Roger Leenhardt

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Une femme mariée

Une femme mariée

Dec 04, 1964
Charlotte est l'épouse d'un pilote de ligne, Pierre. Elle a pour amant Robert, un acteur. Le temps d'une journée, les événements vont se précipiter. Elle voit Pierre, qui lui présente un humaniste, Roger Leenhardt ; apprend qu'elle est enceinte mais ignore qui est le père ; et retrouve Robert dans un hôtel où ils parlent longuement de théâtre et d'amour. Pour Charlotte l'heure des grandes décisions a sonné…
L'homme qui aimait les femmes
Bertrand travaille dans une entreprise d'aérodynamisme. Il est autant amoureux des femmes que de l'idée même de la femme. Pour lui, toutes les femmes sont uniques et irremplaçables. Elles sont à la fois l'œuvre de sa vie, son inspiration artistique et la cause de sa mort. Mais si Bertrand est un amoureux insatiable, c'est que deux profondes blessures sont restées en lui. Celle que lui a causé une mère distante et froide, tout d'abord, et dont il ne parviendra jamais à se faire aimer. Et puis celle que lui a infligée Véra en le quittant. Depuis que Véra est partie, Bertrand erre de femme en femme, les collectionnant pour ne pas s'y attacher. Au fil du temps, il se souvient de toutes les femmes qu'il a rencontrées. Il compose un livre à partir de tous ses souvenirs.
Le rendez-vous de minuit
Traces the development of the animated cartoon from a 19th-century children's toy to modern Disney cartoons. Includes a complete animated show as it would have looked in the 1890s.
Les Dernières Vacances
Traces the development of the animated cartoon from a 19th-century children's toy to modern Disney cartoons. Includes a complete animated show as it would have looked in the 1890s.
Le rendez-vous de minuit
Traces the development of the animated cartoon from a 19th-century children's toy to modern Disney cartoons. Includes a complete animated show as it would have looked in the 1890s.
Naissance du cinéma

Naissance du cinéma

Aug 02, 1946
The prehistory of the cinema as we know it today, with its great inventors: Marey, Muybridge, Reynaud, Edison, the brothers Lumière and their great inventions: the kinetoscope, the praxinoscope, the chromophotograph, the film camera.


Jan 01, 1951
Balzac is a 1951 short documentary film by French director Jean Vidal. It is a biopic on the work, life, and loves of the French playwright and novelist Honoré de Balzac, his evolution as a writer and how his individual works fit into the design of La Comedie Humaine. The film was nominated for an Academy Award in 1952 and won first prize for best director at the Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival the same year.


Dec 31, 1950
A short documentary about the construction of the parisian subway in the 50s.
Naissance du cinéma

Naissance du cinéma

Aug 02, 1946
The prehistory of the cinema as we know it today, with its great inventors: Marey, Muybridge, Reynaud, Edison, the brothers Lumière and their great inventions: the kinetoscope, the praxinoscope, the chromophotograph, the film camera.
Naissance du cinéma

Naissance du cinéma

Aug 02, 1946
The prehistory of the cinema as we know it today, with its great inventors: Marey, Muybridge, Reynaud, Edison, the brothers Lumière and their great inventions: the kinetoscope, the praxinoscope, the chromophotograph, the film camera.
Les Dernières Vacances
The prehistory of the cinema as we know it today, with its great inventors: Marey, Muybridge, Reynaud, Edison, the brothers Lumière and their great inventions: the kinetoscope, the praxinoscope, the chromophotograph, the film camera.
L'Amour autour de la maison
In an isolated house, in Brittany, live two sisters around whom gravitate a whole series of strange characters. Between the eruption of the vagrant voyeur and that of the couple in love, the youngest kills her eldest and goes mad.
Le rouge

Le rouge

Jun 30, 1967
Short documentary film on and around the color red
New Ways for Old Morocco
This documentary short shows how a dry, semi-barren piece of desert that had been the object of conflict between two neighboring tribes in Morocco can be transformed by modern farming methods--including irrigation canals, mechanized forms of planting and harvesting--and can result in peace and cooperation between the two tribes instead of war.