A different kind of coming out. When a young moody Millennial reveals his HIV status in a queer support group, it sends Poe, a not so traditional gay priest who mentors the group, in search of his own inner truth.
A small town girl, studying to be a surgeon, decided to shift gears, and come to the big city looking to make it big in Hollywood as an actress. When she meets a predator disguised as a talent agent she puts her talents for slicing and dicing to use.
Inspired by true events, The Zoo is a short film highlighting the black experience during the Holocaust. This particular journey follows the unlikely relationship between an Afro-German prisoner and his captor, a Nazi scientist conducting brutal experiments as Hitler seeks to colonize Africa.
Dr. Jason Holden, early 50s, is in danger of losing his family, because of a tragic automobile accident. He becomes a piano accompanist at a local ballet studio and falls in love with Brandon Wykowski, 27, a troubled dancer.
Dans cette série, Colin Kaepernick raconte sa quête d'excellence malgré les obstacles que constituent les différences de couleur, de classe et de culture.
Dwight Manfredi, surnommé "Le Général", vient de sortir de prison où il a passé 25 ans. Cet ancien membre de la mafia new-yorkaise est cependant contraint de s'exiler à Tulsa dans l'Oklahoma. Il va y rassembler sa propre « famille » pour développer un empire criminel.