Brahim Achabbakhe

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Rescue Team

Rescue Team

Mar 24, 2011
Sur une île Asiatique, une équipe de scientifiques étudie la récente apparition d'un virus mortel. Ce dernier prend la forme d'une maladie dégénérescente et les habitants locaux en sont les premières victimes. Après avoir découvert l'existence d'un « élixir de vie », les scientifiques vont disparaître en laissant derrière eux un message d'alerte concernant cette terrible maladie qui se propage rapidement. Les forces armées internationales et des mercenaires prêts à tout, débarquent sur l’île avec un enjeu majeur, la survie de l'humanité pour certains mais surtout de nombreux intérêts personnels...
Full Love

Full Love

May 13, 2010
En Thaïlande, un homme appelé Frenchy est amoureux d'une prostituée nommée Magdalena. Il cherche à la libérer de l'emprise de son proxénète. Frenchy a pour meilleur ami un vétéran de la guerre du Golfe, alcoolique, déçu et énervé de voir son ami tomber amoureux d'une asiatique.


Mar 20, 2019
A man steps out of a park fountain in Ho Chi Minh City with no recollection of who he is or where he came from. As he wanders through the city, piecing together clues to his past, he is relentlessly pursued by mysterious figures.
Monkey Man

Monkey Man

Apr 03, 2024
Un homme, en quête de vengeance, affronte un groupe de criminels corrompus responsables du meurtre de sa mère et se repaissant des pauvres et des démunis. Basé sur la légende de Hanumān, une figure de force et de courage, Monkey Man met en scène Kid, un jeune homme qui tente de survivre en perdant contre des combattants renommés pour de l’argent chaque soir dans un club de combat clandestin, affublé d’un masque de gorille. Après des années de colère, Kid trouve le moyen d’infiltrer l’enclave de l’élite en ville. Victime d’un traumatisme de l’enfance, il utilise ses poings scarifiés comme arme pour se venger des hommes qui lui ont tout volé.
Kill 'em All

Kill 'em All

Dec 11, 2012
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
The Mark

The Mark

Oct 16, 2012
Chad Turner has been implanted with a the only working biometric computer chip (aka The Mark of the Beast) in the world. The chip has the power to change the world with whoever controls it and Joseph Pike is determined acquire the chip even in the face of the most unforeseen event "The Rapture". Pike has taken hostage Mr.Cooper the head of security of Avanti the chip maker in order to help locate Turner and deliver the chip to his boss. Amongst the chaos Chad Turner must beat all odds to stay alive and keep the chip from falling into the wrong hands
Never Back Down 3 - No Surrender
L’ancien champion de MMA Case Walker garde un profil bas, en gagnant des petits combats régionaux et en refusant de participer à des ligues puissantes qui poussent leurs athlètes vers la prise de drogues pour améliorer leurs performances. Néanmoins, Walker est convaincu par un ancien ami, Brody James, de le suivre en Thaïlande et de l’entraîner pour un combat contre l’invaincu et le mortel Caesar Braga. Lorsque Brody est blessé durant l’entraînement, Case est forcé par un puissant promoteur de remplacer son ami dans ce combat épique.
Mechanic: Résurrection
Arthur Bishop pensait qu’il avait mis son passé de tueur à gages derrière lui. Il coule maintenant des jours heureux avec sa compagne dans l’anonymat. Mais quand son plus redoutable ennemi enlève sa femme, il est obligé de parcourir le monde pour remplir 3 assassinats impossibles. Et comme toujours, il doit faire en sorte que ses exécutions ressemblent à des accidents. Une course contre la montre sans relâche s’engage.
Tekken 2

Tekken 2

Aug 21, 2014
Kazuya se réveille seul dans une chambre d’hôtel, sans savoir qui il est ni ce qu’il fait là. Enlevé par une organisation criminelle, il est transformé en assassin. Pendant une mission pour éliminer un dénommé Brian Fury, Kazuya s’aperçoit que sa cible peut l’aider à découvrir sa véritable identité.
Sang d'acier

Sang d'acier

Dec 18, 2017
Un agent aguerri des forces spéciales se bat pour protéger une jeune femme contre une organisation aux intentions malfaisantes. En même temps, il se sent connecté par un lien spécial avec la jeune femme, comme s'ils s'étaient déjà rencontrés dans une autre vie.
Science Fiction
Big Brother

Big Brother

Aug 16, 2018
Un soldat devenu professeur de lycée utilise des méthodes inhabituelles pour atteindre une classe d'élèves pauvres, tout en traitant avec un entrepreneur cupide et sa bande de combattants ainsi qu'avec le gouvernement.
The Driver

The Driver

Nov 25, 2019
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.


Sep 30, 2020
Une équipe de sécurité privée protège un businessman et sa fille contre les menaces d’une organisation terroriste.
Dragon Blade

Dragon Blade

Feb 19, 2015
La paix et l'égalité entre les peuples : telles sont les valeurs auxquelles croit le charismatique capitaine chinois Huo An. Arrêté pour un crime qu'il n'a pas commis, le père de famille est envoyé à la frontière occidentale où il a 15 jours pour reconstruire une ville détruite. Après une première rencontre qui s'est soldée par un affrontement, il reçoit l'aide du soldat romain Lucius et de ses hommes de main qui semblent être sur la route de la soie. En échange de son aide précieuse, son nouvel ami lui demande des conseils afin de se venger du tyran Tiberius.
Man of Tai Chi

Man of Tai Chi

Jul 04, 2013
À Pékin, un jeune expert en arts martiaux a des talents exceptionnels qui l’amènent vers des opportunités fantastiques, mais aussi des choix personnels difficiles.
Kal Kissne Dekha

