Pour arrondir ses fins de mois, Mickey aide des couples à se séparer, mais les choses se compliquent lorsqu'il tombe amoureux de Tinni, une carriériste indépendante.
Goga and Kamal want to marry, but Kamal's grandmother opposes it. Goga prays for her death and it comes true, but then sees her ghost. Only Goga can see it. Notorious Baba tells Goga to summon the ghost of her grandfather, and only Kamal can see him. Their confusion leads to a touching tribute to love.
Quatre amis d'un petit village endormi du Pendjab partagent un rêve commun : aller en Angleterre. Leur problème c'est qu'ils n'ont ni le visa ni le billet. Un jour, un soldat descend d'un train et sa vie change. Il leur fait une promesse de soldat : il les emmènera au pays de leurs rêves. Ce qui suit est le récit hilarant et réconfortant d'un voyage périlleux à travers le désert et la mer, mais surtout à travers l'arrière-pays de leur esprit.
Armaan was married to Nikki ,he could see her only but couldn't get close to her.The reason is his elder brother Karma .Now in Nikki InLaw's Nikki is wife of Karma and in front of her parent's she is wife of Armaan. Will they be caught?
Munda Hi Chahida revolves around a man called Dharminder who lives together with his father and grandmother, his three sisters and two daughters. He is desperately hoping for his next child to be a son. He feels suffocated surrounded by the women in his house and everywhere around him. In a desperate attempt to make his wish come true, he becomes superstitious and consults a local Sadhu who tells him to act as a pregnant father. The story is about Dharminder's journey of growing out of his selfishness and rigidity.