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世にも奇妙な物語 映画の特集編
A four-part anthology in the spirit of The Twilight Zone, this film starts off with a group of commuters stranded at a train station in the rain, listening to stories told by one of the group. These include tales of a group stranded in the mountains and haunted by guilt over a death they inadvertantly caused, an emotionally broken chessmaster pressed into playing a real-life game for an eccentric millionaire, a wandering medieval samurai who finds a modern-day cell phone on the ground and a person on the other end asking questions about the past, and a young couple who agree to try a computer simulation of what their future as husband and wife would be like.


Apr 29, 2000
A pair of hard-boiled Tokyo cops are investigating a gruesome murder: after killing the victim, the murderer cut his skull open and cooked his brain in a stew. As they try to track down the killer, they discover that, quite literally, everybody is a suspect. Will they bring the terror to an end, or will they become part of it themselves?
Love Letter

Love Letter

Mar 25, 1995
Une jeune femme secoué par la mort de son fiancé décide de lui écrire une lettre à son ancienne adresse. Quelle n'est pas sa surprise quand elle reçoit une lettre de Fujii Itsuku, une femme portant le même nom que son fiancé défunt. Les deux jeunes femmes vont alors débuter une correspondance où elles racontent chacune leurs souvenirs.


Apr 13, 2006
Hong Kong director Patrick Leung, Japanese director Takahiko Akiyama, and Thai director Thanit Jitnikul pool their resources to terrify audiences with a three-part horror omnibus that proves terror takes many unique forms.


Oct 23, 2009
Onchi was exiled to posts around Asia and Africa due to his work as head of a labor union for National Air Line. He is ordered to return to head office after ten years, and continues to struggle. When a National Air Line plane is involved in the worst air disaster in Japanese history, he is assigned to console and provide restitution to the families of the victims.
Yo nimo Kimyou na Monogatari: 2002 Spring Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2002 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Mushi Game (Ignore the Game) - starring Uchiyama Rina 2. Okashina Machi (Funny Town) - starring Yanagiba Toshiro 3. Tokage no Shippo (Lizard's Tail) - starring Kashiwabara Takashi 4. Yogisha no Otoko (Man's Night Train) - starring Osugi Ren 5. Manhole - starring Kagawa Teruyuki
TV Movie
A vast wheat field, a straight road that has no end, a sky without a single building in sight – this is a town in the country where time comfortably passes by. But this former paradise is now being stirred up by a fight amongst its people over constructing an airport. This is a tale of three young people exploring youth and friendship as they reach out into the sky.
Segment 1 - actress Saki Aibu plays a woman who doesn't do anything. Segment 2 - actress Asami Mizukawa plays an unlucky woman who messes up a man. Segment 3 - actress Koyuki plays an excessively beautiful woman. Segment 4 - actress Yuka plays an easy/promiscuous woman. Segment 5 - actress Kyoko Hasegawa plays an ordinary woman.


Dec 26, 2004
Wagura Yusaku unwillingly broke up with his first love in high school and became a policeman after years of struggle. Ten years later, the suspect of a murder case appeared to be his previous rival, Uryu Akihiko, who peculiarly had became the husband of his first love, Uryu Misako. The detective and the suspect, childhood rivals, carried out the confrontation of fate and are tossed about in destiny, accepting their "fate"...
Mind Game

Mind Game

Apr 04, 1998
Japanese film directed by Hiromasa Taguchi.
相棒 -劇場版- 絶体絶命! 42.195km 東京ビッグシティマラソン
A former TV presenter is murdered. On the same day, two police officers from the Metropolitan police Special Mission Task Force, Sugishita Ukyo (Yutaka Mizutani) and Kameyama Kaoru (Yasufumi Terawaki), are guarding a female Diet member, Katayama Hinako (Yoshino Kimura). The pair identifies explosives and saves her life. From the clues left at the scene, Sugishita builds up his case and finds a connection between the murder of the TV presenter and the attempted murder of the Diet member. During a painstaking investigation, the savage murder case of a young overseas volunteer five years earlier emerges in the background, and the pair prevents indiscriminate murder at the Tokyo Big City Marathon event by suppressing the perpetrator.


