A.C. Lyles

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Biography - Humphrey Bogart
He was one of Hollywood's greatest tough guys. His charisma and electric on-screen presence propelled the success of classic films such as The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, and The Big Sleep.
Shirley Maclaine: Kicking Up Her Heels
Shirley MacLaine was the product of a strict middle-class background from which she and her brother, the future actor Warren Beatty, escaped into the fantasy world of show-biz. Her ballet training and her long-legged pixie charm led to rapid success on Broadway in musical comedy. Inevitably, Hollywood called and by 1955 Shirley was cast in Hitchcock's "The Trouble With Harry." It wasn't too long before the fine dramatic roles also came to her opposite the most popular leading men of the time, like Fred MacMurray, Jack Lemmon, Frank Sinatra, Clint Eastwood and Robert Mitchum.
Cinerama Adventure

Cinerama Adventure

Aug 30, 2002
Documentaire à propos du parcours du Cinérama entre 1952 et 1962, procédé technique permettant de tourner des films dans un format très large à l'aide de trois caméras. Le Cinérama est à l'origine du cinémascope que nous connaissons bien aujourd'hui.
Audrey Hepburn: The Paramount Years
This piece follows Audrey Hepburn's life from her childhood through her acting career. It explores her background in ballet, her Broadway debut, and her films for Paramount including Roman Holiday, Sabrina, War and Peace, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Paris When it Sizzles.
Alan Ladd: The True Quiet Man
In the 1942 film "This Gun For Hire," he was only a supporting actor. But his portrayal of a cold, ruthless killer with a core of gentle sadness had an impact on audiences everywhere. Teamed with diminutive Veronica Lake, he became an immediately saleable commodity, and in the process helped launch the age of film noir. By 1954, Photoplay Magazine voted him the world's most popular male film star; his fellow award-winner was Marilyn Monroe. But Alan Ladd's fabulous success already contained within it the mechanism to self-destruct.
Frankie Laine: An American Dreamer
"Frankie Laine: An American Dreamer" is a feature-length documentary. In this entertaining look at the legendary singer's life, hosted by two-time Grammy award singer Lou Rawls, Frankie tells his own story. Classic archive footage of the great performances of the past has been painstakingly collected, and new interview material shot with distinguished guests such as Clint Eastwood,Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Dick Clark, Ringo Starr, Patti Page, Pat Boone, Maria Cole, Mitch Miller, Michel Legrand, John Williams, Kay Starr, Jack Jones, Herb Jeffries, Peter Marshall, Howard Keel, Terry Moore, Lucy Marlow, Sammy Nestico, and A.C. Lyles. From Dick Clark's American Bandstand to The Bob Hope Show, from Rawhide to Blazing Saddles, from the Ed Sullivan Show to Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, audiences will journey through the life of one of the most popular male vocalists of all time.
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
This film discusses the effect on how major American films in Hollywood were influenced by the Eastern European Jewish culture that most of the major movie moguls who controlled the studios shared. Through clips of various films, the filmmakers illustrate the dominant themes like that of the outsider, the outspoken American patriotism, and rooting for the underdog in society.
Sunset Boulevard: A Look Back
Film critics, actors, film historians and other personalities share their experiences and curious stories on the acclaimed Billy Wilder's masterpiece "Sunset Blvd."; its cultural importance by being one of the most iconic and revolutionary films ever made and a picture that still stands the test of time.
Mae West Et les hommes qui l'ont connue
En tant que première bombe blonde, Mae West a régné en maitre et a changé la vision de la nation sur les femmes, le sexe et la course sur scène, dans les films, à la radio et à la télévision. Y compris des extraits de Night After Night, de She Done Him Wrong, de Je ne suis pas un ange, de Belle des années 90 et de Klondike Annie.
À la poursuite d'Octobre Rouge
1984. L’URSS lance son sous-marin révolutionnaire, «Octobre Rouge». Armé d’ogives nucléaires et indétectable, c’est l’arme absolue. Sorti des eaux territoriales, son Capitaine Markus Ramius, l’as de la marine soviétique, met le cap sur l’Amérique. Les flottes soviétiques et américaines, ignorant ses véritables intentions, se lancent à sa poursuite… D’après le best-seller de Tom Clancy, le réalisateur John Mc Tiernan (Predator, Piège de Cristal) nous plonge dans un fabuleux suspense.
Flight to Holocaust

Flight to Holocaust

Mar 26, 1977
A team of troubleshooters is called to a skyscraper where a plane has crashed into the 20th floor and is stuck in the side of the building.
TV Movie
Flight to Holocaust

Flight to Holocaust

Mar 26, 1977
A team of troubleshooters is called to a skyscraper where a plane has crashed into the 20th floor and is stuck in the side of the building.
TV Movie
Fort Utah

Fort Utah

Sep 01, 1967
An ex-gunfighter goes up against a man who is trying to stir up trouble with the Indians to enrich himself.
The Last Day

The Last Day

Feb 15, 1975
The Dalton gang is riding again, forcing a retired gunman to use his weapons once more.
TV Movie
A Christmas for Boomer
A sacked maid and butler kidnap a pampered dog and want $20,000 ransom from the rich owner, Lila Manchester. A shaggy dog named Boomer helps save it and becomes a member of the family who originally found him.
TV Movie
Condamné à être pendu
A sacked maid and butler kidnap a pampered dog and want $20,000 ransom from the rich owner, Lila Manchester. A shaggy dog named Boomer helps save it and becomes a member of the family who originally found him.
Les éperons Noirs

Les éperons Noirs

May 28, 1965
A sacked maid and butler kidnap a pampered dog and want $20,000 ransom from the rich owner, Lila Manchester. A shaggy dog named Boomer helps save it and becomes a member of the family who originally found him.

Dec 07, 1965

Cette série raconte le voyage d'un groupe de vachers (cow-boys) chargés de convoyer 3 000 têtes de bétail de San Antonio, Texas, à Sedalia, Missouri, dans les années qui suivent la guerre de Sécession1. Le groupe, où se distinguent les personnages de Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) et du cuisinier, est dirigé par le chef de piste Gil Favor (Eric Fleming). Le parcours est émaillé par une suite de rencontres, origines d'autant d’incidents (saison 1), qui ne remettent cependant pas en question l'avancée de la caravane.

Aug 27, 2006

La ruée vers l'or, à l'Ouest des Etats-Unis, mène toute une population à migrer vers des terres plus arides. Parmi eux, beaucoup de criminels et de malfrats en tous genres, prêts à s'installer sur ces nouvelles contrées et y faire commerce... et ainsi profiter des arrivants. Deadwood est une de ces villes nouvelles autour desquelles se greffent les hommes avides d'or, les familles venues de loin, et les rapaces de toutes sortes. L'endroit idéal pour commencer une nouvelle vie, et, si possible, une nouvelle fortune... Proche des territoires indiens, et en des temps troubles, Deadwood est un poste avancé dans la colonisation des terres de l'ouest, et est témoin de son temps : la série commence deux semaines après la cuisante défaite du Général Custer contre Little Big Horn, alors que Deadwood se situe sur des territoires indiens - et est donc illégale par sa seule existence.