Ольга Погодина

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Velvet Revolution

Velvet Revolution

Sep 15, 2005
La Russie, de nos jours. Les mafias ont pris le pouvoir. Deux enquêteurs vont devoir s'unir contre le plus redoutable cartel. Le premier, Vershinin, est un franc-tireur. Le second, Suvorotsev, est un incorruptible, à cheval sur le règlement. Leur adversaire : Sors, trafiquant, protégé par l'immunité diplomatique. Au fil de leur enquête, les deux policiers découvrent une gigantesque organisation, aux ramifications mondiales. De Russie en Allemagne, du Kenya en Californie, ils vont affronter des chefs d'États, des membres des services secrets et des barons de la drogue...
Женская интуиция 2
Истории трех закадычных подруг продолжаются. Их вновь закружит вихрь любовных переживаний и эмоций. Инга, «освежив» внешность с помощью пластической операции, неожиданно решает вернуть старую любовь. Из-за глупого недоразумения Лиля разругалась со своим мужем Мишей. У Александра и Даши все складывается как нельзя лучше, дело идет к свадьбе. Но этот романтический рай вдруг омрачает ревность…
Женская интуиция
Даша — красавица, умная, обаятельная и не очень счастливая. Работу найти не может, личная жизнь к тридцати годам не сложилась, всех достойных уже расхватали более шустрые барышни. И вот, когда, казалось бы, умерла последняя надежда, появляется он. Александр — успешный бизнесмен и очень симпатичный мужчина, которому не везет в личной жизни. Как это иногда бывает, пока муж занимается бизнесом, его лучший друг заводит «дружбу» со скучающей женой. В результате герой развелся со своей женой, которая уехала с новым мужем за границу, и сам воспитывает дочь. Девочка-подросток требует постоянного внимания, которое отец не может ей уделить, и в доме появляется гувернантка.
Здрасьте, я ваш папа!
Innokenty Pechenkin is an absolute loser in life! All sorts of problems are falling on him, one by one, which, it would seem, are no longer solvable. But, at one point, the main character of the film gets a chance to solve all the difficulties at once, namely, to get a family, and that would be all right, but he only has a month of time!
Tri Dnya v Odesse

Tri Dnya v Odesse

Mar 15, 2007
During the summer of 1947 a group of detectives are going to Odessa with the undercover mission - to fight a post-war criminal wave.
Если невеста ведьма
Известный профессор нетрадиционных наук узнает, что на его «малой родине» в далекой деревушке происходят странные вещи, не поддающиеся логическому осмыслению. Командировав своего ассистента на место происшествий, профессор не подозревает о невероятных событиях, к которым приведет приезд «упакованного» городского научного работника. Молодой ученый пишет диссертацию на тему «Психодинамика колдовства» и пытается доказать, что явлений, описанных в исторических судах над ведьмами, быть не может. Но передвигать предметы одним взглядом, в одно мгновение перемещаться на любые расстояния, читать чужие мысли и в одиночку сражаться с целой армией — все это умеет симпатичная местная девчонка, папаша которой безуспешно пытается выдать юную колдунью замуж…


Sep 07, 2023
Moscow, 1977. Scientists are studying paranormal phenomena in a full secrecy. A professor-physicist, an expert in telekinesis and hypnosis, encounters an inexplicable force, the existence of which is impossible to believe in. Сonsequently, his daughter Anna finds out she is gifted with a horrifying deathful power.


