Ario Bayu

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Sehidup Semati

Sehidup Semati

Jan 11, 2024
In the wake of her marriage to Edwin turning violent, strange occurrences in Renata’s apartment drive her to question her husband’s past loyalty, her long-held religious beliefs, as well as her own sanity.
Dead Mine

Dead Mine

Sep 27, 2012
Des explorateurs se rendent sur une île indonésienne dans le but de mettre la main sur un trésor. Sur place, ils sont contraints de se cacher dans une mine abandonnée du fait d'une attaque d'un groupe armé. Mais le pire est à venir, puisque des créatures radioactives peuplent cette mine...
Java Heat

Java Heat

Mar 06, 2013
Après que la Sultane de Java a été assassinée dans un attentat à la bombe, Jake, un jeune américain, se retrouve au cœur de l’enquête criminelle menée par le lieutenant Hashim. Il décide de mener sa propre enquête afin de s'innocenter, mais plus il se rapproche de la vérité, plus sa vie est mise en danger. Le jeune homme devient alors la cible de Malik, un redoutable chasseur de têtes.
La Tahzan

La Tahzan

Aug 01, 2013
During her study in Japan, Viona falls in love with Yamada, a Japanese photographer. Their relationship is soon ruined when her long lost crush comes back into her life.
Pintu Terlarang

Pintu Terlarang

Jan 22, 2009
Gambir is an artist whose success masks a dark and shameful secret. which may be nothing compared to the sordid details of the past that his wife keeps hidden behind a mysterious door in their home.


Apr 19, 2007
A police and a journalist uncover series of murders that lead into one problem: A treasure many parties were fighting for and caused many casualties.
Darah Garuda - Merah Putih II
After the successful raid on Dutch Army's Supply Convoy, Amir, Thomas, Dayan, and Marius immediately found the General Soedirman's Headquarter deep in the forest. And with the experienced the got, they've been recruited into the elite unit under command of the explosive yet wise soldier, Sergeant Yanto. Captain Amir then replace Yanto's position as the unit leader. Their first mission, to crippled the the dutch army's airfield construction. Whatever the cost, whatever the risk.
Alana, déesse de justice
Séparée de ses parents à la naissance suite à une éruption volcanique, puis ayant grandi dans une société très injuste, Alana tente de comprendre le mystère de ses crises de colère. Quand elle apprend qu'elle est la réincarnation de Sri Asih, la déesse de justice, elle va mettre ses super-pouvoirs au service du bien contre la corruption et le crime organisé.
In The Name of Love

In The Name of Love

Apr 11, 2008
Satrio Hidayat really loves Citra, but as he has not stabilized yet, Citra marries Triawan Negara. Hence the two men become rivals and they declare their mutual enmity by trying to bring each other down in public. Their feud is passed on to their children.


Dec 05, 2024
Darta, a man from an impoverished family, is rejected by the wealthy parents of the woman he loves. Desperate, he strikes a bargain with the Monkey King, performing a dark ritual to gain wealth. However, in doing so, he accidentally curses his wife and child to a life of suffering. Rooted in Indonesian mysticism, this universal narrative explores the insatiable hunger to become something one is not and the boundaries one is willing to cross to achieve it.


Dec 08, 2008
Adapted from the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, this movie depicts the story of Drupadi, the wife of five brothers known as the Pandawas.
Ada Apa Dengan Cinta? 2
14 years after their budding romance in high school, Rangga and Cinta reunite in Yogyakarta to have their closure after Rangga had left Cinta with no explanation years prior.
Laskar Pelangi

Laskar Pelangi

Sep 25, 2008
A group of 10 students struggles with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung.


