Александр Галибин

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Берега в тумане
Fall, 1921. Wrangel's army, defeated in Crimea after a short stay in Turkey, found refuge in Bulgaria. White Guard Colonel lives here with his son and daughter, while his wife and youngest daughter were sheltered by the family of the Bolshevik, who've been sent to Bulgaria for propaganda work among Russian soldiers.


Jan 25, 2007
Konservy (2007) (Tins, Russian: Консервы) is a film about a journalist who possesses information on uranium sales and is set up by his enemies and sent to prison. Initially the film was planned as a political thriller, but along the way it gained features of action with elements of mysticism and surrealism.The film is full of vivid pictures of spy and terrorist games in Moscow, modern Gulag in the Far North, gold mines, escape with elite spetsnaz in the pursuit, underground community of permanently high punks, and other quite unusual settings.
Белый мавр, или Интимные истории о моих соседях
This is an ironic, sometimes frankly ridiculous and at the same time sad story about the everyday life of the so-called “upper middle class” - glorified by Woody Allen in America, but still very small in Russia among wealthy citizens. In addition to the enviable affluence, all these businessmen, movie directors, fashion directors, owners of dental clinics and their beautiful wives who are stuck in existential doubts and trivial adultery, are also united by their sonorous `pioneers` (Russian boy & girl scouts) past, which sometimes turns out to be much more difficult than to build a mansion in New Riga...
22 minutes

22 minutes

May 08, 2014
5 mai 2010, Golfe d'Aden. Le pétrolier Russe "MV Université de Moscou" est pris d'assaut par des pirates somaliens. L'équipage composé de vingt-trois marins se retranche dans la salle du gouvernail et lance un ultime message de détresse. Le navire de guerre "Maréchal Chapochnikov" présent dans le même couloir maritime reçoit le signal d'urgence et envoie son équipe de soldats pour une mission de sauvetage. Ils n'ont alors que très peu de temps pour libérer l'équipage.
Hökmdarın taleyi

Hökmdarın taleyi

May 12, 2008
This historical movie is about the situation of Ganja and Karabakh khanates between Russia and Iran war.
Batalyony prosyat ognya
Basé sur l'histoire du même nom par Yuri Bondarev. L'intrigue est l'une des étapes décisives de la Grande Guerre patriotique - le forçage du Dniepr par les troupes soviétiques en 1943. Deux bataillons ont été lancés dans une percée désastreuse sur la rive allemande du Dniepr afin de détourner les forces ennemies et ainsi permettre à la division de prendre d'assaut la ville stratégiquement importante du Dniepr. Les unités primaires doivent les soutenir avec des tirs d'artillerie et d'aéronefs. Cependant, le commandement change soudainement son plan d’attaque, laissant les bataillons sans appui-feu, ce qui les condamne à une mort certaine. De plus, on ordonne aux gens de garder le dernier.


Dec 23, 2004
Based on a short story Room number 6 by Chekhov. A doctor taking particular interest in his mental health patients ends up institutionalized himself.
Ослиная шкура
At the festivities marking the christening of princess Theresa, daughter of King Gaston IX, a wicked fairy made a mysterious prophecy about the girl's life. Seventeen years later, Theresa falls in love with a poor prince named Jacques. Then the prophecy starts coming true...


Apr 12, 1982
The Civil War in Russia has just finished. The sixth chief of militia came to a small town in the south. Five Glodov’s predecessors had been killed by a gang of elusive Vakhromeyev. Now Glodov and his crew are going to have a mortal combat with the smart gangsters…
Он, она и я

Он, она и я

Feb 01, 2007
Dimitry only has a few days to live. In the private clinic where he is staying, he meets Denis, with whom he quickly becomes good friends. Dimitry asks him to keep an eye on his girlfriend, Maria after his death.
Piter by Каста

Piter by Каста

Feb 09, 2018
Four stories about Saint Petersburg through the eyes of ordinary guys who have seen a lot on their path, but have not betrayed themselves. The film casts famous Russian hip-hop band KASTA.


