Алексей Сдобнов

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Jan 26, 2017
Victime d'un incident, un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre est pris en chasse par des avions russes, qui parviennent finalement à l'abattre. Le vaisseau s'écrase dans la banlieue de Moscou et les survivants, bien que pacifiques, sont traqués et parqués par l'armée moscovite. Une écolière parvient à sauver et à cacher l'un des extraterrestres. Et bientôt, toute la population commence à émettre des doutes sur les motivations des aliens et la nécessité de les enfermer.
Как мы захотим
Katya and Pasha are a Moscow student couple in their early twenties. They don't care about politics or authorities. They aren't really rebellious, they just want to be left alone and have fun. One day they come to a punk concert at a small club, but two rogue policemen stop the show in the middle of it - there are no formal grounds to do that, but the policemen just enjoy their power. Katya tries to reason with one of the officers, but he reacts in a brutal way, and Pasha has to defend her. Katya and Pasha escape and they hope they're safe. But in Russia, you shouldn't mess with the police, and next morning, the young people learn that they are in trouble. Their only way out is to pay the policemen off, and they embark on a mission of getting the cash - borrowing, begging, doing whatever they can. And they only have several hours to come up with the cash.


Nov 04, 2020
1984. Cercle Arctique. Située 12 000 mètres sous la surface de la terre, la station de forage de Kola dissimule le plus grand laboratoire secret d’Union Soviétique. Quelques mois après son ouverture, des scientifiques enregistrent des voix et des cris émanant des profondeurs. Le site est mis en quarantaine et une équipe est dépêchée sur place afin de découvrir ce qui se cache dans les abîmes de la Terre…


Jul 05, 2016
The series tells about the life of the business center "Nightingale", in which the private security company "Kedr" works. Lev Borisovich, the head of the PSC, is, as he himself believes, not only a guardian of material, but also moral and ethical values. In his subordination are four guards - Fedya, Tolya, Slava and newcomer Andrey. Andrey dreams of becoming a rock star, so he does not value the work of a security guard, but on the very first working day he meets Snezhana, a spa worker, and slowly gets drawn into the workplace of the business center. It is not an action movie with Jason Statham, it's just a story about a couple of days from the humble life of the guards of the Nightingale business center.


Aug 15, 2019
A talented doctor, a rich slacker, a good mother and other people whose life looks perfect only from the outside are in an eternal search for an answer to the question of what happiness is.