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The long excuse

The long excuse

Oct 14, 2016
Natsuko et Yuki, deux femmes au foyer amies depuis leurs études, meurent en vacances dans un accident de bus qui est fatal à tous ses passagers. Le mari de Natsuko part à la rencontre de la famille de Yuki…


May 05, 2011
Nozomi Takemoto, a reclusive first-year high school student, resides in Omuta with her father, a town that once thrived as a coal mining hub. As her summer break nears its end, Nozomi embarks on a bicycle ride to the town's outskirts and stumbles upon a captivating relic: the remnants of a coal mine turret that once symbolized prosperity. Intrigued by this discovery, she delves into the town's history, scouring the library for old records and materials. Along her journey, she crosses paths with a newspaper reporter assigned to cover the town's post-mining era. Through this summer adventure in an unfamiliar town, Nozomi gradually uncovers the hidden chapters of her family's past, connecting her with the experiences of her father and grandparents.
TV Movie
Lumberjack the Monster
Psychopathe autoproclamé et avocat impitoyable, Ninomiya n'a qu'une idée en tête : arrêter le tueur en série armé d'une hache qui a fait de lui sa prochaine cible.
Huit femmes et demi

Huit femmes et demi

May 22, 1999
Fasciné par le Japon, Storey Emmenthal accepte de prendre la direction de plusieurs salons de jeux que son père, Philip, riche homme d'affaires genevois, vient de recevoir en héritage. La mort subite de sa mère provoque le retour de Storey en Suisse. Pour distraire son père de son immense chagrin, Storey décide de transformer le manoir familial en maison close privée. Le père et le fils se livrent à leurs fantaisies sexuelles en compagnie de huit femmes... et demi.


Sep 08, 2012
After losing their restaurant in a fire, a husband and wife come up with a strange plan to rebuild their shattered finances: marrying the husband off to a series of lonely women and defrauding them.
Onodera Yuriko sets off for Sweden where her husband, Major General Onodera Makoto, is stationed as a military attache in Stockholm during World War II. Called the "god of intelligence", Makoto is an intelligence officer of the Russian service of the Japanese Army General Staff. Fluent in Russian and German and trusted by the spies of many countries because of his integrity, his office would eventually become the most important Japanese intelligence post in Europe. From the day of her arrival in Stockholm, Yuriko helps her husband's intelligence activities. She encrypts the highly classified information obtained by Makoto and sends it in coded telegrams to the General Staff Headquarters in Japan every day. Husband and wife have jointly undertaken this intelligence work for confidentiality.


Apr 18, 2009
Terajima Mikako became a boys volleyball team coach at a junior high school she has been assigned to. As an incentive for the team members who do not show the slightest enthusiasm, she promises to show them her boobs if they win a game.
Minami Hiromi is an FBI agent visiting Japan from the US for a limited time. Minami lost his sight due to an accident in the past and he is called the "last man" in the FBI, referring him as the last trump card to end a case with his strong sense of analysis, smell, and touch. Godo Shintaro has been assigned to attend to Minami. From a family that has served as the Commissioner of the National Police Agency for generations, Godo has an extraordinary sense of justice and is willing to go any lengths to catch the criminals. Minami, who is always ready to ask for help, and Godo, who has never trusted anyone except himself, become a duo and work together to solve cases.
What happens when the Prime Minister of Japan suddenly has the lowest approval ratings in history? Tamura Masakazu plays an unpopular Prime Minister who faces daily protests of citizens, inside betrayals, and the decision of a new Chief Cabinet Secretary. He makes an unprecedented selection, choosing his daughter's private tutor, who is only in his 20s and not even a politician! Will the Prime Minister be able to turn his ratings around, or will he be forced to resign? This drama focuses on the government of Japan, with a comedic twist.
Fate/stay night

Fate/stay night

Jun 17, 2006
Tous les dix ans, sept magiciens s'affrontent avec leur servant dans une guerre secrète afin de posséder le Saint Graal. À l'issue de ce combat, le magicien vainqueur aura le droit de voir un souhait exaucé. Emiya Shiro est un jeune lycéen ordinaire si ce n est qu'il est l'enfant adoptif d'un magicien très puissant décédé. Emiya ne possède pas le talent de son père mais cultive un pouvoir bien spécifique, celui de pouvoir réparer les objets. Seulement, le jour où il se retrouve aux prises d'un combat opposant deux magiciens, il va réveiller le pouvoir qui sommeille en lui sous la forme d'une jeune femme à la beauté aussi dévastatrice que sa puissance : Saber. L'ordre des sept magiciens est désormais réuni, la guerre peut commencer.
Iryu Sosa

Iryu Sosa

Sep 15, 2022
Satoshi Itomura est méticuleux sur les scènes de crime pour appréhender les auteurs de crimes. Il cherche la solution au travers des biens de la victime. Il es mal vu par ses collègues de la première division car il mène des enquêtes sans autorisation et en dehors de toute hiérarchie. Miyuki Oda, enquêteuse débutante, va découvrir par le détective scientifique une autre manière de résoudre des crimes.
Lucky Seven

Lucky Seven

Mar 19, 2012
7 détectives, chacun avec son propre style, travaillent dans une agence de détectives. Tokita Shuntaro est un détective débutant qui a tendance à en faire trop par sympathie ou par émotion excessive envers ses clients ou ses objets de recherche. Contrairement à Shuntaro, Nitta Teru est un détective plus posé. Souvent, il est en conflit avec lui.


Jun 19, 2004
On her 18th birthday, Nami witnesses the brutal murder of her parents by a man with a burn on his hand. She is then falsely accused of the crime and sent to jail. Sworn to vengeance, Nami battles corrupt officials and cruel inmates to escape prison, only to search through the underbelly of Japanese society to find the man with a burn on his hand, ‘stinging’ anyone in her way.


Jun 23, 2010
Kuraishi Yoshio est un coroner reconnu pour son sens aigu de l'observation et ses enquêtes approfondies. Le terme "rinjo" est dit être de l'argot policier pour l'enquête initiale menée sur les lieux du crime.
Giri / Haji

Giri / Haji

Dec 05, 2019
Un homme de loi part à Londres chercher son frère tueur à la solde de la mafia alors qu'une guerre entre Yakuza menace Tokyo. À qui faire confiance ?


Jun 26, 2011


Après s'être réveillé à l'époque d'Edo, un neurochirurgien utilise ses connaissances médicales pour apporter son aide aux autres, tout en cherchant un moyen de rentrer chez lui.
Get Ready!

Get Ready!

Mar 12, 2023
This dark medical drama examines the meaning of human life, centring on a team of unidentified black-market doctors who undertake any kind of surgery with superhuman surgical skills and exorbitant medical expenses. Hazama Eisuke, also known as "Ace", is a genius surgeon who works as a patissier during the day. He has an operating room equipped with the latest equipment in the basement of his patisserie, where he performs surgeries on patients who have been abandoned by others. Shimoyamada Jo, also known as "Joker", is a brilliant international lawyer and a negotiator with patients.
60 誤判対策室

60 誤判対策室

Jun 03, 2018
Eiji Arima is a veteran detective who is about to retire. Shoichi Sera is a young lawyer and Misuzu Haruna is a prosecutor. These three people belong to the Gohan Taisakushitsu ("Misjudgment Countermeasure Office’". Their job is to re-examine death-row convictions and check to see if anyone was falsely convicted.