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Deset u pola

Deset u pola

Aug 13, 2021
Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking for the best kebabs in town, a harmless gesture causes the disintegration of the business and private lives of several people.
Cirkus Columbia

Cirkus Columbia

Jul 23, 2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991. After the fall of the communists, Divko Buntić, who has lived in exile in Germany for the past twenty years, returns to the village where he grew up, intent on reclaiming ownership of his family home, driving a swanky Mercedes and accompanied by his young bride; by Bonny, his lucky black cat; and with pockets full of money.


Aug 11, 2009
A girl – while taking a walk through the centre – discovers something very strange about the people of Sarajevo. They seem like lifeless ’zombies’, they only come alive for a few seconds to perform a little scene written down for them. She takes it as a joke first and fools around until she comes across someone with a paper: „Kill her!” written on it.
Muzej prekinutih veza

Muzej prekinutih veza

Aug 12, 2009
A broken relationship. A weekend in a city of love. A mixture of passion, hate, loneliness and revenge in an attempt to forget the things that hurt and keep the things that make it all count.


Aug 14, 2018
Edina is a playful story about a one night stand of a writer and his own creation. Due to their adventures the writer losses his superpower for being able to change the character and the story and can’t get away from his perfect women character any more.
Nakon ljeta

Nakon ljeta

Aug 16, 2024
The story of a young woman who, in search of her roots on a small island, experiences an unexpected romance in late summer, which evolves into a tale of acceptance, forgiveness, and love towards others, towards the island, and most importantly, towards herself.
Neke druge priče

Neke druge priče

Jul 18, 2010
The film is a high-concept project with five stories exploring the themes of motherhood and pregnancy, directed by women filmmakers from five former Yugoslav republics. “Croatian Story” follows an anguished painter who must decide whether or not to keep one of her unborn twins, diagnosed with Down syndrome. “Serbian Story” finds an expectant mother in the same emergency room with a charming killer. “Bosnia-Herzegovina Story” centers on a financially strapped Sarajevo family whose son?s lover is pregnant. “Macedonian Story” unfolds in a clinic where a drug addict struggles to keep her baby, and “Slovenian Story” ends the omnibus on a humorous note with a nun who finds her own way to immaculate conception.
Au pays du sang et du miel
Alors que la guerre fait rage en Bosnie, Danijel et Ajla se retrouvent dans des camps opposés malgré ce qu’ils ont vécu. Danijel est un soldat serbe et Ajla une prisonnière bosniaque retenue dans le camp qu’il surveille. Pourtant, avant le conflit, l’un et l’autre partageaient d’autres sentiments. C’était une autre vie, avant la barbarie, avant que cet affrontement ethnique violent ne prenne leur futur en otage. A nouveau face à face dans cet épouvantable contexte, leur relation devient complexe, ambiguë, incertaine. La guerre a miné leur lien. Voici leur histoire, bouleversante, écrasée par l’effroyable poids qu’une guerre fait peser sur des gens simples qu’aucun pouvoir politique ne semble vouloir sauver.
Next Level

Next Level

May 20, 2016
Un groupe de joueurs en ligne est invité à tester un jeu vidéo dernier cri en réalité virtuelle. Ce sont leurs propres vies qui seront en jeu.
Mort à Sarajevo

Mort à Sarajevo

May 12, 2016
Alors que l’Hotel Europe accueille une importante délégation de diplomates réunis pour le centenaire du début de la Première Guerre Mondiale, les employés préparent une grève. L’hôtel devient le théâtre d’un conflit social, idéologique et politique et les tensions menacent dangereusement de perturber le dîner de gala.
Les hommes, ça ne pleure pas
Un simple exercice en groupe tourne immédiatement à la bagarre. Des vétérans de Bosnie, de Serbie et de Croatie se trouvent réunis dans un hôtel de montagne, isolé du reste du monde, et ils sont tous pleins de rage. Après cet épisode, le Croate Andrija quitte la pièce, fulminant, le refus de son compatriote Valentin d’adhérer au discours nationaliste dominant dans leur pays est pour lui une aberration – dans leur pays ou l’un des deux autres, en fait, car seule la nationalité change : le mode de pensée, développé par endoctrinement, est identique.


Jan 01, 2011
Being away for many years, Amir returns to Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to take custody of his parent's remains. They were murdered during the war but their bodies haven't been recovered so far. Amir also decides to visit the place of his birth. There, besides a ruined house, he also finds a forgotten friend and those who know about him more than he knows about himself.
Ništa, samo vjetar

Ništa, samo vjetar

Sep 25, 2017
What is the true phrase? Heart is where the home is? Home is where the heart is? Bajo (37) is Bosnian-born Swede. After 18 years he has to visit his hometown. Against his will, Sarajevo is changing him. But that does not make him less Swedish or more Bosnian, just more himself. Or simply, home is where you are.
The Package

The Package

May 15, 2019
After many years in Paris, Damir, professional saxophonist, returns to Sarajevo for a unique concert. One of his friends asked him to bring a gift to her best friend, Elma, who is waiting for Damir with surprises...
Pun mjesec

Pun mjesec

Nov 30, 2019
A police officer Hamza has to work that night even though his wife has gone into labour, because the police are short-staffed. To make everything worse, it seems that people showing up at the station have decided to prove the old belief about the mysterious powers of the full moon and its influence on human behaviour. In the course of that one night, representatives of all the absurdity and tragedy of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina parade through the station and somehow help Hamza get ready for a new life.
La Voix d'Aïda

La Voix d'Aïda

Feb 26, 2021
Srebrenica, juillet 1995. Modeste professeure d'anglais, Aida vient d'être réquisitionnée comme interprète auprès des Casques Bleus, stationnés aux abords de la ville. Leur camp est débordé : les habitants viennent y chercher refuge par milliers, terrorisés par l'arrivée imminente de l'armée serbe. Chargée de traduire les consignes et rassurer la foule, Aida est bientôt gagnée par la certitude que le pire est inévitable. Elle décide alors de tout tenter pour sauver son mari et ses deux fils, coincés derrière les grilles du camp.
Te mračne noći

Te mračne noći

Feb 23, 2021
Besieged Sarajevo, 1993, Haska (28) finds a love letter in her husband’s pockets after his death on the frontline. She tries to understand what has happened and eventually decides to leave Sarajevo with her son Denis (9).
Znam kako dišeš

Znam kako dišeš

Dec 03, 2023
A single mother of a teenager in the midst of a divorce, Nevena Murtezic struggles to balance her life between her 17-year-old son, Dino, and a job constantly under pressure from politics and the public.


Mar 13, 2024
Inspector Edib and Mido are called to investigate a dead body in the National Museum, but when the body disappears from the crime scene they are led into a web of corruption and international crime.


Oct 24, 2022
After discovering a dead body in the National Museum, Inspector Edib and Mido are called to the crime scene. But the disappearance of the body and the hidden motives of the Museum lead them to a web of corruption and international crime.