Anna Seniuk

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Sep 20, 2021
A young man knocks on the door of an old boarding house, hoping to rent a room. The owner answers the door in her bathrobe. She is hoping to get rid of the unexpected guest, but when she learns that he might be a prospective lodger, she agrees to show him around. The house is rather shabby and it keeps getting weirder with each room they see and each boarder they meet… The young man wants out, but leaving turns out to be pretty hard.


Sep 13, 1982
Kaziuk, un paysan têtu, et sa femme enceinte vivent dans un village reculé de Pologne, épargné par la civilisation. Mais un fonctionnaire vient annoncer l'arrivée prochaine de l'électricité et qu'une nouvelle institutrice enseignera bientôt dans l'école du village. Une fois installée, celle-ci attise les fantasmes de Kaziuk qui, frustré, commet un acte sacrilège ...


Nov 13, 1979
A ruminative, understated drama on the nature of overwork versus an "unachieving" life away from the city, Pelnia examines the experience of one man. After leaving his high-pressured existence as a successful architect, the newly resolved dropout goes to live in a small community of cabins and summer homes in a lake-filled region north of Warsaw. His interactions with the villagers, including a drunkard and other eccentrics, provide an informative background for what happens next. The ex-architect's wife is a professional singer who has not abandoned the city or her life -- and she soon arrives to spend some time with her very changed husband.
Coupable d'innocence ou Quand la raison dort
This sumptuously photographed period drama is set in 1791 Vienna. Maximilian Bardo, an opportunistic 18-year old Viennese man with aspirations to rise above his bourgeois upbringing, looks for a chance to shoehorn himself into the nobility. His hopes lead him to the castle of a wealthy inventor, Alexander Plant. It is here that a strange story is played out, as Maximilian, full of naive illusions and innocent ideals of what it means to be wealthy and noble, quickly loses his innocence. Falling prey to the jaded aristocrats in residence, he is cruelly initiated into their decadent games.
Tumor Witkacego

Tumor Witkacego

Feb 25, 1985
The film, which is a reconstruction of the life and work of Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, known under the pseudonym Witkacy, was produced especially on the occasion of the artist's 100th birthday. Witkacy is one of the outstanding European artists of the early twentieth century. Author of many short stories and plays translated into eighteen languages. Author of his own philosophical system, art theorist, painter of Formist paintings and portraits, a man who left behind a legend of a unique personality.
Horror Story

Horror Story

Nov 17, 2023
A man, right after his graduation, seeks a dream job in a corporation. The corporate world, however, appears to him as a higher and higher nonsense and repetitive mindless scheme. While looking for a job, the protagonist moves into a cheap flat that resembles a house from horror movies.


Oct 10, 1980
This is psychological drama by Tomasz Zygadlo begins as a straightforward story. Jan (Roman Wilhelmi) is the host of a nightly talk show in which he counsels people who call in with their problems. He is dedicated to helping these lonely souls but becomes increasingly disturbed when his co-workers and supervisors at the radio station do not appreciate his program; they seem unable to grasp the importance of what he is doing. Aside from that, Jan's private life is frayed around the edges. His wife is a heavy drinker and his mistress has no comprehension about who he is or what he is doing. Jan's frustration over this lack of recognition builds to an explosive level, threatening to upset the balance of his daily life.


May 04, 1971
A young doctor arrives in a sleepy village and becomes involved with secret tragedies plaguing the inhabitants.


Jan 01, 1973
Rafał is suspected of killing a turtle that fell out of the balcony.
Przypadek Pekosińskiego
Bronek Pekosinski lives in Zamosc, Poland. He is probably 83 years old. He has no family and does not really know who he is. Everything about his life is fictitious: symbolic is the date of birth - the day World War II broke out, as well as his surname - after PKOS, an abbreviation of a charitable institution, and the place of birth - the Nazi concentration camp, from where his mother threw him over a barbed wire fence. Even his friends and guardians turned out to be false. Only his loneliness and his hump seem to be authentic. Two great powers have vied for young Bronek's soul: Roman-Catholic church and a totalitarian state. He fell into alcoholism. Partially paralyzed as the effect of cerebral hemorrhage, he is fired with an ambition of acquiring a mastery in a game of chess.
Zacne grzechy

