Un charmant escort boy tombe amoureux et voit son univers complètement chamboulé. Il commence alors à se demander ce qui est vraiment important pour lui.
The epic love between Akkiz, the legendary warrior mountain girl orphaned by Gök Khan Korkut Khan in the harsh steppes of Central Asia, and Gök Tegini Batuga, who was orphaned by Korkut Khan in the Gök Palace during Gokturk Khaganate.
The story of the middle brother whose family didn't even bother to give him a name, whom everyone just refers to as “Prince”, in the fictional kingdom of Bongomia.
Miran cherche à se venger de la mort de ses parents, il envisage donc d'épouser sa fille Reyyan de la famille qui en était responsable. De manière inattendue, il tombe amoureux de Reyyan. Cela changera-t-il le plan?
Nazlı is a poor, single and young mother who lives with her son Memo. Memo's powerful and rich uncle Demir takes action when he learns that his deceased brother has a son. When he finds out about Nazlı's profession, he starts a big war to get Memo. Nazlı, who finds herself in this struggle, has a bigger secret.