Kal Kissne Dekha

Jun 12, 2009
Nihal Singh from Chandigarh is a seemingly simple yet unconventional boy. He talks too much, questions everything and builds complicated gadgets in this spare time. He has a brilliant mind and an oddball sort of charm. He adores his mother, has dreams of studying in the most elite institute of science and always looks for big ideas in small things. But, there is a big but... Nihal has a secret.
Street Fighter : La Légende de Chun-Li
Chun-Li est une enfant issu d'une famille riche. Protégée par l'amour de ses parents, ces derniers aspirent à ce qu'elle devienne une grande pianiste. Initiée aux arts martiaux grâce à son père, Chun-Li vit une vie édénique. Jusqu'au jour où M. Bison enleva et contraignit son père à l'aider à construire son empire. Les années s'écoulèrent, Chun-Li devenue une grande pianiste sera rattrapée par son destin en recevant un parchemin qui l'emmènera à Bangkok à la rencontre de Gen, elle comprendra que sa destinée est de mettre fin aux ambitions démesurées de M. Bison et de son organisation Shadaloo.
La vengeance sous la peau
Arrivé en Chine pour donner un de ses reins à sa nièce mourante, Deacon se réveille la veille de l'opération et découvre qu'il est victime d'un réseau de trafic d'organes...
The kick

The kick

Nov 03, 2011
Voici l'histoire hors du commun de la famille TK, une famille installée à Bangkok dont tous les membres sont des maîtres en taekwondo. Le quotidien est paisible jusqu’au jour où, par hasard, ils contrecarrent les plans de Pom et de ses acolytes. Pom et son compère viennent en effet de dérober le kriss des rois. Hélas pour les voleurs, lors de leur fuite, ils croisent par hasard la famille TK qui s’interpose et provoque leur arrestation. Les ennuis de la famille commencent alors car Pom n’a plus qu’une idée en tête : se venger…
Ohana ou le trésor caché
En vacances d'été dans un village d'Oahu, un frère et une sœur de Brooklyn se lancent sur les traces d'un trésor perdu au fil d'une aventure épique avec de nouveaux amis.


Jun 28, 2024
Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department officers Chow Ching-lai and Cheung Wan-nam share a close mentor-student relationship. On a case involving seized smuggled arms, Ching-lai is sent to take part in a joint operation with Interpol to capture a reclusive arms dealer. However, Wan-nam makes a drastic decision that further complicates the case.
Kill 'em All

Kill 'em All

Dec 11, 2012
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
Tekken 2

Tekken 2

Aug 21, 2014
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
Never Back Down 3 - No Surrender
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
The Foreigner

The Foreigner

Sep 28, 2017
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
Man of Tai Chi

Man of Tai Chi

Jul 04, 2013
Captured international assassins are locked up inside a high-tech bunker known as the Killing Chamber. To break out of this concrete hell they must duel each other, fight deadly ninjas and battle against gangs of masked maniacs. And... if they survive this, they will have to confront Snakehead: the lethal, deranged top dog who will stop at nothing to kill 'em all!
The Driver

The Driver

Nov 25, 2019
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Dragon Blade

Dragon Blade

Feb 19, 2015
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Le Roi Scorpion 3 : L'Œil des dieux
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Chasse à l'homme 2

Chasse à l'homme 2

Jul 14, 2016
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
The Driver

The Driver

Nov 25, 2019
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Kal Kissne Dekha

Kal Kissne Dekha

Jun 12, 2009
Nihal Singh from Chandigarh is a seemingly simple yet unconventional boy. He talks too much, questions everything and builds complicated gadgets in this spare time. He has a brilliant mind and an oddball sort of charm. He adores his mother, has dreams of studying in the most elite institute of science and always looks for big ideas in small things. But, there is a big but... Nihal has a secret.
The Driver

The Driver

Nov 25, 2019
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Chasse à l'homme 2

Chasse à l'homme 2

Jul 14, 2016
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Monkey Man

Monkey Man

Apr 03, 2024
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Les Voies du destin

Les Voies du destin

Dec 02, 2013
After a plague of the undead decimates human life on Earth, a former hit man (Mark Dacascos), his wife, and daughter live quietly in a survivalist compound. But when their base is attacked, a massive explosion summons a swarm of the undead. They escape and must seek out the Haven, a rumored sanctuary up north, while the father teaches his daughter to shoot, drive, and survive before time runs out.
Tremors : Shrieker Island
RAW agent Wisam Ahmad Kashmiri prevents an al-Qaida terrorist from executing a massive attack on New York. He must now wade through further traps and conspiracies to thwart a new plot against three democratic nations.
Tremors : Shrieker Island
RAW agent Wisam Ahmad Kashmiri prevents an al-Qaida terrorist from executing a massive attack on New York. He must now wade through further traps and conspiracies to thwart a new plot against three democratic nations.
కొమరం పులి
Puli joins the police force since he wants to avenge his father's murder at the hands of Al Saleem. He gets an opportunity to bring Al Saleem to justice after he saves the life of the PM of India.


Apr 30, 2010
When a corrupt politician tries to seize the land of his villagers, a brave and powerful fisherman sets out to fight against him.
Ek Tha Tiger

Ek Tha Tiger

Aug 15, 2012
When a corrupt politician tries to seize the land of his villagers, a brave and powerful fisherman sets out to fight against him.
Bang Bang!

Bang Bang!

Oct 02, 2014
A bounty hunter searches for the family he was separated from as a child, and falls in love with the sister of a gang member.
Full Love

Full Love

May 13, 2010
A bounty hunter searches for the family he was separated from as a child, and falls in love with the sister of a gang member.