A reclusive lighthouse worker accepts the offer to swap jobs with a police inspector for a while, just to help him catch Teston, the so-called criminal of criminals.
A female photographer from Western Europe drives through Poland and stops in a village. By chance, her eye is caught by the arrival of a wedding party. This marks the point of departure for several stories which unfold during the course of the wedding.
During World War 2 a doctor, patiently waiting for the liberation and unwilling to engage in the struggle against the Nazis is forced at a gunpoint by a Polish Resistance soldier to attend to the members of her squad.
Jozef vient voir son père en traitement dans un sanatorium, où le Dr. Gotard entretient une très mystérieuse atmosphère. Une porte allégorique garde l'entrée du lieu ; dès qu'on la franchit, on pénètre dans un monde de fantaisie issu du subconscient.
To secure their team's success, dedicated football fans (Boleslaw Plotnicki, Mieczyslaw Czechowicz) plot to kidnap their opponents' star player (Andrzej Kopiczynski).