Zacne grzechy

Nov 22, 1963
A carmelite monk travels through 17th century Poland and experiences various mishaps along the way.
Dom pod Dwoma Orłami. Kłamstwa Zofii
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Les points sensibles

Les points sensibles

Aug 28, 1981
Nous sommes en 1998 et le monde se trouve dans un cataclysme écologique : il y a une pénurie d'eau, l'environnement est pollué et être dehors comporte des risques élevés. Le personnage principal est un technicien de télévision, Jan, un individualiste, harcelé par les conformistes. Jan aime Ewa, une étudiante en ballet, qui à son tour est en liaison avec Allan, un homme puissant et prospère.
Science Fiction
Plus fort que la tempête
Adaptation du roman Le Déluge (Potop) de Henryk Sienkiewicz (1886). Pendant la Première guerre du Nord en 1655 entre protestants suédois et catholiques de la République des Deux Nations (Pologne-Lituanie), des nobles de la République des Deux Nations se rallient à Charles X Gustave, roi de Suède, pendant que d'autres restent fidèles au polonais Jean II Casimir Vasa.
Zéro pression

Zéro pression

Mar 27, 2024
Oliwia, une cheffe polonaise célibataire qui vit dans une grande ville, reçoit soudain un message l'informant du décès de sa grand-mère en Podlachie. Une fois sur place, elle comprend que c'était un piège pour la faire revenir au pays et la convaincre d'aider à sauver la ferme de sa mamie. Elle va alors devoir apprendre à gérer un élevage et à produire du fromage local, car le festival du village approche. Contre toute attente, elle reçoit un coup de main d'un fermier du coin, Kuba, dont elle découvre bientôt qu'il cache un secret.


Dec 02, 1963
An intimate psychological drama consisting of two separate stories, the heroes of which represent the attitudes of young people, which were rarely manifested in the early 1960s.
Niebezpieczni dżentelmeni
Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Witkacy, Joseph Conrad and Bronisław Malinowski, four leading figures among the Zakopane bohemians, wake up after an all-night drunken party. Their hangover headaches are killing them, none of them remembers anything, and finding the corpse of a male stranger on the floor doesn’t help.


May 02, 1966
The story of the tumultuous relationship between a Jewish girl called Noemi and a Polish art student named Kamil is set at the outbreak of World War II.
Tabliczka marzenia

Tabliczka marzenia

Aug 09, 1968
A fifteen-year old Ludka navigates first love and frustrations related to failures of the adult world during summer holidays.


Nov 27, 1970
An intimate psychological drama: the story of two brothers who, in the winter of 1848, waited for the opportunity to enter General Bem's troops in Hungary and experience emotional conflicts in a noble manor, which lead to a fundamental confrontation of attitudes and characters.
Przygoda Stasia

Przygoda Stasia

Jan 01, 1970
The action takes place in the Polish countryside in the second half of the 19th century. The main character is a few months old Staś, son of the blacksmith Józef and Małgorzata, from whose perspective we see the conflict of his parents with the local organist.
Kanadyjskie sukienki

Kanadyjskie sukienki

Feb 01, 2013
Polish countryside of the 80s. It is Sophia's birthday. She is waiting for the arrival of her daughter Amelia and her husband Taddeusz, who have been living in Canada for 10 years. Suddenly Amelia arrives alone. The real reason for Amelia's emigration and the brutal truth about her father reveal and this is only the beginning of the intricate story of the family. Canadian Dresses - a symbol of a lost childhood, a mother who forces her decisions, the true passion and a theft of jewelry - are just a taste of the story, ironically depicted through the eyes of a small observer, a 9-year-old boy.
La Poupée

La Poupée

Nov 07, 1968
1878. D'abord modeste commis de brasserie en proie à de régulières humiliations, Stanislaw Wokulski finit par devenir un riche homme d'affaires. Toutefois, il demeure sensible à la misère et aux inégalités sociales. Il s'efforce d'apporter des remèdes à cette situation. Très épris d'une aristocrate ruinée, Izabella Lecka, il l'épouse mais celle-ci le trompera avec un séducteur
Europa, Europa

Europa, Europa

Nov 14, 1990
Inspiré des Mémoires de Sally Perel, "Europa Europa" raconte l'itinéraire d'un jeune juif contraint pendant la guerre d'épouser l'idéologie communiste lorsqu'il fuit en Union soviétique, puis celle du nazisme lorsque les Allemands envahissent l'orphelinat où il est refugié. Il en oublie sa propre identité et, pour sauvegarder sa vie, devient même le meilleur élément d'une école d'élite pour la jeunesse allemande.


