Vitaliy Komissarov

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Esclave de l'amour

Esclave de l'amour

Sep 27, 1976
Crimée, 1974. Loin de l’agitation de la guerre civile, une équipe de cinéma tourne Esclave de l’amour. Mais les événements les rattrapent et Olga, la star du film, va aider un militant révolutionnaire...
Le Nôtre parmi les autres
Pendant la Guerre civile, la Russie a besoin de blé. On ne peut en acheter à l’étranger qu’avec de l’or. Le Parti communiste de Sibérie envoie une cargaison de métal précieux à Moscou sous la protection d’un groupe de Tchékistes. Ces derniers sont attaqués et l’or est confisqué. Un des Tchékistes resté vivant est accusé de trahison. Il part seul à la recherche du trésor perdu. Son courage et sa ruse lui feront retrouver l’or et prouver en même temps son innocence.
Quelques jours de la vie d'Oblomov
Propriétaire terrien installé à Saint-Pétersbourg, Oblomov passe ses journées dans son canapé, vêtu de sa robe de chambre, habité par une paresse proche de la léthargie. Tandis qu'il vient d'apprendre de son serviteur Zakhar qu'il doit libérer sous huit jours son logement et que ses revenus vont diminuer, il rêve d'Oblomovka, le village de son enfance.
Biały mazur

Biały mazur

Feb 19, 1979
A film about the life and activities of the Polish revolutionary Ludwik Waryński. In his memoirs, Ludwik returns to his student years in St. Petersburg, to Warsaw, to Krakow, where he was arrested and put on trial. After the end of the process in Krakow, Waryński leaves for Geneva, where he meets with Russian revolutionaries. In 1881, he returned to his homeland and created the first party of workers in Poland...
Зигзаг удачи
Photo studio "Contemporary" in a provincial town lives with its everyday problems. The director is concerned over the failure to fulfill the planned targets, receptionist Alevtina wants to get married, and photographer Vladimir Oreshnikov dreams of becoming a professional photographer. But suddenly luck smiles on Oreshnikov. He takes 20 rubles form the worker's mutual aid fund, buys a government lottery bond and wins 10,000 rubles. Oreshnikov wants to receive the win himself, but his colleagues object to him, because the money that he spent on the bond were public, hence the win should be divided equally among all workers. It creates a controversial situation, which is successfully resolved on the very eve of the New Year, under the chiming clock...


Apr 19, 1967
An eccentric musical comedy based on the tale of Korney Chukovsky. In Africa, monkeys fell ill. This news was reported to Dr. Aybolit by the monkey Chichi, who escaped from the robber Barmaley. Aybolit and his assistants — Chichi and the dog Avva — are in a hurry to save the monkeys from the disease. But Barmaley and his robbers are trying to stop them. First, they capture the doctor’s ship at sea and throw Aybolit, Avva and Chichi into the water, but they swim to Africa.