Karla, a young medical student, is trying to cure her brother, Blake, from a terminal sleep illness called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where you are unable to sleep until you die. On her quest to treat him, a more sinister reason for his condition is revealed.
Déçue de ne pas participer aux Jeux olympiques, Maddy Cornell décide de changer de vie et d'entraîner de jeunes gymnastes qui doivent affronter une équipe rivale.
A coming-of-age story about the formative sexual experiences of a young man who has an unusual pastime – staking out a known gay beat and watching men hook up. His ritual is disrupted one day when the boy he fancies turns up looking for casual sex with a stranger. When this encounter goes awry, he finds himself up close and personal with his infatuation and discovers the gap between sex as it exists in his imagination and reality.
Influencer Nadia, the epitome of online perfection, is thrown into crisis when her husband seeks to end their marriage threatening her online reputation.
Penny et Mia sont les meilleures amies, mais elles ne sont bonnes ni l'une ni l'autre ni pour personne d'autre. Laissant dans leur sillage un chemin de destruction où qu'ils aillent, ils disent et font ce qu'ils veulent - quelles qu'en soient les conséquences.