Александр Смирнов

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Таинственный монах
Ukraine, 1920. Two White Guards are escaping from Red Army captivity - Vorontsov and Stronsky. They get to the monastery, where a White Guard detachment is hiding under the guise of monks. Vorontsov leads it and waits for a signal to move to the settlements occupied by the Red Army soldiers. He does not suspect that his friend, the “former journalist” Stronsky, is a security officer...
Guerre et Paix

Guerre et Paix

Apr 28, 1968
1805 - Les hostilités entre la France d'un côté, l'Autriche et la Russie sont déclenchées, mais pour l'aristocratie, dans les grandes villes et à la cour, la vie continue avec ses mondanités et ses petits scandales. Le prince André Bolkonski rêve de gloire et s'engage dans l'armée du Tsar. Il est gravement blessé à la bataille d'Austerlitz... 1812 - La grande armée de Napoléon Bonaparte envahit la Russie. La bataille de la Moskova est un carnage épique. Moscou est incendié. La retraite en hiver soumise aux attaques des Cosaques est un calvaire. Après la version de King Vidor, la campagne de Russie de Napoléon vue par les Russes. Oscar du meilleur film étranger.
Guerre et Paix, Partie II: Natasha Rostova
À la fin de 1809, Natasha assiste à son premier bal. Andrei tombe amoureux d'elle et a l'intention de l'épouser, mais son père exige qu'ils attendent. Le prince voyage à l'étranger et Natasha le désire désespérément. Mais elle rencontre ensuite Anatol Kuragin et oublie Andrei. À la dernière minute, elle regrette et abandonne son projet de fuir avec Anatol. Bolkonsky en a entendu parler et déclare que leurs fiançailles sont terminées. Pierre, essayant de la calmer, annonce soudainement qu'il l'aime.


Jan 23, 1941
Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Science of Victory," containing maxims such as "Swiftness of movement accompanies victory," and "the real general is he who defeats the enemy before reaching him." The czar recalled Suvorov to become the leader of the joint armies of Russia and Austria against Napoleon.
Чёрный бизнес
An experienced intelligence officer arrives in the USSR as a tourist. The staff of the State Security Committee manages to find out the real reason for Miss Luster's visit, to reveal all her numerous connections with agents of foreign intelligence, to expose and eliminate the criminals.
Le Musicien aveugle

Le Musicien aveugle

Mar 20, 1961
In the wealthy noble family of Popelsky, the only son Petrik is blind from birth. His mother Anna Mikhailovna, infinitely loving and pitying the boy, educates him as a rare fragile flower. And only Uncle Maxim, who fought under the banner of Garibaldi in his youth, is trying to accustom the boy to independence. The boy begins to recognize the world by touch, and one day his fingers find the keys of a piano. But, still not knowing the price of his talent, he leaves with the tramps "to seek the truth." And now only love can reconcile him with the world of the sighted.
Сквозь ледяную мглу
After the events of 1905, the proletariat slowly retreated with battle. The Lenin headquarters of the leadership of the revolution was moved to Finland. There Lenin and Krupskaya live illegally in safe houses. Vladimir Ilyich works on his articles, occasionally his associates visit him, sometimes he goes to the city for meetings with his party comrades — Gorky, Kalinin, Krasin, and others. By all possible means, Lenin directs the activities of the Bolsheviks in Russia...
Первая девушка
Based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Bogdanov. Summer 1919. After the sons of the kulaks deserted and went into the woods, in the remote Russian village of Potma there was only the old Bolshevik Matvei and a small Komsomol cell led by Sanya Yermakova. A fierce struggle begins between the Komsomol's and deserters...
Один из нас

Один из нас

Jan 18, 1971
April 1941. According to intelligence received by the Chekists, a fascist sabotage group plans to blow up one of Moscow's defense plants. To find out the plans of saboteurs working under the auspices of the German embassy, ​​the NKVD sends one of its best employees, Sergei Biryukov, to the plant. He finds contact with the fascist agent Keller and finds out that the explosion is scheduled for June 21...


Jan 01, 1949
About the life of the Russian biologist Ivan Michurin. 1912 year. Having rejected American offers to work abroad, Michurin continues his research in the Russian Empire, despite the fact that his ideas are not perceived by the tsarist government, the church and idealistic science. Michurin is supported by prominent scientists of the country and he continues to work hard. After the October Revolution, a small Michurin garden in the city of Kozlov (the biologist's homeland) becomes a large state nursery.