Günther Götsch

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Michael Gaismayr

Michael Gaismayr

Apr 19, 2023
Michael Gaismair is generally known as the leader of the oppressed people in the Tyrolean peasant uprisings in the 16th century. Yet he was far more than a simple rebel. Michael Gaismair had extraordinary foresight and he dared to fundamentally question the church and the supremacy of the nobles – which of course did not please the authorities at all. Betrayal and imprisonment only fueled his passion for the concerns of the peasants and ensured that he was no longer content with reforms. In his thoughts and actions, he was in no way inferior to Martin Luther and Thomas Müntzer. His plans and actions brought him into contact with the Swiss reformer Ulrich Zwingli and the two kingdoms of France and Venice. His demands was far ahead of its time and already included points such as the separation of the church from the state, or the reduction of privileges. But the powerful Habsburgs knew how to prevent this and persecuted the Tyrolean leader until his death.
Andréas Hofer – Héros malgré lui
Au début du XIXe siècle, le Tyrol, possession autrichienne, n’est pas épargné par les remous politiques qui agitent l’Europe. Après la bataille d’Austerlitz, en 1805, les Habsbourg sont sommés de céder le comté aux alliés bavarois de Napoléon, déterminés à mener une vaste politique de centralisation autour de Munich. Mal accueillie par les Tyroliens, cette mesure pousse l’archiduc Jean-Baptiste d’Autriche à projeter la reconquête de la province, en encourageant les paysans à se révolter. Ainsi, en 1809, l’aubergiste Andreas Hofer, capitaine de milice connu pour sa bravoure et sa haine des Français, est invité à Vienne afin de préparer l’insurrection. Suite à la victoire, il devient régent du Tyrol, mais abandonné par les Habsbourg, il finira exécuté par les Français. Ce documentaire-fiction retrace le destin méconnu d'un simple aubergiste propulsé régent, héros populaire toujours vénéré de nos jours, qui s’est retrouvé malgré lui au cœur d’un dangereux jeu politique.
Tragédie sur le Nanga Parbat
Une tragique expédition dans l’Himalaya, racontée par le grand alpiniste Reinhold Messner, qui y perdit son frère en 1970, emporté par une avalanche lors de la descente. Un récit épique dans un décor grandiose.
A Sudden Case of Christmas
An American couple bring their 10 year old daughter, Claire, to her grandfather Lawrence's hotel in The Dolomites, Italy. They usually come for Christmas but this year it’s August. The fact is they are breaking up, and once Claire realizes there’s not going to be a family Christmas this year, she insists on everyone making it out for Christmas in August. Claire, in collusion with her grandfather, plan activities that are designed to re-unite her parents.
Der Bergdoktor

Der Bergdoktor

Feb 06, 2025
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family and friends.