Daniel Toscan du Plantier

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La cité de la peur

La cité de la peur

Mar 09, 1994
Lors du festival de Cannes 1993, Odile Deray, petite attachée de presse de cinéma, renocntre bien des difficultés à intéresser les professionnels à son film « Red is Dead », un film d’horreur d'une nullité qui n'a dégal que les budget ridicule et acteurs improbables. Pourtant un évènement sert les attentes d'Odile : un tueur commet des meurtres identique au modus operandi du film. L'opportunité est à saisir : de vrais meurtres identiques à son film, en plein festival ! Odile met en avant Simon Jeremi, l'acteur principal, un enfant simplet de trente ans. Pour assurer sa protection, elle engage un garde du corps, Serge Karamazov, plus animé par les femmes que par sa mission. Dans la fièvre de Cannes, avec un tueur en liberté, un politicien véreux et un commissaire principal obsédé par son égo médiatique, Odile, Simon et Kara devront jouer des coudes pour traverser le festival vivants. D'ici là, ils ne seront pas au bout de leurs péripéties...
Crème et châtiment

Crème et châtiment

Jan 01, 1997
Noël Godin and his supporters throw a pie with cream into the face of Daniel Toscan du Plantier in the Palace of the Film Festival of Cannes 1996.
Les Vacances de Noël

Les Vacances de Noël

Jun 01, 2005
Deux belges, Noël Godin et Jan Bucquoy, après une vie sentimentale déjantée, une carrière artistique tumultueuse, repartent à l'assaut de la société du spectacle, incarnée par le Festival de Cannes 2004. Cet univers, où l'image manipule la substance, sera le théâtre du conflit des sentiments entre les générations, au travers de rencontres hétéroclites, parfois douces-amères, mais toujours touchantes.


Dec 01, 2010
Toscan … Daniel Toscan du Plantier. Producteur infatigable, notamment de Fellini, Pialat, Antonioni, Scola, Wajda, Deville, auteur de quatre livres, chroniqueur, directeur d’une maison de disques et d’une maison d’édition, président d’Unifrance … Impossible de réduire Daniel Toscan du Plantier à une fonction ou à son image médiatique. A sa disparition, quarante ans de vie par et pour le cinéma et l’opéra s’envolent. Sous des dehors de baladin flamboyant qui célébrait l’art et la vie comme une fête, l’homme rayonnait par son esprit et son talent pour transmettre sa passion à chacun. En reconstituant à partir de plusieurs centaines d’interviews réalisées sur près de 30 ans le puzzle de cette pensée si fidèle à elle-même, ce documentaire souhaite souligner combien la conviction et l’enthousiasme de Daniel Toscan du Plantier restent décidément indispensables.
Les Misérables

Les Misérables

Mar 22, 1995
Adaptation moderne du roman de Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, où le récit s'enrichit d'une multiplication des personnages (les Thénardier) avec mise en abyme de ce classique de la littérature française.
Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma
Monsieur Cinéma est presque centenaire. Ex-acteur, producteur et réalisateur, il croit être le cinéma à lui tout seul et vit dans un château‑musée avec son majordome, Firmin. Il perd la boule et embrouille tout. Il engage alors une jeune cinéphile pour faire faire de l'aérobic à sa mémoire qui flanche. De nombreux visiteurs, des stars et un groupe de jeunes animent sa vieillesse confuse et heureuse. Les jeunes voudraient sa fortune pour « faire du cinéma ».
Des enfants gâtés

Des enfants gâtés

Sep 06, 1977
Bernard, réalisateur de cinéma, décide de quitter quelques temps son environnement familial (sa fille d’une dizaine d’années ainsi que son épouse, psychologue pour enfants autistes) pour louer un appartement dans le quartier de Grenelle dans le 15ème arrondissement de Paris afin de pouvoir travailler au calme sur le scénario de son prochain film. Malgré l’aide de son ami Pierre, il progresse lentement dans cette écriture, sans cesse dérangé par les autres locataires qui ont décidé de se battre contre les pratiques abusives du propriétaire de l'immeuble qui leur réclame des charges exorbitantes et autres escroqueries. Au début réticent, il tombe sous le charme d’Anne, la plus véhémente du comité de locataires qui devient sa maitresse, et finit par se joindre à ses voisins pour les accompagner dans leur combat…
Fellini, je suis un grand menteur
Un portrait lyrique, divertissant et singulier de Federico Fellini explorant sa créativité exubérante, mais aussi les côtés profondément contradictoires d'un cinéaste décrit comme la géniale combinaison de Proust et de Picasso.
Une Pour toutes

Une Pour toutes

Dec 29, 1999
Comme les Mousquetaires dont elles possèdent le cran, l’âme festive et le sens de l’amitié… Ces battantes vivent à Paris et, au premier jour de l’an 2000, elles remettent à l’heure les pendules de leurs vies. A 35 ans, elles ne croient plus au prince charmant. Leurs carrières théâtrales battent de l’aile et leurs maigres porte-feuilles ne tiennent peut-être qu’à une larme ou un sourire.
Boris Godounov

Boris Godounov

Dec 20, 1989
A grizzled, hard-of-hearing cowboy, Slim, and his two friends, Dusty and Pete, capture a mysterious, well-dressed Frenchman.
Les Gaulois

Les Gaulois

Oct 26, 1988
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
La Dentellière

La Dentellière

May 25, 1977
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
Le Visiteur

Le Visiteur

May 07, 1991
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
Les Branches de l'arbre
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.


Sep 01, 1996
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.


May 18, 1983
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
Le Diable probablement
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
Tous les jours dimanche
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.