Feb 25, 2014
The characters of the film live without worries and in pursuit of entertainment. But when crimes are happening around you, and you are used to turning a blind eye to it, remember that one day you can close them forever. Will any of the heroes be able to break out of the darkness of despair and make their way to the light? Or will they get entangled in a maze of passions and drown in a torrent of despondency?
Amori elementari

Amori elementari

Jan 20, 2014
The film depicts the first flaming signs of love in human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend the same hockey and figure skating club in a small village set among the Italian Alps. The theft of a medal will trigger an adventurous escape to Moscow, where our six main characters will learn the first skirmishes of love and find new fiancés.
Тихие омуты

Тихие омуты

Jun 06, 2000
Kashtanov, professor of medicine and famous Moscow surgeon, is experiencing midlife crisis. Suddenly he decides to leave everything and escape to the countryside in order to spend some time with old friends.
The 40-year-old rich man is very fond of arguing. Once again, he bet that he would work for a month as a driver for a bitch actress who fires employees after three weeks. Gradually, the characters begin to change and fall in love with each other.
Любовь прет-а-порте
Giorgio urgently needs to find a job but his only chance is in a Fashion House in Rome so he to pretend being gay in order to succeed in the fashion industry. But suddenly after meeting a Russian girl and falling in love all his fake universe collapses.


Oct 25, 2018
Le film inspiré d'événements réels raconte l'histoire de l'acte héroïque de l'équipage du char KV-1. Ayant perdu le combat, l’équipage de Semyon Konovalov a détruit 16 chars, 2 véhicules blindés et 8 véhicules appartenant au personnel ennemi près de la ferme Nizhnemityakin dans le district de Tarasovskoye, dans la région de Rostov. C’est l’histoire de non pas des héros des affiches, mais des mecs brisés, gais et très divers qui ne voulaient que vivre. Au moment décisif, ils ont réussi à faire la bonne chose et à accomplir l'acte digne de la légende.
The 40-year-old rich man is very fond of arguing. Once again, he bet that he would work for a month as a driver for a bitch actress who fires employees after three weeks. Gradually, the characters begin to change and fall in love with each other.


Oct 25, 2018
Suddenly Alyona start talking to a stranger man who lives... inside her head.
The 40-year-old rich man is very fond of arguing. Once again, he bet that he would work for a month as a driver for a bitch actress who fires employees after three weeks. Gradually, the characters begin to change and fall in love with each other.


Mar 28, 2013
Ivan Ivanovich Zhurov — unlucky, but very experienced detective. He travels everywhere on his old "Pobeda", one brings up a daughter, loves to drink and has very troubled amur relations with his colleague. All this does not prevent him from masterfully disclosing the most complex and tangled loud criminal cases, for which, besides him, no one more risks to take.
Простые истины
A youth TV novel about school life. The situations that the characters find themselves in are familiar to every teenager, and the problems that the characters are trying to solve are of concern to everyone: how to deal with unrequited love (and is it necessary?), how to resolve a conflict with teachers or classmates, how to find a common language with parents, how to skip a physical education lesson, how, finally, to wipe the two in the diary without consequences for school life.


Apr 16, 2004
In the cities of Central Asia and Russia, the indomitable Fatima barrages , committing one crime after another . The Prosecutor's office investigator Pyotr Yerozhin gets in her way , not yet knowing how this investigation will be closely intertwined with his own fate.
Легенда Феррари
After the unsuccessful attempt on the life of Baron Wrangel and the death of an intelligence agent, a new cunning plan is being developed to implement the "Crimean Mission". The best agent, Elena Golubovskaya, is appointed to this case. In Crimea, Golubovskaya appears already as El Ferrari - a gifted Italian poet. Her task is to eliminate Wrangel in order to demoralize the white movement, as well as control the operation to steal gold. Her plans are thwarted by Maximilian Ermler, a local newspaper journalist who turns out to be a British intelligence agent.
Action & Adventure
Маргарита Назарова
After the unsuccessful attempt on the life of Baron Wrangel and the death of an intelligence agent, a new cunning plan is being developed to implement the "Crimean Mission". The best agent, Elena Golubovskaya, is appointed to this case. In Crimea, Golubovskaya appears already as El Ferrari - a gifted Italian poet. Her task is to eliminate Wrangel in order to demoralize the white movement, as well as control the operation to steal gold. Her plans are thwarted by Maximilian Ermler, a local newspaper journalist who turns out to be a British intelligence agent.
Action & Adventure