Sep 24, 2016
Un amnésique dont le mystérieux passé de machine à tuer revient à la charge alors qu'il doit combattre un baron de la drogue.
A Copy of My Mind

A Copy of My Mind

Feb 11, 2016
The new romance between a beauty salon worker and a subtitle writer for pirated DVDs gets pulled into danger when they view a forbidden recording.
5 Cowok Jagoan

5 Cowok Jagoan

Dec 14, 2017
Yanto ask his friends to help him save his girlfriend that been kidnapped by a group of professional mobster.
The Returning

The Returning

Nov 01, 2018
Un mari est parti faire de l'escalade et a été porté disparu. Mais quelques temps après, ce mari rentre à la maison et des choses étranges commencent à se produire autour de la maison.
The Tarix Jabrix

The Tarix Jabrix

Apr 17, 2008
After failing to join the most fearsome motorcycle gang in Bandung, Cacing decides to form his own motorcycle gang with morals along with his closest friends.
One Two Jaga

One Two Jaga

Sep 06, 2018
À Kuala Lumpur, une employée de maison malmenée essaie de fuir en Indonésie, tandis qu'un flic idéaliste paye un lourd tribut pour sa lutte contre la corruption.
22 Menit

22 Menit

Jul 19, 2018
Events happening in the 22 minutes before, during and after the explosions of the Thamrin bombings. Based on a true story.
Bangsal 13

Bangsal 13

Jan 01, 2004
Nat and Mina stay overnight in a hospital when they accompany the person who is run over by their car. Dr. Aziz places them in Ward 13, a long-closed ward that contains many mysteries. At midnight, Nat hears a knocking sound on the bathroom floor, and she tells her boyfriend, Devon, about it. The next day, Devon comes to the hospital and makes a joke by knocking on the door from the inside, something that is forbidden. Devon dies and the ghost of the crawling nurse, drags Nat into the bathroom gutter.


Oct 08, 2009
Adjie et sa femme enceinte de 8 mois, ainsi que 4 de leurs amis, se dirigent en voiture vers Jakarta où ils doivent prendre un avion pour l'Australie.
Buffalo Boys

Buffalo Boys

Jul 19, 2018
En 1860, à la suite d’un massacre par les forces coloniales hollandaises et de l’embuscade meurtrière du sultan rebelle Hamza par le capitaine Van Trach et ses troupes, Arana, Jamar et Suwo — le frère plus jeune de Hamza et ses deux fils — sont forcés de fuir le pays. Leur exil les mène à des milliers de kilomètres de là, dans l’Ouest américain. Les années passent alors qu’ils travaillent sur les chemins de fer, tout en gardant une idée en tête : retourner chez eux pour se venger de l’homme qui a assassiné Hamza. Leur détermination est récompensée et dès leur retour en terre indonésienne, les trois hommes commencent leur recherche de Van Trach. En route, ils rencontrent Kiona, la jolie fille d’un chef de village. Suwo tombe amoureux d’elle, mais met le village en danger lorsqu’il s’avère que Van Trach dirige la région. Avec de nombreuses vies désormais en péril, la quête de vengeance de nos héros devient un combat pour la justice.
27 Steps of May

27 Steps of May

Apr 27, 2019
Eight years ago, 14 year old May was raped by a group of men. May’s father is devastated, blaming himself for not being able to keep his daughter safe. Traumatized significantly by this incident, May withdraws completely from life.


Oct 17, 2019
Une femme est de retour de la ville et retourne dans son village d'origine. À son insu, tous les habitants du village la recherchent pour mettre fin à une malédiction...
Red Storm

Red Storm

Aug 29, 2019
Derrière la peur et le chaos qui se sont emparés du pays se cache un homme : Le Prêcheur. Entouré de sa garde rapprochée aux capacités surnaturelles, et considéré comme un demi-Dieu par ses nombreux adeptes, il étend son influence néfaste jusqu’aux plus hautes sphères de l’Etat. Alors que la population sombre peu à peu dans les ténèbres, un nouveau justicier aux méthodes radicales et capable de maîtriser la foudre, fait son apparition : Red Storm. Forcé de révéler sa vraie nature pour contrecarrer les plans du Prêcheur, il incarne le dernier espoir de l’humanité...
La Reine de la Magie Noire
Un père de famille se rend avec sa femme et ses deux enfants dans l’orphelinat de campagne qui fut autrefois son foyer. Arrivé sur place, il retrouve ses anciens camarades, venus comme lui avec leur famille respective rendre hommage au fondateur de l’orphelinat, un vieil homme mourant, alité et incapable de communiquer. Mystérieusement dépeuplé de ses résidents, l’orphelinat, on le comprend vite, recèle d’innombrables secrets, et les retrouvailles heureuses entre anciens orphelins vont vite tourner au cauchemar éveillé à la terminaison sanguinolente.
Darah Daging

Darah Daging

Dec 05, 2019
Adapted from a true story of robbery by 3 brothers to save the mother's life.


