Anna Maria Sturm

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Beste Zeit

Beste Zeit

Jul 26, 2007
Kati drives the VW bus of her parents even without a license quite fast. But what else should one do in the Bavarian province? Kati and her best friend Jo keep asking themselves this question when they philosophize about God and the world with the tip in one hand and the beer in the other hand. After all, Kati's swarm Mike has just come back from the Bundeswehr, but while she dreams of the great love, he seems to take the matter far less seriously. And there's only stress with her dad.
Beste Gegend

Beste Gegend

Jul 16, 2008
After they have graduated from school, the two best friends Kati and Jo jump into their purple Benz and embark on a journey around the world southwards. Kati, however, struggled with the decision for the journey as the love of her life returned to their hometown Tandern shortly before their departure. The journey leads the two friends over the Brenner pass, where their car suddenly stops working. When Kati then also learns that her grandfather is about to die, she wants to return home – this puts the friendship of the two to an acid test.
Die Hebamme - Auf Leben und Tod
Die Heldin in „Die Hebamme – Auf Leben und Tod“ ist eine Reisende zwischen den Welten und den Zeiten. Zwischen den Autoritäten anno 1813, der Kirche und der Wissenschaft, bleibt Rosa Koelbl eine Fremde. Die Zeit ist noch nicht reif für die Werte, die diese Frau verkörpert. (Quelle:
Sommer der Gaukler

Sommer der Gaukler

Dec 22, 2011
Summer 1780: On the way to Salzburg Emanuel Schikaneder's theatre group gets held up in a small mountain village on the Austrian border due to a missing performance permit. In this village a dispute between mine owner Paccoli and the rebelling mine workers is escalating. The situation immediately inspires Schikaneder with the idea for a new play- but before long not only the mineworkers, but also Schikaneder's performers take to the picket line. This is because Schikaneder seems to care more about spending time with high society than his actors, who the Landlord refuses to feed until Schikaneder pays the outstanding bill. A hastily put together open air performance by the troupe leads to major disruption....
La Photographe

La Photographe

Mar 13, 2024
France 1936. Gerta Pohorylle, jeune photoreporter allemande, vit en exil avec son compagnon, le photographe hongrois André Friedmann. En raison de la xénophobie ambiante, ils peinent à trouver des journaux qui acceptent de les publier. Quand la guerre civile éclate en Espagne, Gerta est déterminée à couvrir les évènements pour lutter contre le fascisme, malgré le refus des journaux de les envoyer au front.
Beste Chance

Beste Chance

Jun 26, 2014
Since they graduated from school five years ago, the friends Jo and Kati have not seen one another. While one of them travels around the world and has arrived in India in the meantime, the other one is struggling with the final exams of the university. But five years are like blown away when Kati one day listens to a worrying message from her friend on her answering machine. Immediately, she drops everything and drives to her home village in order to gather together the old friends from her school days and to look for Jo in India.
Hattinger und der Nebel - Ein Chiemseekrimi
On her run-down farm, Ursula Kammler discovers her brother's body. The two have shared, lived and worked on the legacy of the Chiemsee. For years now, colleagues from white-collar crime have been filing a case over Joe Kammler's strange business practices, but they have not been able to prove anything to him. Sarah Beck, the murder victim's secretary, is helping Hattinger, the network of business relations to finally see through: The murdered seems to have made common cause with a dubious banker. Sarah's erotic charisma attracts the Commissioner visibly in his spell ...
TV Movie
Kathi et son prince charmant
A la recherche du prince charmant, Kathi vient d'être quittée par Markus. Lorsque sa meilleure amie lui demande d'être sa demoiselle d'honneur, la jeune femme doit tout organiser avec Théo, le témoin du futur marié. Et pour trouver un cavalier, elle s'inscrit sur des sites de rencontres. Elle échange alors avec un inconnu sans photo de profil
TV Movie
Eine halbe Ewigkeit

Eine halbe Ewigkeit

Mar 30, 2012
More than fifty years have passed since Harry left his great love Elly head over heels to go to America. Now he has returned to see her again - and must discover that she lives as a nun in a Protestant monastery. At first she refuses to contact him, the pain is too deep that he has not been alive throughout the years. Only when she learns the true reason for his supposed silence does she let Harry back into her life. With the memory of the past times, the two also return to the old feelings. Elly gets into a deep moral conflict
TV Movie
Das Haus ihres Vaters

Das Haus ihres Vaters

Nov 18, 2010
The happily married judge Susanne has been carrying a secret with her for many years. As a 17-year-old, she released her baby for adoption. But a letter now confronts them with the past: Paolo, the Italian father of her girl, has died and has inherited his house in Tuscany to the unknown daughter. Despite better knowledge, Susanne sets out in search of her lost daughter - endangering the happiness of two families.
TV Movie
Les Traducteurs

Les Traducteurs

Dec 20, 2019
Isolés dans une luxueuse demeure sans aucun contact possible avec l'extérieur, neuf traducteurs sont rassemblés pour traduire le dernier tome d'un des plus grands succès de la littérature mondiale. Mais lorsque les dix premières pages du roman sont publiées sur internet et qu'un pirate menace de dévoiler la suite si on ne lui verse pas une rançon colossale, une question devient obsédante : d'où vient la fuite ?
Nucléaire, non merci !
Ce film met en scène un moment fort du mouvement antinucléaire allemand, à une époque où l'idée même d'une transition énergétique semblait encore bien lointaine. Dans les années 1980 en Allemagne, l'ouverture d'une usine de traitement des déchets nucléaires ouvre dans la commune de Wackersdorf, portant ainsi l'espoir d'un boom économique dans une région rognée par le chômage. Des protestations écologiques sont alors violemment réprimées par les autorités bavaroises.


May 08, 2023
Felix falls in love with Emma and when she is invited to Italy by her grandfather, Felix joins her. Both have trisomy-21, but that doesn't stop them on their journey....
Tiere bis unters Dach

Tiere bis unters Dach

Nov 26, 2023
With a woof-woof here and a baaa-baaa there and a quack-quack, oink-oink everywhere, there's always some furry or feathered creature demanding attention from the Hansens. It's partly because Dr. Philipp Hansen is a veterinarian who's just opened a practice in the big old villa he's moved into with his family. But it's mostly because of ten-year-old daughter Greta, who never saw an animal she didn't want to adopt.
Polizeiruf 110

Polizeiruf 110

Dec 29, 2024
Alexander Bukow est un flic qui n'hésite pas à travailler au bord de la loi pour obtenir des résultats. Sa partenaire, Katrin Koenig, est une maniaque du contrôle dont la vie est le métier. Ensemble, ils forment une excellente équipe de lutte contre le crime - quand ils ne se battent pas entre eux.
Sur les lieux du crime
La série des Tatort, créé en 1970, est la plus ancienne et la plus appréciée des séries télévisées policières diffusées actuellement dans les pays germanophones. Au cours de l'année 2010, elle a été regardée chaque semaine par près de 8,5 millions de personnes en moyenne, d'après l'ARD.


Dec 30, 2024
The Berliner Abendschau is the news magazine for Berlin.


Dec 30, 2024
The Berliner Abendschau is the news magazine for Berlin.