Jun 02, 1983
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
La Bohème

La Bohème

Mar 09, 1988
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
La Bohème

La Bohème

Mar 09, 1988
Two segments make up this short film. The first portion called “The French” has two men taste testing some delicious wine, and the other, titled “The Gauls”, is of men playing rugby. This short by Werner Herzog is part of the “The French as Seen By…” series. It was initiated and sponsored by the newspaper Le Figaro, as part of the 1988 celebration of the tenth anniversary of its magazine section.
L'impromptu de Versailles
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
Les Fourberies de Scapin
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.


May 04, 1995
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
Le Bassin de J. W.

Le Bassin de J. W.

Oct 29, 1997
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.


Sep 04, 1985
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
Madame Butterfly

Madame Butterfly

Nov 22, 1995
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
L'Écrivain public

L'Écrivain public

Nov 03, 1993
At Versailles, the last rehearsal of a play, ordered to molière by Louis XIV the king. Staged in their own characters, actors and author display their art's conception. It is, too, the opportunity for them to answer by irony to their detractors.
La lumière du lac

La lumière du lac

Nov 23, 1988
An urban gigolo on the run from a mobster hides out at the remote cabin of a female novelist in this plodding romantic drama. Her neighbors include an elderly man with a penchant for growing sunflowers and an unhappy neighbor girl with emotional problems. Love blossoms for the unlikely couple who somehow realize their liaison is doomed to failure.
Le Visiteur

Le Visiteur

May 07, 1991
An urban gigolo on the run from a mobster hides out at the remote cabin of a female novelist in this plodding romantic drama. Her neighbors include an elderly man with a penchant for growing sunflowers and an unhappy neighbor girl with emotional problems. Love blossoms for the unlikely couple who somehow realize their liaison is doomed to failure.
Fanny et Alexandre

Fanny et Alexandre

Dec 17, 1982
An urban gigolo on the run from a mobster hides out at the remote cabin of a female novelist in this plodding romantic drama. Her neighbors include an elderly man with a penchant for growing sunflowers and an unhappy neighbor girl with emotional problems. Love blossoms for the unlikely couple who somehow realize their liaison is doomed to failure.


May 06, 1990
An urban gigolo on the run from a mobster hides out at the remote cabin of a female novelist in this plodding romantic drama. Her neighbors include an elderly man with a penchant for growing sunflowers and an unhappy neighbor girl with emotional problems. Love blossoms for the unlikely couple who somehow realize their liaison is doomed to failure.
Le Conte du ventre plein
Maverick director Melvin Van Peebles translates his own satirical novel to the screen with this multi-national portrait of race, class, and hypocrisy. The film's title refers to the name of a haute cuisine restaurant run by a self-satisfied conservative couple, Henri and Loretta. When the two find themselves overworked in the kitchen, they retreat to the local orphanage to find some cheap waitressing help, and the teenaged Diamantine fits the bill perfectly. The haughty couple has more plans for the girl than just waiting tables, however -- the conspicuously accommodating Henri and Loretta are actually bad-mouthing the girl behind her back to the townspeople and the restaurant's patrons. They go so far as to ask the naive Diamantine to pretend that she's pregnant, and she complies under the assumption that it's a harmless prank. When their intentions are revealed, however, the girl becomes wise to the couple's self-satisfied scheming, and sets her sights on revenge.
Van Gogh

Van Gogh

Oct 30, 1991
Maverick director Melvin Van Peebles translates his own satirical novel to the screen with this multi-national portrait of race, class, and hypocrisy. The film's title refers to the name of a haute cuisine restaurant run by a self-satisfied conservative couple, Henri and Loretta. When the two find themselves overworked in the kitchen, they retreat to the local orphanage to find some cheap waitressing help, and the teenaged Diamantine fits the bill perfectly. The haughty couple has more plans for the girl than just waiting tables, however -- the conspicuously accommodating Henri and Loretta are actually bad-mouthing the girl behind her back to the townspeople and the restaurant's patrons. They go so far as to ask the naive Diamantine to pretend that she's pregnant, and she complies under the assumption that it's a harmless prank. When their intentions are revealed, however, the girl becomes wise to the couple's self-satisfied scheming, and sets her sights on revenge.
Victoires de la musique
Les Victoires de la musique sont des récompenses musicales françaises décernées chaque année à des artistes du monde de la musique de variétés, et dont l'origine remonte à 1985.
Spécial cinéma

Spécial cinéma

May 27, 1997
Marcello Mastroianni, Isabelle Adjani, Alain Delon, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen… les plus grandes stars du cinéma ont été reçues par Christian Defaye dans son émission Spécial cinéma. Entre confessions intimes des comédiens et immersion dans l'univers des plus grands cinéastes, Christian Defaye a entraîné, durant près de trente ans, les téléspectateurs dans cet univers fascinant du Septième art.
Le Grand Échiquier

Le Grand Échiquier

Oct 29, 2020
Le Grand Échiquier mêle tous les arts et toutes les générations d'artistes et propose des rencontres artistiques exceptionnelles, inédites et insoupçonnables entre chanteurs, musiciens, chorégraphes, danseurs, humoristes ou encore chefs d'orchestre.
Samedi soir

Samedi soir

Jan 04, 1975
Émission-débat hebdomadaire dans le restaurant Maxim's diffusée sur la deuxième chaîne de l'ORTF.
Sacrée soirée

Sacrée soirée

Dec 16, 2009
Sacrée Soirée est une émission de variétés diffusée sur TF1 du 2 septembre 1987 au 29 juin 1994, puis du 19 décembre 2007 au 16 décembre 2009 soit au total 264 numéros, pour 7 saisons. Chaque mercredi soir, l'émission présentée, par Jean-Pierre Foucault, accueillait trois invités principaux issus du monde du théâtre, du cinéma, de la littérature ou de la chanson auxquels la production réservait une surprise souvent avec la complicité d'un membre de l'entourage de l'invité.