Nov 16, 2008
Kirill, who stood up for Nastya's honor, is forced to join the army. He severely beat the offender, and military service is the only way for him to avoid prison.
Путь к себе

Путь к себе

Nov 04, 1986
An employee of the Research Institute, engineer Krylov, who came into conflict with the administration, resigns from the institute. Being an athlete, Krylov starts working as a stuntman. But even here, meeting with different people, he gets into difficult situations...
Смертельные иллюзии
The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place. Immediately in the stage headphones of the brothers, the voice of an unknown person says that the girl is with him. He also changed the way complex mechanisms work for tricks. And now they pose a threat to the lives of the brothers. But if the show does not continue, the “voice” will kill the assistant ... The beloved girl of one of the brothers.


Jul 05, 2007


The main character of the film is a captain from the special services of Russia. He was forced to engage in a private carriage. But when an extreme situation arises - it is the threat of a terrorist attack, the command immediately remembers Captain Stychkin - an unsurpassed specialist who is truly capable of ensuring poverty. Stychkin pushes his grievances and ambitions into the background. The bill is on electricity from the Paveletsky railway station at Domodedovo Airport.


Feb 05, 1990
The bureaucratic epos on the dialogues and plots of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a Town". In a metaphorical and grotesque form, the film conveys the history of Russia from the calling of the Varangians until the end of the 20th century. The film traces the change of the “chiefs” of the county town of Glupov, which differ in varying degrees of tyranny and the corresponding total number of “killed” city residents. The heads of the city easily guess the former heads of the Russian state and the USSR.
The Pilot : A Battle for Survival
Au cours d'une mission en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'avion du pilote de chasse Nikolai Komlew est abattu. Il devait arrêter l'avancée de l'ennemi qui se rapprochait de plus en plus. Komlew parvient à faire s'écraser son avion dans une clairière isolée. Il survit à la dangereuse chute mais, loin d'un territoire ami, il doit faire face à une implacable épreuve d'endurance physique et mentale.
Времена года
Prima ballerina is preparing for the premier, but because of the jealousy of her husband, a choreographer, find herself involved in a violent clash with the troupe.
Маруся фореva!
The life of a twenty-four-year-old Indian collapses overnight when he finds out that he is the father of a five-year-old girl Marusya. The Indian is not ready to part with a successful career, bachelor meetings with friends and take care of a small child, but over time, the sincere love of his daughter changes the Indian. Almost deprived of the right to raise his daughter, he finds a way to leave Marusya and become a real family.
Моя ужасная сестра 2
In the family of Julia and Maxim, another girl will be born, who will become an object of adoration for Lena and Sonya. While the parents are busy taking care of the baby and the problems of their own relationships, the older sisters will have to cope with new reasons for rebellion in order to eventually understand: even if it seems that everything in the world turned against, the family will certainly understand and support.


Sep 19, 2019
In the family of Julia and Maxim, another girl will be born, who will become an object of adoration for Lena and Sonya. While the parents are busy taking care of the baby and the problems of their own relationships, the older sisters will have to cope with new reasons for rebellion in order to eventually understand: even if it seems that everything in the world turned against, the family will certainly understand and support.
Золотая рыбка
1946, Kyrgyzstan, evacuated from Leningrad woman with two children — boys of six and ten years. Their father is in hospital, badly wounded. Time is poor, hungry. The family fights for life, selling homemade rugs on the market and picking up everything that can be useful in the economy on the ruins of abandoned houses. Once the brothers find in the dump a book with wonderful pictures. This is Alexander Pushkin's fairy tale "goldfish". The mother reads it to them before bedtime — and in the lives of boys be the dream and the sense of becoming owners of the coveted gold fish and the three wishes, one of which, of course, the return of the father, alive and well.


