teenager. Whether it’s Carla’s birthday party, her mobile phone contract or her first time, Hannes makes one awkward blunder after another. The fact that other teens have embarrassing fathers provides only faint consolation; Hannes’ best friend is a war reporter named Holger who prefers to be shot at in war zones rather than stay at home and be driven crazy by his own teenage nightmare.
Die Harald Schmidt Show
The Harald Schmidt Show is a German late night talk show hosted on Sky Deutschland by comedian Harald Schmidt. The show first aired from 5 December 1995 to 23 December 2003 on Sat.1. Schmidt then moved his show to Das Erste as Harald Schmidt and Schmidt & Pocher, but he returned to Sat.1 on 13 September 2011. After cancellation on Sat.1, the show continued on Sky Deutschland in September 2012.


Apr 23, 2023
Anne Will discusses political processes, economic relationships, and social trends with her guests. Her motto: to think politically and ask directly.
Au cœur de la nuit

Au cœur de la nuit

May 17, 2020
Au cœur de la nuit sur Arte propose à deux artistes établis, qui ne se connaissent pas de déambuler dans la cité préférée de l'un d'eux. À l'arrivée : auto-dérision, découvertes et confidences.


Nov 16, 2018
The Bambi, often called the Bambi Award and stylised as BAMBI, is a German award presented annually by Hubert Burda Media to recognize excellence in international media and television to personalities in the media, arts, culture, sports, and other fields "with vision and creativity who affected and inspired the German public that year", both domestic and foreign. First held in 1948, it is the oldest media award in Germany. The trophy is named after Felix Salten's book Bambi, A Life in the Woods and its statuettes are in the shape of the novel's titular fawn character. They were originally made of porcelain until 1958, when the organizers switched to using gold, with the casting done by the art casting workshop of Ernst Strassacker in Süßen.
German Genius

German Genius

Apr 21, 2024
Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.