Feb 23, 2012
Dilemma is an omnibus film, five stories that depict dark side of Jakarta's underbelly. Jakarta's underground world that seldom to talk about, and forgotten by most of the people.
Pesan dari Surga

Pesan dari Surga

Dec 21, 2006
The five young members of the rock band, Topeng, face many love problems. Canting, the vocalist, always worries about her boyfriend, Armand, who works in the same office as his former lover. Brazil, the drummer, dates two twin guys named Oya and Oyi. Veruska, the other member, is pregnant and is infected with HIV. Meanwhile, Kuta, Topeng’s bassist, who is also a tattoo artist, is gay. Finally, there is Prana, who marries a fortune-teller but also has a Salsa dancer mistress. Problems culminate when the big concert approaches. They almost break up but an accident victim, who has been in a coma, suddenly awakes and carries them messages from heaven.
Belahan Jiwa

Belahan Jiwa

Dec 11, 2005
Cairo, Baby Blue, Arimbi, and Farlyna are a soulmates. They think they have a connection each other and it's reveals from when they are have a boyfriend. Unknowingly by them, the quartet share their love to one person named Bumi, a man who can adapted of their different personality. He recently shares his love to only one woman with tragic past and trauma named Cempaka. Cempaka always been a weirs-act or something like that. But, when all of women pregnant, the problems shown and will end in a disturbing answer.
Asih 2

Asih 2

Dec 24, 2020
After adopting Ana, Sylvia realizes that she did not only bring Ana home, but also Asih, the ghost who has been Ana's foster mother.
Kadet 1947

Kadet 1947

Nov 25, 2021
When the Dutch initiates an aggression against Indonesia to regain its rule post World War II, a group of inexperienced cadets need to defend the last remaining airbase so they may have a chance to help the Republic win the revolutionary war and to protect what they have come to care for.
Frangipani Rising

Frangipani Rising

Nov 26, 2020
Nyoman, our hero, is the loneliest person he knows and has given up on the idea of ever finding love. Not even the moonlit escapades with his friends, nor the beauty that surrounds him can seem to lift his spirits. Until one night, pushed by despair, he curses at the moon and blames her for his fate. The next morning, Nyoman discovers his house has been shaken by an earthquake, and something unthinkable has grown in his garden


Dec 05, 2024
Darta, a man from an impoverished family, is rejected by the wealthy parents of the woman he loves. Desperate, he strikes a bargain with the Monkey King, performing a dark ritual to gain wealth. However, in doing so, he accidentally curses his wife and child to a life of suffering. Rooted in Indonesian mysticism, this universal narrative explores the insatiable hunger to become something one is not and the boundaries one is willing to cross to achieve it.
One Two Jaga

One Two Jaga

Sep 06, 2018
Darta, a man from an impoverished family, is rejected by the wealthy parents of the woman he loves. Desperate, he strikes a bargain with the Monkey King, performing a dark ritual to gain wealth. However, in doing so, he accidentally curses his wife and child to a life of suffering. Rooted in Indonesian mysticism, this universal narrative explores the insatiable hunger to become something one is not and the boundaries one is willing to cross to achieve it.
Cigarette Girl

Cigarette Girl

Nov 02, 2023
Dans les années 60, une brillante jeune femme en quête d'identité et d'amour défie la tradition au sein de l'industrie indonésienne des cigarettes aux clous de girofle.


Feb 26, 2017
In the bustling streets and back alleys of Jakarta, a parallel world of bloodthirsty creatures from Indonesian mythology has lived alongside humans for generations. Taking on the appearance of humans themselves, the true identity of these "Demit" has been carefully concealed for centuries by a powerful family of mortals. The arrival of a mysterious supernatural event known only as the Gift will bring this hidden world to the surface. As the day of the Gift approaches, a young street artist named Sarah unexpectedly finds herself in the eye of the storm. Once the Demit realize who Sarah really is, and what she must do, humans and Demit are set on a collision course that could change the balance of their two worlds forever.