Евгения Крюкова

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Гамлет XXI век
The story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, transferred to the XXI century. The heroes will have to solve all the same moral problems and overcome the same difficulties, but with the means of today. Instead of duels with swords, there is a race, instead of letters - video messages, instead of a classic soundtrack - Deep Purple compositions.
Анна Каренина
The film adaptation of the famous novel by Leo Tolstoy. The story of the illegal and tragic love of a married lady Anna Karenina for a brilliant officer Vronsky.
Честь имею

Честь имею

Dec 12, 2004
Лента рассказывает о реальных событиях конца февраля 2000 года, произошедших в Аргунском ущелье в Чечне. Бойцы 6-й роты 104 парашютно-десантного полка Псковской дивизии ВДВ вступили в жестокий бой с двадцатикратно превосходящими силами террористов. Десантники не дрогнули, не отступили и выполнили задание, ценой своей жизни преградив путь бандитам, прорывающимся из окружения.


Jun 05, 2000
Начинающий кинорежиссер снял короткометражку по мало известному автобиографическому рассказу русского писателя-эмигранта Алексея Зыкова, покинувшего родину с первой эмигрантской волной. Приехав в Париж, режиссер решает показать фильм писателю в расчете на его поддержку в съемках полнометражной картины по новелле писателя. Однако Алексей Зыков, уничтоживший этот рассказ перед отъездом из России, не проявил никакого энтузиазма по поводу увиденного на экране, да и сам режиссер понял, что он прикоснулся к личной драме писателя...
Упасть вверх
Казалось бы, фильмов с рефлексирующими героями хватает, однако - первый фильм о российской буржуазии, первая честная попытка разобраться в феноменологии нового класса, к тому же снятый в подлинных, апартаментах, дорогих ресторанах и клубах, а не в картонных декорациях. Почему у, казалось бы, успешных, состоявшихся людей так часто замечаешь пустой, потухший взгляд, - задается вопросом автор сценария, писательница Наталия Вико. Всем знакомая тема одиночества современной обеспеченной женщины открывается по-новому.
O Lyubvi

O Lyubvi

Nov 08, 2004
A sad story about life and love as it told by Grigori Stepanovich Smirnov who is trying to find what caused the suicide of young 15 years old Volodya.
Sex & Perestroïka

Sex & Perestroïka

Oct 10, 1990
La libération des moeurs depuis la perestroika. Tourné en avril et juin 1990, ce film se veut un reflet aussi authentique que possible de la vie des jeunes filles moscovites et de leurs rapports avec l'amour et le sexe.


Jun 06, 2006
Ivan, a cynical journalist, is assigned to investigate mysterious events in a small town. During his first night, he is seduced by a strange and mysterious girl. As they embrace, she transforms into a hideous demon. Ivan fights the creature, managing to strangle it. But it is too late, Evil has been unleashed. When Ivan is charged for the brutal murder, he feels his last hope disappear. As he is overcome by the dark forces trying to pose as his soul, Ivan comes to realize that his only hope lies in his power to find the faith that he once lost
Возвращение мушкетёров или Сокровища кардинала Мазарини
After the deaths of d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis the Queen Anna of Austria has to ask for help of the heroes' sons. They, however, cannot fulfill her request on their own. The original musketeers have to literally return to live and embark on a new adventure.
L'assassin du Tsar

L'assassin du Tsar

Oct 02, 1991
Au cours de la nuit du 17 juin 1918, le tsar Nicolas II est assassiné avec sa famille. Des années plus tard, le docteur Smirnov est intrigué par Timofeyev, un patient qui semble en savoir plus qu'il ne devrait sur le meurtre. Alors qu'ils s'enfoncent dans le passé, les deux hommes sont irrémédiablement entraînés vers une envie de meurtre...
Бандитский Петербург. Фильм 1. Барон
Thief in law Yuri Mikheev, nicknamed Baron, together with his partner, robs the apartment of Mikhail Monakhov, a banker and deputy assistant close to the gangster structures, filled with antiques. Together with the jewels, they bring out Rembrandt's painting Aegina. The baron tells his partner that this is a good copy, realizing that in fact it is the original, stolen from the Hermitage. Soon the Baron ends up in prison, where he bequeaths to the journalist Andrei Seregin, who writes on criminal topics, to take the painting from his woman and return it to the Hermitage. Seregin takes on the investigation alone. The bandits, fearing that a story with a fake hanging in the Hermitage may come up, are trying with all their might to prevent this.
Русский роман
On one May day in 1864, N. G. Chernyshevsky, a writer and revolutionary democrat, was declared a state criminal and sentenced to hard labor in Siberian mines. A group of young people, raznochintsy, is seeking to include them in the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society with the secret goal of organizing Chernyshevsky’s escape...
Mon amour

Mon amour

Apr 08, 2006
In nineteenth-century Russia, a teenage boy in search of love is drawn to two very different women.
Купи меня

Купи меня

Jun 23, 2017
Katya, a young girl from a good family, a student of philology is awarded a grant to study archives in Paris but instead of heading to Paris she travels to the Arab Emirates to start international modeling career…
Золотой ключик
German is handsome, rich, famous — in general, a man is a dream. He has a wife who suspects him of treason. He also has a mistress — Anzhela. She is trying to have a child from German and take him away from the family. And then there is Vera. She was unlucky for a long time in her personal life, and now, having met German, Vera realizes that he is exactly the one she needs for happiness. Very soon, women begin to guess about the existence of each other and enter into a struggle for the ideal man...
Difficult trials endured by ten-year-old hero of the film Vaska Kadnikova. But it didn't break, it resisted. Because — strong roots, Russian character. This is especially important today. We all must resist, we who speak and think in Russian, pity and love Russia, above all its children.
Не будите мадам
Julien Paluch is principled in everything: in his work and in his life. The formula "genius and debauchery" is not for him. His fanatical passion for new theatrical ideas attracts a wide variety of people to him. But one day in the director's life there comes a moment when Palyush begins to doubt that he is talented, and that his actions and relationships with people were selfless, sincere, and humane.
МосГаз. Дело № 7: Катран
1978. Cherkasov's group begins a new investigation: a young gamer Kira Miller and her lover Colonel Potapenko were killed at a dacha near Moscow. It turns out that shortly before her death, Kira lost 400 thousand rubles in a katrana - an underground casino. To find out all the circumstances of the case, Major Cherkasov decides to send Sonya Timofeeva to the katran. At the casino, Sonya meets Boris, nicknamed the Musician, who works there as a pianist. They have a whirlwind romance. But one day, in front of Sonya, Boris commits a crime. Realizing that she is in danger, he looks for a way to save her.
Марьина роща
MURA operative Konstantin Troshin returns from the front after the victory in the Great Patriotic War and finds out that he no longer works in the police. The reason is a conflict with an influential general of the NKGB of the USSR. But Troshin cannot imagine his life without the police. He manages to get a job as a precinct officer in the most disadvantaged area of Moscow — Maryina Grove.
Умножающий печаль
A faithful Horse, a Cunning Dog, a Lively Cat — that's what they called each other since childhood. They are Interpol officer Sergei Ordyntsev, the "oligarch" Alexander Serebrovsky and Konstantin Boyko, the Olympic biathlon champion. Once upon a time, three classmates played Indians and thought that their friendship would last a lifetime.
Action & Adventure