Sep 25, 2011
Do criteria exist for the death penalty? Yusuke Mito, a law faculty lecturer who did not become a lawyer even though he passed the bar exam, the famous lawyer Kojiro Otomo who advocates the abolition of the death penalty, and the public prosecutor Mariko Nagase studied law together. Each have their own thoughts about the death penalty. One day, Otomo’s wife is murdered by someone. Shinzo Sabae who is resentful of a lawsuit that Otomo had been in charge of, is arrested as a suspect. Otomo reverses the stance he had had until now and seeks the death penalty against Sabae. This prompts Mito to make the decision to become a lawyer and stand in the court. However, the first case Mito takes charge of is the defence of Sabae, who murdered the wife of his good friend, Otomo…


Nov 24, 1995
After a death-defying game of chicken one evening in 1958, Akagi nonchalantly enters a Yakuza Mahjong parlor to shake the cops' trail. Even unfamiliar with the rules of Mahjong, his gambling intuition is enough to save a small time gambler, Nangou, and grant him a seat at the gambling table. As the night progresses, the stakes are raised both within the game and for Akagi, who is under the suspicion of local police. However, Akagi overcomes the situation with his tactics, defiant of both life and chance. When he leaves the gambling house, no one present is in doubt of his genius.
Kanna is extremely beautiful. No one could pass by without having a second look. The truth is, she was so ugly that she spent her entire savings on whole-body plastic surgery. Since she became beautiful, Kanna has been leading the happiest life, until someone shows up to reveal her makeover.


Nov 20, 2010
In the lush tradition of the glorious films of Merchant and Ivory, comes the true life story of Leonie Gilmour (Emily Mortimer), whose life crossed continents, wars and cultures, embodied with courage and passion in search of art and freedom. A tender and inspiring story of a remarkable woman who nurtures the amazing artistic talent of her son who has only one way to succeed and one person to guide him, as he grows into the world renown artist, Isamu Noguchi.
Takase, a fledgling recording engineer, visits Miyakojima Island in Okinawa for a documentary program. There he meets violinist Yohko and is attracted to her. She participates in the filming as a reporter despite the fact that she has a boyfriend with whom she communicates via e-mail. However, she has an unusual relationship with the artist Kijima. This coming-of-age film delicately depicts the protagonist's personal growth with a documentary touch, incorporating descriptions of the climate of Miyako Island and the actual people who weave the Miyako Kamifu cloth.


Apr 29, 2000
Burned by the desire to avenge her dead boyfriend, a Japanese woman learns to shoot a gun, and goes after the local Mafia in Taiwan. Mizuno Miki excels in her role as the grieving and estranged, then vengeful and cold-blooded foreigner.


Sep 22, 1999
Koizumi Kyoko stars as Asako, a 32 year old woman working for a Beer Company. She gets set up with an affable 38 year old man named Koichi (Yanagiba Toshiro) who tries to win her love against competition like a younger co-worker and off-putting best friends!


Dec 16, 1996
Late for a meeting, Kotoko was running along the corridor in school and bumped into Naoki, their lips meeting. Naoki showed his disgust, but Kotoko started to idolise him, who was good at everything from studies to sports. When Kotoko's house burned down, her father's good friend Machiko invited them to move in with her family. It was then that Kotoko realised Naoki was the elder son of Machiko, who took up the role of a fairy-godmother to bring the two together...despite the fact that Naoki was disgusted. Not discouraged, the clumsy and not-so-bright Kotoko started to do everything that would change her impression on him. Gradually, the icy-cold Naoki who disliked girls started to feel for Kotoko...


Mar 23, 2006
Un garçon tue son père pour sauver son premier amour. Une fille prend la vie de sa mère pour protéger son fils. Les deux commettent un crime pour en cacher un autre. Partager le crime de l'autre est leur témoignage d'amour.
Orange Days

Orange Days

Jun 20, 2004
Kai Yuuki étudiant en dernière année s'apprête à rentrer dans la vie active. Il démarche auprès des grandes compagnies dans l'espoir de trouver un emploi stable de salaryman même si cela l'éloigne de son ambition de travailler à la réhabilitation de personnes handicapées. Alors qu'il revient d'un entretien d'embauche, il rencontre sur son campus une belle mais étrange violoniste, Sae Hagio, sourde et muette depuis 4 ans. S'engage alors une histoire d'amour et d'amitié difficile dans laquelle chacun va influencer la vie de l'autre. En toile de fond de cette histoire d'amour se dessinent les aventures de la Orange Society, la bande d'amis dont vont faire parti Kai et Sae et au sein de laquelle chacun essaie de préparer son futur à sa manière.


