Riccardo Flammini

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My Lai Four: Soldati senza onore
My Lai Four, a movie about the My Lai massacre in Vietnam. Here s the blurb: Freely adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Seymour Hersh, this film recounts the story of a platoon of American soldiers led by Second Lieutenant Wm. Calley. Falling into an ambush, they come under enemy fire and in the disastrous fight that ensues, two young soldiers lose their lives; a third is so badly injured that Sgt. Cowen is forced to put him out of his hopeless agony.
Chaque jour que Dieu fait
Guido est timide, réservé et instruit. Antonia est agitée, susceptible et fière de son ignorance. Lui est portier de nuit, il aime les langues anciennes et les saints tandis qu'elle, chanteuse en herbe, travaille pour une entreprise de location de voitures. Ils ne se voient que tôt le matin quand Guido revient de son travail et la réveille avec le petit déjeuner, et ils font l'amour chaque jour que Dieu fait. Une histoire d'amour amusante et romantique qui se déroule à Rome, avec des voisins rustres, joyeux et désespérés, deux familles aux origines totalement différentes. Un amour qui semble indestructible avant que l'obsession d'un bébé ne vienne déclencher des conséquences imprévisibles.
Les fans

Les fans

Oct 01, 1999
Quatre histoires différentes sur le soutien de l'équipe de football italien.
Agents très spéciaux : Code U.N.C.L.E.
Au début des années 60, en pleine guerre froide, l'agent de la CIA Solo et de l'agent du KGB Kuryakin sont contraints de laisser de côté leur antagonisme ancestral. Les deux hommes s'engagent alors dans une mission conjointe: mettre hors d'état de nuire une organisation criminelle internationale déterminée à ébranler le fragile équilibre mondial, en favorisant la prolifération des armes et de la technologie nucléaires. Pour l'heure, Solo et Kuryakin n'ont qu'une piste: le contact de la fille d'un scientifique allemand porté disparu, le seul à même d'infiltrer l'organisation criminelle. Ils se lancent dans une course contre la montre pour retrouver sa trace et empêcher un cataclysme planétaire.
Sotto una buona stella
A wealthy broker, Federico Picchioni, within two days forfeits his partner and work, finishing well to living with two children and granddaughter (abandoned by her father). He is, at this point, in the face of many difficulties of adjustment but finds comfort in the help of his neighbor.


May 27, 2011
In a neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome the crime, drugs and graffiti are pervasive. A large apartment complex seems to be a prison for the inhabitants. Marco returns to the hood after serving time in prison for dealing drugs but he's rejected and abandoned by his wife. His old friends still want him to deal cocaine for them. At first he's reluctant but it seems to be all he knows to do. Faustino, Massimo and Federico are delinquents who hang out together while doing drugs, petty crime, and looking for sex. Sonia is different from the rest because she studies and works all the time but even Sonia won't escape without being a victim. A tragic incident brings the main characters together and leaves behind a trail of fire, blood and violence.
Midway: Tra la vita e la morte
Sara and Alex are getting through hard times: they lost the son they were expecting due to miscarriage and since that day their life changed. Just when she least expected it, Sara finds out to be pregnant but decides to wait the third month before telling Alex not wishing to give him false hopes. Alex, exhausted from work hardships, decides to organize a weekend in the woods among a group of friends. Sara agrees to take part in it, so to not disappoint him, while keeping the pregnancy yet unannounced. But between unsettling presences and EVP phenomena they will soon realize that that place is not as peaceful as thought to be: something "half way" between our world and the afterlife will make their weekend unforgettable.