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King on Screen

King on Screen

Aug 11, 2023
Une plongée intimiste dans l’univers de Stephen King auprès des réalisateurs qui ont adapté ses livres à l’écran, pour comprendre comment tant de ces films ont eu un impact si crucial dans l’histoire du cinéma, élaborant notamment sur son conflit avec Stanley Kubrick, l’influence de sa femme Tabitha sur son travail ou encore la place qu’il a acquise dans la pop culture actuelle.


Nov 04, 2002
A film about the early life of the rock musician and his burgeoning career as a member of the Beatles.
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine - Emissary
Three years after his wife died at the hands of the Borg and following the Cardassian withdrawal from the planet Bajor, Commander Benjamin Sisko and a new crew of Starfleet and Bajoran officers take command of an abandoned Cardassian space station and make an incredible discovery that will change the galaxy and Sisko's future.
Science Fiction
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
En l'honneur du 55e anniversaire de la franchise de science-fiction cette année et produit par The Nacelle Company, le projet présentera des interviews avec des acteurs, des équipes et des experts alors qu'il explore les moments charnières de l'histoire de la franchise, de sa création dans la société de production de Lucille Ball Desilu à adaptations cinématographiques et télévisuelles récentes.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Nash Bridges est un inspecteur vivant à San Francisco avec sa fille Cassidy et son père Nick. Il fait partie de la brigade spéciale d'intervention. Il a pour partenaire son meilleur ami, Joe Dominguez. Dans l'équipe on trouve aussi Evan Cortez, fils spirituel de Nash ainsi que Harvey Leek, ancien hippie devenu un as de l'informatique.
Action & Adventure
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Life Goes On is a television series that aired on ABC from September 12, 1989, to May 23, 1993. The show centers on the Thatcher family living in suburban Chicago: Drew, his wife Elizabeth, and their children Paige, Rebecca, and Charles, who is known as Corky. Life Goes On was the first television series to have a major character with Down syndrome.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
The Reed sisters of Winnetka, Illinois, are a close-knit group. Alex, Georgie, Teddy, and Frankie navigate the waters of life's triumphs and tragedies with the help of their mom, Bea. And no matter what befalls them, they know they can count on their sisters to help pull them through. (Sisters is an Emmy Award-winning television drama.)
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Cette série met en scène Sammo Law, policier à Shanghaï et spécialiste des arts martiaux, qui rejoint la police de Los Angeles avec la mission de retrouver un dangereux criminel chinois. Sa mission s'éternise et il résout de nombreuses affaires avec l'aide de ses coéquipiers Malone, Dickson et Parker.
Action & Adventure
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Peu après leur départ, les cinq membres de l'équipage de la navette Odyssey 5 sont témoins, à des milliers de kilomètres de distance, de la destruction de la Terre. Sauvés par un être mystérieux, ils sont renvoyés 5 ans en arrière et vont devoir trouver ce qui a causé cette catastrophe, et l'empêcher de se reproduire...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
The Days is a 2004 ABC television series. Each episode chronicles 24 hours in the lives of the members of the fictional Day family. The series was produced for ABC by MindShare Worldwide, a GroupM media agency within WPP Group that financed the series in exchange for ABC advertising time.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Brandon et Brenda Walsh viennent de quitter leur Minnesota natal pour emménager dans un luxueux quartier résidentiel de Los Angeles, le célèbre quartier de Beverly Hills. Les premiers jours sont difficiles au lycée, où ils doivent d'intégrer parmi des lycéens avec lesquels ils ont a priori peu de choses en commun.... Mais Brenda fait la connaissance de Kelly et Donna, qui vont devenir ses meilleures amies, tandis que Brandon se rapproche de Dylan, Steve et Andrea.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Adaptée d'un comics du même nom, la série suit les aventures de Sara Pezzini, une femme flic new-yorkaise, qui s'approprie accidentellement les pouvoirs d'un gantelet magique qui se transforme en bras d'acier capable de protéger celui qui la porte quand le danger arrive. Ainsi dotée, la jeune femme en profite pour faire régner la justice.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
