The series revolves around Four Bachelor Flatmates who in every episode will deal with a specific daily life bachelor related problem. Its about their battle against an external X problem as a single team The Bachelors.
Social Media Star with Janice is a talk show where mainstream celebrities and new-age internet sensations sit down with host and creator, Janice Sequeira to discuss how the digital age has completely overhauled life as we know it.
Rafta Rafta is a beautiful narrative of a modern-day couple who start their new innings together, every day they wake up to a romantic breeze, but then reality hits them and things take a U-turn before they realize.
The story revolves around Bhuvan and his family's everyday lives, when an unexpected purchase leads to a series of events and depicts every common man's larger than life dreams.
Samay Raina and the guest judges hilariously critique the untapped, undeniably entertaining "latent" talents of aspiring performers, testing their self-awareness with a unique scoring system.
Rafta Rafta is a beautiful narrative of a modern-day couple who start their new innings together, every day they wake up to a romantic breeze, but then reality hits them and things take a U-turn before they realize.
The story revolves around Bhuvan and his family's everyday lives, when an unexpected purchase leads to a series of events and depicts every common man's larger than life dreams.
The story revolves around Bhuvan and his family's everyday lives, when an unexpected purchase leads to a series of events and depicts every common man's larger than life dreams.
Rafta Rafta is a beautiful narrative of a modern-day couple who start their new innings together, every day they wake up to a romantic breeze, but then reality hits them and things take a U-turn before they realize.
The story revolves around Bhuvan and his family's everyday lives, when an unexpected purchase leads to a series of events and depicts every common man's larger than life dreams.