Erik Borner

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Florian - Liebe aus ganzem Herzen
The Bachmann family's life is falling apart at the seams. Little Florian needs his dad - Peter Bachmann. Peter, his wife Maria and daughter Sophie have been unaware of his existence until now. A test begins. Can Maria forgive her husband for his infidelity? Should they really take the strange child into their family? When they finally decide in favor of Florian, they learn that he is no ordinary child. He is a boy with Down's syndrome. They are shocked. Once again their love is put to the test. Will she be big enough to accept Florian?


Oct 28, 2020
Inspired by a few youngsters in a coffee bar talking about aging, a busy man sinks into the idyllic surrounding of a lake. At this place the man seems to have turned into an old Gentleman who lingers and enjoys life at that unique spot. His thoughts and encounters at the lake seem to be magically linked with the man in the coffee bar and its visitors.
Hérode le Grand : nouveau Salomon ou tyran sanguinaire ?
Un récit du règne d'Hérode le Grand, roi de Judée sous la domination de l'Empire romain, connu pour avoir ordonné, selon l'Évangile de Matthieu, le meurtre de tous les enfants mâles nés à Bethléem au moment de la naissance de Jésus, un événement non prouvé qui n'est pas mentionné par Titus Flavius Josephus, le principal historien de cette période.
La Guerre des Juifs : Rome contre Jérusalem
Au premier siècle, après la mort d'Hérode le Grand, la Judée traverse une longue période de turbulence due aux actions des gouverneurs romains corrompus et aux luttes internes, tant religieuses que politiques, entre les factions juives, événements qui conduisent bientôt au soulèvement de la population et à une guerre cruelle qui dure plusieurs années et cause des milliers de morts, une catastrophe décrite en détail par l'historien juif romanisé Titus Flavius Josephus.
La Grande Cavale

La Grande Cavale

Apr 11, 2019
Marnie, une chatte naïve, qui ne connait le monde qu’à travers la télévision, est témoin des préparatifs d’un cambriolage. Chassée de sa maison par le malfaiteur, elle trouve de l’aide auprès de trois animaux extravagants, un chien de garde peureux, un âne qui rêve d’être une star de cirque et un coq zen. Accusés à tort d’être les voleurs, les quatre compères vont se lancer dans une aventure cocasse pour prouver leur innocence.
Der Millionär und die Stripperin
The widowed millionaire Wolff visits an exclusive bar with friends in a secluded area. He leaves the establishment early because it is not to his taste. As a result, his car breaks down with engine damage. Rita, of all people, a dancer at the strip club, turns up to save the day. Despite their mutual reservations, a friendship develops between them. However, his family is not happy about it.
TV Movie


Oct 28, 2020
Inspired by a few youngsters in a coffee bar talking about aging, a busy man sinks into the idyllic surrounding of a lake. At this place the man seems to have turned into an old Gentleman who lingers and enjoys life at that unique spot. His thoughts and encounters at the lake seem to be magically linked with the man in the coffee bar and its visitors.


Oct 28, 2020
Inspired by a few youngsters in a coffee bar talking about aging, a busy man sinks into the idyllic surrounding of a lake. At this place the man seems to have turned into an old Gentleman who lingers and enjoys life at that unique spot. His thoughts and encounters at the lake seem to be magically linked with the man in the coffee bar and its visitors.