Mar 17, 1980
A well-regarded engineer in a big enterprise is hounded by trumped up attacks on his integrity when he delves too deeply into how bonuses are handled by the management. He gets into an argument with the guard, is arrested and subsequently fired. An old friend, a journalist, tries to sort things out but the victim's stubbornness and past problems with his wife lead to lossess by both.
The Hero

The Hero

Apr 27, 2021
Cyprian, 10 years old orphan, raised by his beloved grandmother, dreams to become a real hero. Suddenly his grandmother dies and a threat of an orphanage hangs over Cyprian. Now he has to confront with the real loss and realize what it means to be a hero in the face of suffering.
Zapomniany Diabeł

Zapomniany Diabeł

Dec 30, 1985
Zapomniany diabeł (czes. Dalskabáty, hříšná ves aneb Zapomenutý čert) – sztuka teatralna czeskiego prozaika i dramaturga Jana Drdy z 1960 roku.
Czarne chmury

Czarne chmury

Feb 18, 1974
Polish Fanfan, the first Polish series from the "cloak and dagger" - written about the "black cloud" in the press of the 70's. Axis of the plot became a dramatic episodes of the struggle for the maintenance of the Polish Prussia. They remained in feudal depending on the Republic from 1525, when Albrecht Hohenzollern secularized religious state and filed in Krakow tribute to the Polish king.
Stawka większa niż życie
Stawka większa niż życie is a series about the adventures of a Polish secret agent, Hans Kloss, who acts as a double agent in the Abwehr during Second World War in occupied Poland.


Feb 19, 1978
Czterdziestolatek or 40-latek was a Polish television comedy series broadcast between 1974 and 1977. The first series enjoyed so much popularity that it has successfully continued and led to the release of a feature film I'm a Butterfly, a 40-year-old Love Affair and a New Year's Eve television program in 1975. The series was written by Jerzy Gruza and Krzysztof Teodor Toeplitz and was broadcast on Telewizja Polska. In total, 21 episodes were produced. The series followed the fate of a Warsaw family and explored topics related to midlife crisis, such as extra-marital affairs, attempts to quit smoking, obsession with hair loss, efforts to maintain physical fitness, pride in achievements and professional life, the desire to seek self-fulfillment through social activities, etc.
Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Dom pod Dwoma Orłami

Mar 05, 2023
The story begins in the summer of 1997, just before the arrival of the famous 12-meter flood wave flooding Wroclaw. - The residents of the "Home under Two Eagles" are grandma Zofia Szablewska, a woman full of energy, warmth and humor, her daughter Helena, a cool perfectionist, and Marianna, Zofia's beloved granddaughter, returning with her fiancé from a scholarship in the USA. The family drama begins when a flood wave floods the house, and at the same time grandma Zofia ends up in the hospital due to a stroke. An unfortunate coincidence leads Marianna to discover post-German traces in a house destroyed by the element, thanks to which she finds the diary of the first owner of "Home under Two Eagles", Lisa Weber. Marianna's learning of the history written on the cards takes the action of the series to 1918. In subsequent episodes, viewers will learn about the life of the then inhabitants of the tenement house and their neighbors.


Oct 24, 1992


A Catholic game-show series for third-grade children.
Action & Adventure
Mały Zgon

Mały Zgon

Apr 05, 2020
Mały Zgon may seem like a quiet town - but just below the surface lies a twisted web of crooked cops, drug kingpins and high-stakes poker games.


Apr 11, 2024
Jacek is a foodie, gay and Warsaw bon vivant who has his own TV show, several similarly eccentric close ones around him and self-destructive tendencies. A dramedy that makes fun of the Polish artistic elite, for whom Warsaw is “the only real Polish city”, cannot be compared to other shows. It is the authorial work of playwright and screenwriter Pawel Demirski. He wrote it from the beginning with the intention of presenting a hero contrasting with the burnout syndrome often felt today - a vital madman who believes the best is yet to come.