Rufus Swart

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Le Souffle du démon

Le Souffle du démon

Jul 11, 1992
Un mystérieux serial killer hante les routes qui bordent le désert de Namibie. Ses cibles? Des femmes, qu'il séduit jusqu'à la mort et qu'il mutile jusqu'au plaisir. Une traque physique et spirituelle est alors lancée, mais jusqu'où ira ce démon à visage humain?
Space Mutiny

Space Mutiny

Aug 01, 1988
Le Southern Sun1 est un vaisseau générationnel dont la mission est de coloniser un nouveau monde. Son voyage a duré des générations, et les passagers sont nés et mourront à bord, sans avoir foulé la terre ferme. Cet état de fait déplaît au Flight Cmdr. Elijah Kalgan, qui conspire avec les pirates de la Couronne boréale et l'ingénieur en chef MacPhearson. Kalgan endommage le système de navigation et utilise les Enforcers — la police — pour détourner le vaisseau et aller s'enrichir dans la Couronne boréale.
La Rivière de la mort
Afin de gagner sa vie, John Hamilton fait découvrir la jungle amazonienne à des touristes de tout horizon. Lui seul, connaît le chemin vers la mythique « citée perdue ». Lors d'une expédition vers ce lieu, John sera confronté, près de la rivière mort, à un savant fou, déterminé à anéantir la population. L'aventurier n’aura d’autre choix que de le neutraliser pour le bien de l'humanité.
Sweet 'n Short

Sweet 'n Short

Dec 13, 1991
In South Africa, Sweet Coetzee wins an award for 20 years service as a sportscaster on his 40th birthday, beating his rival, pompous George "The Weasle" Weedle. After Sweet gets drunk one night at his birthday party, he misses a sportscast and his boss, Bryce Williams demotes him to interviewer and promotes Weedle. A subplot of the film are two robbers, "Bossy" and "Savage" who the main characters remain remotely unaware of as they are just a comic theme. Sweet pulls a prank on Weedle during a golf game and is suspended for six month. Sweet also records Weedle having humorous intercourse with a prostitute, "The Orphan in a Storm". Sweet then decides to drown his sorrows in a casino at the slot machines, where he tricks a small boy, Alfred "Shorty" Short into thinking he is a genie. Bossy and Savage try to rob the casino when they accidentally break the disco ball and it knocks Sweet unconscious just as he hits the jackpot.
The House of Usher

The House of Usher

Apr 13, 1989
An updated version of the classic horror tale by Edgar Allen Poe. Ryan and his girlfriend Molly are going to visit Ryan's uncle, Roderick Usher, at his mansion. They find, however, that Roderick's brother Walter has gone insane, and Roderick himself isn't far behind. Can Ryan and Molly escape from the doomed mansion before the curse of Usher claims them as well?
Cyborg Cop

Cyborg Cop

Oct 05, 1993
L'agent Jack Ryan reçoit un appel au secours de son frère Philip, en poste dans les Caraïbes. Il ignore que celui-ci est utilisé pour une expérience scientifique sans précédent : le professeur Joachim Kessel a mis au point une technique permettant de transformer n'importe quel soldat en Cyborg, créature mi-homme, mi-robot, pratiquement indéstructible. Grâce à son armée de Cyborgs, Kessel veut prendre le pouvoir dans les Caraïbes...
Science Fiction
Captive Rage

Captive Rage

Dec 14, 1988
When the DEA director arrests the drug-dealing son of a South American general and cocaine baron, the dictator orders a plane of college students, among them the DEA director's daughter, to be hijacked and flown to his country, where he holds them under threat of torture and death unless his son is released within 72 hours.
The Shadowed Mind

The Shadowed Mind

Jan 01, 1988
A patient at a private clinic for sufferers of sexual dysfunction begins a tentative affair with one of the other patients while a killer stalks the institution.


Oct 12, 1988
Two Peace Corps volunteers in Africa are framed and put into an oppressive women's prison.
The Shadowed Mind

The Shadowed Mind

Jan 01, 1988
A patient at a private clinic for sufferers of sexual dysfunction begins a tentative affair with one of the other patients while a killer stalks the institution.
Quest for Love

Quest for Love

Nov 11, 1988
Set against a political backdrop in Africa, the story spanning several years, unfolds around the powerful interaction between two women, their strong sexual allure, and their search to find meaning through it all.
Die Byl

Die Byl

Feb 18, 2025
The unit specializes in the investigation of serial murders and is led by Van der Bijl, a former murder and robbery detective who gained fame for his handling of several high-profile cases. Each episode focuses on a serial killer. The main character, Colonel Piet van der Bijl, also known as Die Byl, is loosely modeled on the famous ex-detective Piet Byleveld.
Getroud Met Rugby

Getroud Met Rugby

Oct 09, 2012
Getroud met Rugby is a drama revolving around four stars of a Johannesburg rugby team and their wives as they become involved in various interconnected scandals.
Die Sonkring

Die Sonkring

Oct 21, 1993
Die Sonkring is a South African, Afrikaans-language television drama series which revolves around a woman who seems to bring tragedy and misfortune to those close to her.