Eric Tilley

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From the Hip

From the Hip

Feb 06, 1987
L'apprenti avocat Robin Weathers transforme une poursuite civile en une mascarade qui fait la une des journaux. Il doit réexaminer ses scrupules après que ses manigances lui aient valu une promotion dans son entreprise, et il doit maintenant défendre un professeur d'université apparemment coupable de meurtre.


Sep 17, 1988
Traxx has battled his way through El Salvador, the Middle East and Nicaragua, spitting lead with two-handed good grace. He decides to retire to a life of baking designer cookies. Running out of dough to buy more dough, he hires himself as a "Town Tamer" and begins cleaning up Hadleyville, Texas, telling the lowlife street scum, "You got three choices. Be good, be gone, or be dead." Like all bacteria, the scum are resistant: crime boss Aldo Palucci (Robert Davi) brings in the dreaded Guzik brothers to rid the town of the town tamer, setting the stage for a showdown in the streets.