Jeff Coatney

Recently added

Fellowship of the Dice
“Fellowship of the Dice” follows the plight of Elizabeth (Aimee Graham), a recovering party girl desperate for a new group of friends. After a chance meeting with avid gamer Sanford (Alastair Surprise) lands her an invitation to play the popular fantasy role-playing game, “Wizards, Warriors and Wyrms,” she spends a long afternoon and evening plagued with confusing rules, high adventure and nerdy drama.
Christmas Nightmare

Christmas Nightmare

May 01, 2001
After witnessing the brutal assassination of presidential candidate Francis Mohan, a young married couple (Edward and Alice Anderson) are taken to a safe house miles from civilization. Upon their arrival at the safe house, the trio is shocked to find it abandoned and their stay takes a sudden turn for the worse. Their guardian begins undergoing dark and unsettling changes to his personality.
Frost - Portrait d'un vampire
Deux mercenaires, Jack Frost et Nat McKenzie, sont envoyés en mission. Durant leur périple, Nat est mordu par une créature maléfique et, de retour aux Etats-Unis, commence à se métamorphoser en un monstre de plus en plus puissant...
Fits & Starts

Fits & Starts

Oct 11, 2002
A young man and woman spend the afternoon drinking orange soda and conversing through cassette recorders. And there's a musical number.
Fits & Starts

Fits & Starts

Oct 11, 2002
A young man and woman spend the afternoon drinking orange soda and conversing through cassette recorders. And there's a musical number.