The Trials of Rosie O'Neill is an American television drama series, which aired on CBS from 1990 to 1992. The show stars Sharon Gless as Fiona Rose "Rosie" O'Neill, a lawyer working in the public defender's office for the City of Los Angeles. The show marked the return of Gless to series television after her Emmy-winning run on Cagney & Lacey. "Rosie" was produced by Cagney & Lacey producer Barney Rosenzweig, whom Gless married in 1991. Despite the show's brilliant writing and production, it did not sustain a sizable audience, and was canceled by CBS in 1992. Each episode opens with Rosie talking with her therapist, whose face was never seen on camera. Rosie had been at the receiving end of an unwanted divorce, after her attorney husband had an affair. The advertisement for the series which appeared in TV Guide the night the series debuted told the story as follows: "I'm 43 and divorced. He got our law practice, the Mercedes, and the dog. It's only fair that I should be angry. I really liked that dog." The show's cast also included Dorian Harewood, Ron Rifkin, Georgann Johnson, Lisa Rieffel, and Robert Wagner. Season 2 saw two new cast additions: Ed Asner joined the cast as the cantankerous Kovac, a retired cop hired by Rosie's law firm as one of their investigators. David Rasche was cast in a recurring dramatic role as Patrick Ginty, Rosie's ex-husband who was often referred to but never seen in the first season. Adding Asner to the regular cast squeezed out Dorian Harewood, who was billed as "Special Guest Star" in all season 2 episodes.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Bulman is a Granada TV series which ran from 1985–1987 and followed the fortunes of the major character from the earlier XYY Man and Strangers series. Bulman was based - increasingly loosely - on the character featured in the XYY Man novels by Kenneth Royce. In this incarnation, Don Henderson appeared again as former Detective Chief Inspector George Bulman, ostensibly retired from police work and repairing old clocks but active as a private investigator, with Lucy McGinty as his assistant. They are frequently drawn into the clandestine world of the secret service through the machinations of security chief Dugdale or Bulman's one-time police boss Lambie.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Bergerac is a British television show set on Jersey. Produced by the BBC in association with the Seven Network, and first screened on BBC1, it stars John Nettles as the title character Detective Sergeant Jim Bergerac, a detective in Le Bureau des Étrangers, part of the States of Jersey Police.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Dans une petite bourgade qui a connu une pluie de météorites quelques années plus tôt, le jeune Clark Kent est élevé par une famille de fermiers. Contraint de cacher ses pouvoirs exceptionnels, il va apprendre à les utiliser pour aller au secours de son prochain.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Homefront is an American television drama series created and produced by Lynn Marie Latham and Bernard Lechowick in association with Warner Bros. Television for ABC. The show was set in the fictional city of River Run, Ohio in 1945, 1946, and 1947. The show's theme song, "Accentuate the Positive", was written by Johnny Mercer and performed by Jack Sheldon. Forty-two episodes were broadcast in the United States over two seasons from 1991 to 1993. TV Guide, Abigail Van Buren, and fans showed determination in getting ABC to continue the show for a third season before it was cancelled.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Strange Luck is an American television series, starring D. B. Sweeney in the role of Chance Harper, a freelance photographer afflicted with a bizarre tendency to always be in the wrong place at the right time. As Chance himself says, "If I go to a restaurant, somebody chokes. If I walk into a bank, it gets robbed." Harper's strange luck began when, as a small child, he was the sole survivor of a plane crash that killed everyone else aboard, including both of his parents.
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Projetée à travers un miroir magique, Virginia va se laisser entraîner dans une folle aventure, dans une réalité où fées et sorcières côtoient lutins, princes et autres créatures incroyables. Le prince Wendell White, transformé en chien par sa méchante belle-mère le jour de son couronnement, compte sur l'aide de Virginia pour récupérer son trône...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek
Barbara Gordon "Batgirl", paralysée des jambes après s'être fait tirer dessus par le Joker, s'est spécialisée dans les systèmes d'information sous le nom de code d'Oracle. Elle s'est entourée d'Helena Wayne "Huntress", la fille de Batman et Catwoman, et de la fille de Black Canary, Dinah Lance, afin de combattre le crime dans les rues de Gotham City. Face à elle, le docteur Harleen Quinzel, autrefois assistante du Joker sous le nom d'Harley Quinn.