When a group of filmmakers trek deep into the woods to investigate a missing persons case, they inadvertently start a chain of events that lead to horrific consequences.
Bobby est le plus fort des hérissons de toute la tribu. Cependant, lors d'un combat avec "Tie Tui", il perd la mémoire . Commence alors un grand voyage où il apprendra ce qu'est le travail d'équipe et l'amitié. Mais un complot menace tous les animaux... Bobby et ses nouveaux amis vont devoir s'unir pour lutter contre ce nouvel ennemi.
In the year 2050, a large asteroid collided with our moon. Among the debris, we discovered a hibernating alien mothership. Now, the Kharn are awake and they want to plunder our precious natural resources. So, we recruited teams of special operatives to defend Earth from their alien threat. They are.. THE FINAL FACTION!