Amelia Warner

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Les Portes du temps

Les Portes du temps

Oct 05, 2007
La légende raconte que depuis la nuit des temps, des guerriers immortels, les Grands Anciens, protègent le monde de l'emprise des Ténèbres. Le jeune Will découvre qu'il est le dernier de cette longue lignée et qu'il a une mission à accomplir : lui seul a en effet le pouvoir de voyager dans le temps pour y retrouver des Signes de Lumière.
Petit massacre entre amis
Neuf amis sont réunis dans une belle demeure de la campagne écossaise. La neige se met à tomber et le groupe se retrouve coupé du monde. Un esprit démoniaque, déterminé à exterminer les jeunes gens, va prendre possession de leur corps, les poussant à se massacrer les uns après les autres. Lequel d'entre eux parviendra à échapper à ce massacre sanglant ? Qui sera le survivant de cette nuit de terreur ?


Oct 26, 2006
Un couple de jeunes Britanniques en vacances en Australie se retrouve aux prises avec un mystérieux Américain qui tente de leur imposer son amitié…
Quills : La plume et le sang
Le Marquis de Sade explore, par sa plume, le côté interdit de l'homme : les passions obscènes du corps, les pulsions sexuelles, les désirs immoraux. Au début du XIXème siècle, il est considéré comme l'être le plus perfide, le monstre le plus abject, mais aussi comme l'homme le plus libre d'esprit que le monde ait connu. Les frasques du Marquis de Sade ont eu raison de sa liberté et de sa santé mentale. Alors qu'il est au faîte de sa carrière, il se retrouve emprisonné dans l'asile de Charenton afin d'y être " soigné ". Sous le regard attentif et omniprésent de l'abbé de Coulmier, qui soutient pouvoir réhabiliter cet homme, le Marquis de Sade continue ses écrits érotiques et sulfureux. Afin de transmettre les manuscrits au grand public, il est aidé par Madeleine Leclerc, une jeune et innocente femme de chambre. Facilement influençable, elle est la personne idéale pour assouvir ses fantasmes les plus fous.
Æon Flux

Æon Flux

Nov 30, 2005
Dans un XXVème siècle apocalyptique, une maladie a rayé la quasi-totalité de la population mondiale, à l'exception d'une ville fortifiée, Bregna, dirigée par une assemblée de scientifiques. Un groupe de rebelles vivant sous terre, les Monicans, emmené par The Handler envoie leur meilleur élément, Aeon Flux pour assassiner l'un des plus hauts dirigeants du pouvoir en place.
Science Fiction
The Echo

The Echo

May 25, 2008
Un ancien détenu s'installe dans un appartement et découvre que son voisin est un officier de police violent qui tabasse sa femme et sa fille. Ses ennuis commencent lorsqu'il tente de s'interposer.
Winter Passing

Winter Passing

Feb 07, 2006
Une jeune actrice se voit proposer une petite fortune pour remettre à un éditeur les lettres d'amour de son père écrivain. Après une absence de sept ans, elle est de retour au domicile parental et découvre que son père héberge de nombreux individus parmi lesquels un vagabond et un étudiant...


Nov 18, 2005
Une chronique de la vie sordide et de la mort mystérieuse du co-fondateur des Rolling Stones, Brian Jones, qui fut retrouvé au fond de sa piscine quelques semaines après avoir été évincé du groupe.
Love's Brother

Love's Brother

Apr 01, 2004
Set in rural Australia and Tuscany in the 1950's, this is the story of two brothers and the bride who - as fate would have it - arrives from Italy betrothed to one yet falls madly in love with the other.
Lorna Doone

Lorna Doone

Mar 11, 2001
The year is 1675. England is threatened by religious and political rivalries. King Charles II's Catholic brother, James, is next in line for the throne, but many Protestants put their faith in Charles' illegitimate son, The Duke of Monmouth. On the king's death, conflict is inevitable... Over seven days journey from London, Exmoor is a primitive and lawless area. Here, farmer Jack Ridd lives with his wife Sarah, son John, and two daughters. The only shadow over their simple life is cast by the notorious outlaw family the Doones. The aristocratic Doones were banished from their ancestral lands and now live through looting, theft, and murder. Their brutality is legendary...
Alpha Male

Alpha Male

Aug 10, 2006
Drama about a family torn apart after the death of its patriarch. Haunted by their father's death, Jack and Elyssa have a fraught relationship with their remarried mother even now they have come of age.
Don Quixote

Don Quixote

Apr 09, 2000
Accompagné de son valet Sancho Panza, Don Quichotte, vieil homme idéaliste et farfelu, se lance dans une croisade contre les brigands de tout poil.
The Other Side

The Other Side

May 01, 2012
When a fresh faced nanny arrives at her new job on a creaky farm in the English countryside, she is instantly caught up in the turbulent relationship of her employers. James is struggling to provide for his family and Rachel, an inexperienced mother, is unable to cope with the demands of her new born baby. Unaware of his wife's decision to hire help, a disgruntled James leaves them alone in the secluded farmhouse. When night falls and he fails to return, a sinister intruder invades the property, unraveling a night of gruesome blood-shed and unprecedented terror. But who is behind it? What do they want? Can anybody escape alive?
Mansfield Park

Mansfield Park

Nov 12, 1999
De pauvre condition, Fanny Price est placée dès l'âge de dix ans chez son oncle et sa tante, dans la demeure somptueuse de Mansfield Park. Fanny est élevée avec ses cousins qui la méprisent. Seul Edmond fait preuve de gentillesse. Au fil des ans, la gratitude qu'elle éprouve pour lui va se transformer en amour secret...
Leading Lady Parts

Leading Lady Parts

Mar 08, 2018
The best women of British acting go to an audition for a dream role, primed to take on the role of a lifetime: that complex woman, the strong woman, a woman for today.
Kathleen Was Here

Kathleen Was Here

Jul 08, 2020
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
Amours irlandaises

Amours irlandaises

Dec 11, 2020
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
Mum's List

Mum's List

Nov 25, 2016
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
Mary Shelley

Mary Shelley

Aug 06, 2017
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
La Liste de Mr. Malcolm
Kathleen is 18 and alone. The system has no place for her now. What does the future hold when the past is all you've got? This visually arresting and emotionally-taut tale depicts the ongoing problems surrounding young adults who age out of care and their struggle to 'fit in'.
Take a Girl Like You

Take a Girl Like You

Dec 10, 2000
Set in the 1950s, it follows the progress of twenty year old Jenny Bunn, as she moves from her family home in the North of England to a London suburb to teach primary school children. Jenny is a traditional Northern working-class girl whose striking good looks are in sharp contrast to her prosaic upbringing, and to her strong belief that a girl should preserve her virginity until her wedding night. Because of her attractiveness, Jenny's views on virginity and marriage cause conflicts. The film centres on the (increasingly desperate and cruel) attempts of Patrick Standish, a 30 year old schoolmaster at the local grammar school, to seduce Jenny, against a backdrop of his skirmishes with his school authorities and with the shabby, suburban middle class milieu in which the film is set.
Lorna Doone

Lorna Doone

Dec 26, 2000
Passionate love story set in 17th century rural England, charting the young John Ridd's search for revenge after his father's murder, and the chance encounter with beautiful Lorna Doone that changes the course of his life.