Jul 05, 2007


The main character of the film is a captain from the special services of Russia. He was forced to engage in a private carriage. But when an extreme situation arises - it is the threat of a terrorist attack, the command immediately remembers Captain Stychkin - an unsurpassed specialist who is truly capable of ensuring poverty. Stychkin pushes his grievances and ambitions into the background. The bill is on electricity from the Paveletsky railway station at Domodedovo Airport.
Моя ужасная сестра
When the mother and father of ten-year-old Lena and Marusya decide to get married, these two completely alien girls are forced to become sisters. Now they share one room, one class, friends, and most importantly, they are fighting for the attention of their parents. Each of them dreams of returning to their former life, and for this it is necessary to embroil adults.


May 28, 2014
At the end of the 19th century, a series of mysterious murders occur in the provincial city of N. Metropolitan investigator Goremykin arrives at the crime scene. The search for the perpetrators leads to an unexpected conclusion – a revolutionary circle within the city, which consists of two young men recently returned from Switzerland.
Maître et Marguerite

Maître et Marguerite

Dec 30, 2005
L'action principale du livre a lieu dans le Moscou des années 1930, où Satan se manifeste sous l'identité d'un mystérieux magicien nommé Woland, accompagné d'une troupe hétéroclite composée du fantaisiste cabotin Fagotto (ou Fahoth, selon les traductions), alias Koroviev, du chafouin et bavard chat noir Béhémoth, du tueur Azazello (référence probable au démon Azazel) et de l'impudique sorcière rousse Hella. Ce groupe prend pour cible l'élite littéraire avec son syndicat officiel, le MASSOLIT, son restaurant-QG pour les privilégiés de la nomenklatura (la maison Griboïedov), ses bureaucrates et ses profiteurs, ainsi que les sceptiques et les mécréants. Le film débute par une discussion sur l'existence de Dieu entre le chef de la scène littéraire officielle, Berlioz, athée notoire, et un étranger très distingué (Woland) rencontré dans le parc de l'Étang du Patriarche. Woland prédit à Berlioz qu'il ne se rendra pas à la réunion du MASSOLIT où il est attendu le soir même, et qu'il mourra la tête coupée. De fait, peu après, Berlioz glisse sous un tramway et est décapité. Témoin de toute la scène, le jeune poète Ivan Biezdomny (dont le nom signifie « sans-logis ») tente vainement de poursuivre et capturer Woland, qu'ont rejoint Fagotto et un chat noir géant, puis d'avertir les autorités de la nature diabolique du trio, mais ne parvient qu'à se faire jeter dans un asile de fous. À ce point apparaît le personnage du Maître, un auteur aigri, désespéré du rejet dont a fait l'objet son roman sur Ponce Pilate et le Christ, au point d'en avoir jeté au feu le manuscrit avant de se détourner du monde, y compris de son aimée Marguerite. Après une période de vagabondage, il se fait interner dans l'hôpital psychiatrique où échouera plus tard Biezdomny. Ladite maison de fous joue un rôle d'importance puisque, tout au long du roman, des victimes des farces de la troupe de Satan s'y trouveront enfermées.
Senke nad Balkanom

Senke nad Balkanom

Jan 13, 2020
A historical fiction drama and thriller set in the turbulent period of the late 1930s in the Balkans as a place where high politics, local interests, capital and crime all merge together.


Aug 07, 2020
A group of investigators finds murdered teenagers in a city collector. Unraveling this case step by step, the police faces an unconditional evil - a whirlpool of a big city, which sucks and destroys the weak - those whom no one loves and does not care for. This evil destroys people with impunity, and each of the characters is forced to face it personally, look inside themselves to meet their own demons and fears.
Второе зрение
Homicide investigator Efremov makes an unforgivable mistake, as a result of which his colleague, friend and mentor dies. The hero himself loses his sight, but seeks to return to service. Blindness sharpens the rest of his senses to the limit, which allows him to "see" what others miss. Now Efremov masterfully investigates complicated crimes, but the past haunts him. Will the unique investigator be able to solve that fatal crime and somehow correct the mistake he made?