Aleni Tufuga

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Teine Sā: The Ancient Ones
Teine Sā - the ancient spirits of the Pacific are stirring. Revered and feared in equal measure, these sacred gods have crept back into the modern world to engage with five different women facing their own demons.. Teine Sā is a series of stories of modern day issues impacting Pacific women who look to the atua of the past for guidance. Teine Sā are the ancient spirit women, with the ability to bless and curse in equal measure. From the notorious goddess Telesa to the Hiama of the Solomon Islands, these tales of the unexpected take age-old stories on many twists and turns.
Brown Boys

Brown Boys

May 09, 2019
The Brown Boys spend their weekends drinking, partying and chasing girls. Peter the Player, Kiligi the Bad Influence, Magele the Tough Guy, Luka the Drunken Master, Siaki the Weird Guy and Mickey the Baby - they are family by blood and by choice. When one of the boys expresses a desire to settle down, it causes reactions among the group that could rupture their bonds of friendship and family forever.
La Légende de Johnny Lingo
Lorsqu'une tempête emporte un canot transportant un jeune garçon à terre sur une petite île du Pacifique Sud, il est d'abord bien accueilli comme un cadeau du ciel, au point même que le chef de tribu l'adopte comme successeur. Cependant, avec le temps, alors que les difficultés sont imputées à Tama (comme il est nommé), il est finalement banni pour vivre avec les personnes les plus pauvres de l'île, Mahana et son père ivre. Mahana est considérée comme accueillante et indésirable, mais Tama se sent différemment, alors quand il sera assez vieux pour construire un bateau pour s'enfuir, il jure de revenir la chercher un jour. Un coup de chance l'amène à débarquer sur l'île du légendaire Johnny Lingo, le commerçant le plus riche des îles, et après des années à son service, Tama a beaucoup appris sur la vie et sur lui-même alors qu'il rêve d'honorer son engagement envers Mahana.
Sione's Wedding

Sione's Wedding

Mar 29, 2006
Meet best friends Michael, Albert, Stanley and Sefa; the ladies' man, the good boy, the weird one and the party boy. They're staring down the barrel of their thirtieth birthdays, but still act as if they're sixteen; they get drunk, they chase the wrong women and they have a remarkable record of misbehaving and causing chaos at every wedding they attend. But now Michael's younger brother Sione is getting married, and everything is about to change. Sione is their boy, the kid they used to look after, who grew up while they were still partying. And to ensure his big day isn't spoiled by his boys and their idiot antics, Sione has issued an ultimatum; the guys all have to bring dates to the wedding. And not just any dates; real girlfriends, someone they've made a commitment to. They have one month. So just how hard can it be to get a date for your best boy's wedding?


Oct 05, 2023
A 17 year-old student is forced to get off the fence he has actively sat on all his life to stand up for himself, his whanau (family) and his future in this heartwarming story of identity.


Sep 12, 2024
When an awkward but brilliant Chinese student wins a scholarship into a prestigious New Zealand University, she finds a new way of achieving the popularity she craves one bloody body at a time.
The Almighty Johnsons

The Almighty Johnsons

Sep 26, 2013
Axl Johnson, un étudiant qui va célébrer ses 21 ans, découvre que les membres de sa famille sont les réincarnations des dieux nordiques. Ils s'avèrent que ceux-ci ne contrôlent pas complétement leurs pouvoirs. Pour rétablir l'ordre et assurer la survie de leur famille, ils comptent sur Axl (qui se révèle être le dieu Odin) pour retrouver la réincarnation de celle qui fut sa femme : Frigg. Les choses se compliquent lorsque trois déesses nordiques tentent de trouver Frigg avant la famille Johnson. Elles veulent empêcher la restauration des pouvoirs des dieux, afin de conserver leur suprématie...