Jun 30, 2000
Sei et Rin sont deux jumeaux créés par un laboratoire scientifique. Après leurs naissances ils vont être tous deux séparés mais aussi développés un Q. I et une force physique extraordinaire. Sei qui est resté au sein du laboratoire est devenu l'un des meilleurs scientifiques chimiste mondiale. Il se voit donc confier la mission de déterminer quel est le virus qui a éradiqué toute la population d'une île, mais voilà, il se retrouve nez à nez avec son jumeau Rin, qui est devenu son exact opposé. Après s'être rencontrés, nombreuses seront les questions sans réponses : Pourquoi ont-ils été créés ? Quels sont leurs vraies identités ? Pourquoi ont-ils été séparés à la naissance ? Et est-ce que le virus a un rapport avec eux ?
Koi no Kamisama

Koi no Kamisama

Mar 17, 2000
Malgré une relation de six ans depuis l'université, Ibuki n'a pas pu discuter du mariage avec son petit ami, Koushin, car ses ambitions de célébrité l'ont empêché de trouver un emploi régulier. Le besoin de sécurité d'Ibuki commence à se heurter à son désir de réaliser son rêve. Sa popularité croissante après avoir été découvert lors d'un concours de talents ne fait qu'empirer les choses.


Sep 13, 1996
A comic-based comedy about the young and talented Shota (Kashiwabara Takashi) who set a goal of becoming the no. 1 sushi chef in Japan to save his father's sushi shop. To learn the art of making sushi, he became an apprentice at the famous Otori Sushi. Each episode sees him picking up a new skill, and going a step towards his goal. However, many obstacles stood in his way, including a harsh and cold senior who was jealous of his talent.
Hachimitsu to Clover

Hachimitsu to Clover

Mar 18, 2008
Takemoto Yuta (Ikuta Toma), Mayama Takumi (Mukai Osamu) et Morita Shinobu (Narimiya Hiroki) sont tous trois étudiants dans une école d'art à Tokyo, et vivent dans le même appartement. Leur vie quotidienne est bouleversée à l'arrivée de Hanamoto Hagumi dite "Hagu" (Narumi Riko), une jeune artiste surdouée de 18 ans, à l'apparence enfantine, élevée pourtant dans un milieu assez rural. Au premier coup d'œil, Takemoto et Morita tombent amoureux de la jeune fille, chacun à leur manière... A côté de ce triangle amoureux, nous avons un autre personnage féminin : Yamada Ayumi (Arada Natsuki), une jeune artiste en poterie, profondément amoureuse de Mayama, mais celui-ci ne lui rendant pas ses sentiments en la considérant telle une amie... En vérité, le regard de Mayama se tourne vers une femme plus âgée que lui, Harada Rika (Seto Asaka) propriétaire d'une entreprise d'architecture, dont le mari est décédé dans un accident d'avion...


Dec 16, 1998
Tokiwa joue le rôle d'une journaliste à la langue bien pendue qui travaille pour un grand quotidien. Elle a été rétrogradée dans un tabloïd sordide en guise de punition pour avoir enfreint le code de conduite des journalistes. Alors qu'elle travaille dans le tabloïd, elle découvre qu'elle a la liberté de découvrir la vérité sur une affaire de meurtre.
Celeb to binbo Taro

Celeb to binbo Taro

Dec 23, 2008
Taro Sato a été pauvre toute sa vie. Depuis le décès de son épouse, sa situation est devenue encore plus désespérée car il doit élever ses trois enfants seul en ayant que des emplois journalier. Il postule comme chauffeur auprès d'une jeune femme riche. Son employeur est Alice, fille d'un magnat de l'hôtel et d'une actrice populaire, a toujours tout obtenu tout ce qu'elle veut. Taro et elle n'ont rien en commun.
イヴ 〜 Santaclaus Dreaming 〜
Koshiba Seijuro is the assisstant to some influential figure whose daughter was all messed up, and who comes to the psychiatrist Koizumi Santa and asks him to counsel the daughter without her knowledge. Since Santa is a compulsive gambler he's hard up for money and takes the job even though he's queasy about the ethics. Turns out that she's the same girl he took to the hospital nine months earlier when she had passed out drunk on a roof preparing to jump. As it happens she woke up in the hospital and saw Santa's best friend Kusanagi Shunsuke (a surgeon) holding the Santa Claus hat Santa had been wearing (it was Christmas Eve), and it turns into a very complicated love triangle.


Mar 21, 1996
Sonoko Nanakura is a straight A student, daughter of a doctor. She meets Wataru Okochi, a tall orphan guy working in a factory, who attends school at night. Her parents warn her not to get involved, and a smart boy Yusuke Hasebe also seems interested in her.